The Cycle: Frontier

The Cycle: Frontier

57 ratings
PVP GUIDE V.2 (The guide you didn't know you needed)[updated][newvid]
By HorizonZ3_YT

this is coming from perspective from someone with 5000hrs of tarkov. people have complained a lot how this game is impossible as solo or in general.
just going into some basic pointers and make it easy to understand..

step 1
[solo] - in every single game there is meta way to move
[Wear a tactical helmet] keep a strong REGULAR chest but wear the helmet that helps your stamina.
sprint as soon as your stamina is full and make sure you dont gas your stam bar and always look for cover that you would slide bhop and sprint with your knife out

step 2
get use to your movement drop 100 times and just get experience dying and moving as fast as you can

step 3
use the skills you learn with step 1 with fighting as solo you need to sneak, creep, and when its time to move you need to move time and place is everything. here some pvp rules i follow

1. if someone looks at you and sprays you down and you have ar or smg don't spray back instantly pull your knife slide jump any direction to cover and instantly heal or even return fire from a different angle if they don't see you ( when you spray someone with any automatic who seen you at the same time your basically betting 50/50 on the fight

2. running from a fight. cant tell you how many time i get to 1hp and i run for my life with my knife out and escape from a sweaty 3man.
when your chasing some1 or being and chased keep in mind when you aim on gun your stam regens really slow. so someone is really sweaty they will chase you without even aiming when they get the chance cuhz if they try to aim trace you after they sprint there sprint bar wont recover normally instead insanely slow

3.get used to throwing grenades & sniping [this skill is KEY TO FIGHTING SQUADS]
if your bring in nades Use them even if you don't kill players at first you'll get used to how far they go and will naturally know when to use them when a player is holding a angle on you or getting pushed by multiple ppl
SNIPING in this game is insanely easy to do even up-close if you crack someone in chest with sniper or head switch to your secondary to finish them up-close or even just snipe them 2 times but done forget rule one with the sniper!

4. ALWAYS be moving and since your not gassing your stamina bar when you ever get shot you need to slide left or right from the direction and its more like a evasive reaction then use rocks, bushes, trees, cave, and even roofs to get a head shot angle or if your low health hide from people.

5. always bring 500-1000 ammo 15 stims and 1-2 gernades if you have stockpile you can buy them but its not really budget if you don't got gernades distance down.

okay a hope this helps a few peeps my last and final advice is read your attachments some look the same but arnt and the basic smg is the worst weapon in game i mean worst don't get mad at it just don't use it budget kit can hit really hard especially if your using sniper as secondary

1 page all you need

my second video bout to drop 7/3/22 and the pvp is way more intense

check out my 3rd video out now
zeo1337 7 Feb, 2023 @ 7:00pm 
Everything I learned from this guide :D

-Don't gas my stam bar

-Get use to dying experience

-Escape from sweaty 3man cuhz if they try to aim trace you after they sprint there sprint bar wont recover normally instead insanely slow

-Done forget rule one with the sniper

-Since your not gassing you need to slide

-Its not really budget if you don't got gernades distance down.

-Budget kit can hit really hard especially if your using sniper

-Link a video that doesn't show anything discussed in the guide
Hank 1 Dec, 2022 @ 12:39pm 
I just play sneaky freaky and evade, i only engage when i absolutely have too. Making out with the loot you find is more important than pvp and pve.
Feli0 24 Nov, 2022 @ 12:10pm 
Man fuck this sweaty cod BS just be smart when you play and don't do dumb suit like staying out of cover when they clearly have the drop on you 23 Oct, 2022 @ 7:18am 
Gorgeyous 23 Jul, 2022 @ 6:11pm 
If this game had 2 or 3 more really fleshed out maps in the flow it could be goty easy
Ith 13 Jul, 2022 @ 12:21pm 
any way to disable pvp?
MattDamon 6 Jul, 2022 @ 1:04am 
OP, you need to add some more punctuation in here. Each paragraph is a single sentence, wtf. This shit was hard AF to get through
SajuWu 5 Jul, 2022 @ 11:20pm 
Now I need to know how to aim. Thanks!
HorizonZ3_YT  [author] 3 Jul, 2022 @ 1:36pm 
Bo i have 100hrs that video is from my first raids in season 0 in my 3rd video you see my movement flow
Bo Peep#lastdance 2 Jul, 2022 @ 12:12pm 
Are you on controller ur movement is so wack lmao