Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

99 lượt đánh giá
How to be a toxic DBD player
Bởi Wazaaaaa
Hello, traveler, I've seen you've came across my guide, let me teach you the ways and secrets of the art called "Toxicity" in this wonderful game Dead By Daylight. If you are interested you're welcome to read this, either out of interest or boredom. This guide is for survivor mains and killers!
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Hello, traveler, welcome to my class of Dead By Daylight, I've noticed you're new around here, or just pretending to be. If you've came here I'm sure you're interested in learning the ways of the wholesome art of "toxicity" let me teach you, everything you must learn to be a disgrace to the whole community and ruin everyone's day just for your mood to rise.
The Basics
Of course, before we go deeper into the subject, you must first be prepared for what's to come, being a part of the toxic community is no easy task, and must not be taken as a joke. This is a life or death situation, soldier.
1. You must erase every emotion you have in your soul.
To be prepared, first you must not have any emotions towards the victims of your actions, no regrets, nothing. Feelings are a weakness you must get past, you want to feel better while seeing the world burn, this is the fuel of your actions, and the motivation to keep going.

2. Be consistent
You need to be aware that without error and trial, there won't be any succes, you must be ready to fail to make it up to the top, if the victim is being toxic back to you do not feel intimidated, show that you're not scared, and fight for your spot, show him or her who's the real toxic one here. Keep trying until you dominate a victim, and use it as fuel to start with a new one. This is your life now.

3. Be aware of your actions.
This is the most important thing you must always focus on, this is also a warning, doing this will not just make you feel better, but might also make you feel worse, after doing this, there won't be any path back out of the darkness you've just fell in. You will ruin people's experience, fun, you will be alone your entire life, your friends will leave you, nothing will be the same. You will lock yourself in the house and keep doing this over and over again like a sweat you are. If you do not want this to happen, I suggest you to back off now, traveler. This is no place for you. If you wish to continue, let me guide you, to the wholesome realm of "toxic fog players".
Lesson 1: Survivor Behaviour
Welcome, soldier, to the first lesson of this course, if you've made it this far it means you've acknowledged the basics of it, and still jumped into the fog despite of the warning.

Here, I will teach you how you must behave in matches as a survivor, and what you must do to be a great example of "toxic player". You must compete with others and be the one to rule this realm. You do not allow anyone else to be toxic back to you, you understand me?

1. Flashlight.
First things first, you must always bring a flashlight into the realm, you need to have this tool into your hands, without it you will never succeed in becoming the greatest toxic player this community will ever know. The higher the rarity the better, if I'd be you I'd bring a purple flashlight with battery addons.

Now that you have a flashlight, one of the bests, you must learn how to use it properly, we do not want it to fall into the wrong hands.

First, you must learn how to annoy people with it, and it's easier than you think, all you have to do is "clicky clicky" on killers, just spam the flashlight towards them to annoy them and make them chase you for the entire match, of course you must also know what you're doing and have the ability to hold a chase for 5 gens while also making sure you escape with your wonderful teammates. Do not forget to give him a "clicky clicky" goodbye at the end of the match, when you're safe at the exit gate, he will gladly remember it for atleast 1 week, you've made yourself known, congrats soldier!

2. Crouching.

This one is coming great in combination with the flashlight. You must always spam crouch in front of killers, every pallet stun you get or every safe vault you get, or even a flashlight save, every moment of your succes in the trial, must be celebrated by a warm crouch spam in front of the killer, to remember him he's performing worse than ever. Do this and do the flashlight tip and you will surely make a great friend.

3. Loud Notifications

The killer has had enough of you, and started ignoring you for the rest of the trial? It seems like he doesn't even acknowledge your existance anymore? He's got fed up of your warm actions, no problem my friend, this is where Loud Notifications come in clutch! If he's managing to ignore you, his ears will surely not! Keep making loud notifications with every opportunity you have, spam medium vaults near him, spam fast locker actions, keep breaking gens over and over again, keep failing healing skill checks, every loud notification must be used. Make that killer DC and regret he has ears! Use everything as a window to succeed on your way. The environment is your friend, let your imagination flow and feel free to play around to see how can you become more annoying.

4. Solo queue player.

Let be honest, we all know you're a solo queue player, you do not have friends to play this game with, and that's okay, there's no reason to feel sad about it, I'm alone too. Let use this to your advantage, you will never be in fault for any loss you will get in the trials, why not make 4 friends at the end of the trial instead of just 1? Try to have fun, let your teammates die, and focus on that sweet hatch escape just for you buddy! You've come along alone, now you must also escape alone. With that being said, let get to the next part of this lesson, end-game chat!

5. End-game Chat

For this, you must be ready, you must know what you have to say, and I can help you with this one myself!

If you escape with your teammates, you must remember the killer how bad he is to have focused on you so much that he didn't get either you or any of your teammates, influence your teammates to join you in this toxicity realm!

If you die and your teammates dies, that's not a problem, blame everyone and everything, remember soldier, absolutely never it's your fault, it's theirs, flame everything into the chat and trash everyone in the trial. Nobody is your friend and shall no one get your forgiveness.

If you let your teammates die but you've managed to escape you must celebrate this! Trash everyone again, but this time remind them of how great you are for being able to escape while they rest, in the trial, sacrifice being fed to the entitiy. And also remind the killer that he could not get you and you get to live another day!

There's much to discover, this is what I personally have for you to learn as a survivor main and as a disgrace to the whole community, you're doing great, keep up!
Lesson 2: Killer Behavior
If you thought all of this is just for my survivor main friends, you're wrong, this guide is for you too, a killer main ready to fuel your evil thoughts and toxicity to a whole new level!

Of course, personally as a survivor main, I cannot help you too much, but I'm sure I can provide some information to atleast get you started!

1. Choosing your killer.

Now, to begin you must choose your favorite killer, or even better the most broken ones, personally I suggest "The Twins", even I hate it so it's perfect, it's made just for you my friend, will make it great with your toxicity desires! This killer is hated a lot by the community, so this will help you be remembered for sure! And you will know another great day has passed and other people's mood has been lowered!

2. Make memories!

For this, I suggest bringing a Memento every match you can, the higher the quality the better, you must make sure you get as many memories as possible, to remember yourself how great you are, you've just destroyed 4 survivors to the ground, well done, soldier! Add them to your photo album and show your kids who you used to be, and teach them too your ways, maybe you will even make out a better teacher than me, who knows!

3. Nod your head to their disappointment!

Of course, this one should be a thing everyone should know without myself mentioning it, but it's worth bringing it here, add salt to their injuries, forgive nothing in your way! Everytime you down a survivor, look down to them and nod your head slowly, after that put them on the hook, hit them as they scream and remember, nod your head even more! After that go find your next victim and do the same, it's never too much!

4. Perks

On your path to a easy 4K to brag about to your imaginary friends and even to your victims is your perks! They are an important tool to help you, personally I recommend looking for meta perks, I'm sure you will find meta builds all over the internet to help you, and also to choose which one fits you best, but what do I suggest is never leave NOED out of your build, you must have a backup plan to destroy their hopes, never let them know your next move! Always remember this.
Outro / End of The Line.
Congrats soldier, you've completed my lessons I've prepared for you and you've been promoted to an official Toxic Veteran, well done! I'm so proud of you, let me drop a toxic tear for you! Show them what you're built off now, and join the dark side!

If this has helped you in any way, traveler, all I ask is for the basic Rate and Favorite! It would help me a lot.
Also this is my first guide, so it isn't perfect but slowly I'll learn, I promise!

Or if you feel good and have some spare Steam Points, I'd gladly take an award!

*This guide was made at the mid of the night, out of boredom, and it is not intended to be used in any bad way, however it is your choice to take this as a funny guide to read or actual helpful one, myself I'm not one of those toxic people so I'm sure I've missed a lot of information, if you have suggestions on what should I add, leave it in comments, I'll gladly look forward to it, remember to have fun and to smile!*
17 bình luận
F͢͢͢okͥSiͣkͫ 😼 29 Thg09, 2022 @ 5:20am 
Rate and award my artwork please
Wilma Cokfit 29 Thg06, 2022 @ 12:55pm 
lol also make -rep to peoples profile like it matters because they are salt xd
chvd 29 Thg06, 2022 @ 9:26am 
someone is mad XD vvvvvvv
Kryptic 28 Thg06, 2022 @ 10:01pm 
Dumb idiot guide maker who dosnt know what tunneling is, or either does but posts -REPS on profiles cus they so sad that they didnt at all get hook camped or tunneled, that the killer (me) only went after uninjured, or the save, and didnt at all camp. Guys makes guides on how to be toxic because it comes naturally too him, because hes a sad small testo, mini ball bag maggot, gg
Bark For Me 28 Thg06, 2022 @ 6:00pm 
this man needs to make some friends like right now
EnvySevenDeadlySins 28 Thg06, 2022 @ 11:38am 
Lets not forget how to end a toxic players life with one perk called franklins demise lots of salt and dcs
JI06CT3P 28 Thg06, 2022 @ 11:17am 
Well thats porfessional
IchBinDanny 27 Thg06, 2022 @ 9:09am 
very helpful
GlowSticks 26 Thg06, 2022 @ 6:20pm 
Also 9 times out of 10 the toxic player is going to use a pride flag. I recommend that if you play killer and see survivors with pride flags then you play as sweaty and toxic as possible, and if you're a survivor and the killer has pride flags either disconnect or play as toxic as possible.
Wazaaaaa  [tác giả] 26 Thg06, 2022 @ 7:25am 
Thanks everyone for the support! :steamthis: