20 Minutes Till Dawn

20 Minutes Till Dawn

302 valoraciones
100% Achievement Guide
Por Clicky Crisp y 1 colaboradores
100% achievement guide.
There are 29 achievements.
  • Character achievements:... 11
  • Weapon achievements:... 8
  • General achievements:... 5
  • Hard achievements:... 5

  • Achievements do not work in quickplay mode.
  • "Hard" achievements can be done any difficulty.
Character Achievements
Survive Darkness 15 with Shana.

Survive Darkness 15 with Diamond.

Survive Darkness 15 with Scarlett.

Survive Darkness 15 with Hina.

Survive Darkness 15 with Spark.

Survive Darkness 15 with Lilith.

Survive Darkness 15 with Abby.

Survive Darkness 15 with Yuki.

Survive Darkness 15 with Luna.

Survive Darkness 15 with Hastur.

Survive Darkness 15 with Raven.
Weapon Achievements
Use the Revolver to survive Darkness 15.

Use the Shotgun to survive Darkness 15.

Use the Crossbow to survive Darkness 15.

Use the Flame Cannon to survive Darkness 15.

Use Dual SMGs to survive Darkness 15.

Use the Batgun to survive Darkness 15.

Use the Magic Bow to survive Darkness 15.
General Achievements
Survive the full 20 minutes.

Survive the night on Darkness 1.

Survive the night on Darkness 5.

Survive the night on Darkness 10.

Survive the night on Darkness 15.
Hard Achievements
These ones are all achievable on any difficulty.

On the Edge
Survive the night with 1 Max HP at the end.
I recommend Darkness 1. (For extra XP)
You can also try and get "Nimble" in the same run and aim to survive without getting hit.
I recommend using Hina with shotgun and make sure to select "Tome of speed" and "Tome of power" to reduce your max health.

Survive the night without getting hit.
As mentioned above, you can do this in the same run as "On the Edge".

Hina's dash is good to avoid hitting enemies.
The best builds will typically either prioritise Summon Mastery or Mini Clip. Grab 'Holy Shield' because it will block a hit when it's active and still counts.

Gotta Catch 'Em ALL
Survive the night with 8 summons at the end.
You can use Shana to get the "Specialize" upgrade from one of the three mini bosses. This will triple the effect of the next upgrade you take. Then use Specialize on a summon such as dagger, ghost, dragon or bug, then gradually unlock the rest normally.

You can also cheese it and just survive as Lilith as her spirit ability counts every spirit as a summon. The runes "Seismic Ward" and "Gun Glyph" also count.

Survive the night without firing your gun.
I recommend Hina with grenade launcher. (Her right click clone will do as much damage as the gun you pick.) Prioritise dragon first. Then daggers, ghost, magic lens, glare, movement ect.
See below for ideal runes. (You don't need to be maxed, just level what you can.)

Survive with Abby and Grenade Launcher using only Abby's special ability to fire.
Prioritise gun and reload upgrades. Bullet speed upgrades also increase grenade distance, helps prevent suicide.
Build into Death Rounds and Gun Mastery and get Tome of Rage as soon as possible.
Note: Abby's ability is random directions but purchasing the Splitfire upgrade (Shooting a bullet behind you) will give you one bullet to fire where you want. Good early game.
55 comentarios
Stain 12 DIC 2024 a las 9:50 
Use Dasher to get to darkness 15
And use summon builds which auto kills the entire screen for every class
Bones 30 NOV 2024 a las 18:22 
@Nebula Caster is correct. This guide should recommend Dasher for "On The Edge", that RNG was a pain.
Nebula Caster 2 NOV 2024 a las 20:03 
For "On The Edge", I found this one easiest with Dasher. She only has 2 max HP, so you only need to rely on RNG for one of the tomes that knocks off one max HP. She also is indestructible while in her deer form, which makes it way harder to kill you for a good chunk of the run.

Tried this after failing to get both tomes for several runs with Spark and other 3 health characters, but got it on the first run with Dasher. Thought I would share for anyone else having the same problem.
Nordeck 28 SEP 2024 a las 10:27 
Another tip is when going for Reckless or Pacifist - summons do not count as guns and can be used for both cheevos.
OPIUM 3 FEB 2024 a las 5:10 
I just want to leave some tips for the future people who come here.
Watering Gun is without a doubt, if not the best, one of the most best guns you have in-game.
Diamond is also, one of the best characters of the game (for ME the best).
Mix both, and you can easily get some of the achievements.
Georgie_Ghoul 11 OCT 2023 a las 23:47 
This is considered a 'guide'? A copy paste of the achievements themselves? Crazy.
Noodle_Bean 23 JUL 2023 a las 3:28 
thx mate
Lord Marshmal 9 JUL 2023 a las 19:35 
For Reckless, it's also a good idea to run Blast Shield in Temple, since not only does that give her immunity to her own explosions, but it also makes her immune to both exploding enemy types' explosions (contact damage can still occur though)
っLunauticalっ 29 JUN 2023 a las 8:30 
Just wanted to add that with the Deer character, it still counts as pacifist.
Stuff 10 MAY 2023 a las 14:52 
Is that THE ClickyCrisp?!