Bloons TD 6

Bloons TD 6

141 ratings
How to be a Capitalist in BTD6
By Randomplayer
A guide for players looking to get more cash during the typical game of BTD6, with an open mind towards a bit of capitalism.
Step 1: Buy the Game
Although optional, there's a good chance that many of these methods will not work without a copy of Bloons TD 6.

Step 2: Literally Grow the Money LOL
By far, the easiest way to get money in-game is through the Banana Farm tower. This tower exists to gain money through many forms, like:
  • The basic tower, which gives bananas that can be picked up for cash
  • The top upgrade path, which increases the amount of bananas dropped every round
  • The middle path, which stores money in a bank, gains interest over time, and can be upgraded to give you a loan of money (which you do have to pay back, there's no option for fraud here :sadge:
  • The bottom path, which gets rid of the interactive aspect of the tower in favor of passive income.
Using this well (and by that I mean putting them in every pixel of the map that can hold a Banana Farm, trust me bro you don't need other towers the bloons will see how hard the grindset is and just pop themselves automatically, my dad works at Ninjakiwi so I know this stuff) will assure that you have the money to upgrade or buy anything you need, drastically increasing your chances of success.
You need Banana Farms, get more Banana Farms, upgrade them all, embrace money.
Step 3: Book a DJ, Caterer, or Regular Dude With a Computer
Benjamin is one of the heroes that you can use in BTD6, carrying a question that comes to almost every player who sees him in the hero menu:

Hold on, this one doesn't attack people?

Quickly, they learn that instead of fighting on the frontlines, Benjamin prefers to sit back and provide money for the player instead. This happens completely the same no matter what the skin being used is, but I recommend using the DJ Benjammin skin for the very funny voicelines:
  • YEET
  • Nice beach ball :troll:
  • #MorbiusSweep
  • Let's make some noise!
Really, the list goes on, but the real reason you'd pick Benjamin in any skin is his giant boost to income. At level 4, all bloons that spawn earn you an extra dollar, effectively giving you a popped layer for free every time a bloon spawns. He also generates money every round and can boost the money made by Monkey Banks (see the last step).
Step 4: Get Some Ca$h in the Ocean
The Monkey Buccaneer's bottom path is useful, thanks to not only the long range upgrades, but also the upgrade that lets it see and pop camo bloons. Even with those upgrades I doubt it'd be able to find my dad tho

But, the next three upgrades do something even better than the other two before it: They create a chain of capitalism that spreads through the waters like a plague. The merchantman and favored trades upgrade make a passive income every round, which can be done with any Monkey Buccaneer to further increase the income. You can easily fill up the entirety of the water for tons of favored trades monkeys and have the income of every one going each round, but the trade empire upgrade is a must to have on at least one of the Buccaneers. It increases the income, and increases the money earned by up to 20 other merchantmen by the number of merchantmen there are. And yes, that does count for favored trades merchantmen.

Use the money you've earned, buy some rum, you deserve it.
Step 5: The Forbidden Method
Legends have told of an event where a great evil will find this game, known only by the name feared by credit card companies everywhere:

Little Timmy.

Armed with his mommy's credit card, he will go to the power-up menu, select cash drop, and watch as the credit card's funds are burned into atoms for monkey money. As the monkey money is harvested, purchased cash drops shall rain from the sky. This extinction-level event will assure that Little Timmy's mommy will be in endless debt, at the cost of millions in cash to be spent on towers with only slight viability. Poorly placed paragons will be born from the ashes of mommy's money. Every ability that could be used will become available as tens of each monkey are placed into tier 4. Despite the frames being below 5, placing continues as freeplay is priming to begin. The bloons are defeated instantly by spammed towers, be it a MOAB, BAD, DDT, or even the dreaded regrow blues. Little Timmy has done it. He has won Bloons TD 6. The rounds increasing to the thousands, the house engulfed in flames from the famiily PC from the pure energy of Quincy's bow as it completely misses another bloon. Timmy's mom comes up to the blazing room, cluelessly seeking her credit card, only to be met with a flood of pain brought from the heat of the PC. Despite the heat being enough to cook Timmy's dinosaur chicken nuggets in mere seconds, Timmy plays on, upgrading towers and spamming power ups. The final round that the game could handle finishes, and the round counter shifts into a line of incomprehensible text.

"It is too late mother, I have become the True Sun God."

His mom watches in horror as she, along with the neighbors, family dog, the dad, a passing car, and her parents (who had made the mistake of coming to town for the weekend) are dragged into the room and absorbed into Timmy.

Timmy reaches tier 5.

Thanks for reading this guide!
I hope that everything that I've covered helps you when you're tight on cash during a game.
If you're playing Co-op, make sure to request money when you need it, and donate money when someone's tight on funds.

Have fun, and try not to let any bloons leak!

Pizza 26 May, 2024 @ 3:17pm 
░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ - - -
Just tank thoughts.
RyCoRobot 26 Dec, 2023 @ 3:05pm 
I think step 5 works fine ss long as it is not your credit card (Not my money not my problem)
elderfrumorn 12 Dec, 2023 @ 1:42pm 
░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ - - -
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elderfrumorn 12 Dec, 2023 @ 1:40pm 
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Ah_Nu_Cheeki_Breeki 8 Dec, 2023 @ 12:46pm 
This brought tears to my eyes how great Timmy went from Vladimir Lenin to Mr.Krabs respect to TImmy and his massive balls to spend other peoples money
Andy 10 Apr, 2023 @ 1:57pm 
am timmi
BardzBeast 13 Feb, 2023 @ 2:55pm 
The bloon trap is another great way. it eats all bloons that pass over it and gives you so much money so quick! only worth having 1 or 2 though as it has dimishing returns the more you put down
MonsterGoRAWR 3 Jan, 2023 @ 2:24pm 
timmy + me = absolute devastation
RacingDog 26 Dec, 2022 @ 11:32am 
timmy gets his friends (playing btd battles 2 and bloons pop respectively) and absorbs them, becoming vstg
木瓜团队256600836 18 Dec, 2022 @ 11:06pm 