Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

1,351 人が評価
First Person Camera v2.2.0
132.096 KB
2022年2月25日 0時40分
2022年8月14日 10時35分
12 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

First Person Camera v2.2.0

Cities: Skylines - First Person Camera mod v2.2

* Please refer to the GitHub[] page for change notes, source, discussions, etc.
* Please refer to the Wiki[] page for more comprehensive Guide.
* Consider submitting your issues or suggestions on the Issues[] page.

What's New
  • new Ground Clipping options: AboveRoad / SnapToRoad
  • new options to exclude certain targets in Walk-Through Mode:
  • introduce LookAhead (by kian.zarrin) (off by default)
* for more details, please refer to the change notes (Steam / GitHub).

This is an updated version for First Person Camera: Updated by tony56a

Quick Start Guide
* The following instructions are based on DEFAULT setting.
Free-Camera Mode
  • Enable the mod in Content Manager
  • After the game/editor starts, press ` "BackQuote" (to the left of "1") to toggle Free-Camera Mode.
  • Use mouse to rotate camera, "W/A/S/D" keys to move horizontally, and "PgUp/PgDn" to move vertically.
  • Press "E" to toggle Auto moving, which moves the camera forward automatically.
  • Press "Esc" or "BackQuote" to exit the mode.

Follow Mode
  • After clicking on any citizen, tourist, or driving vehicles, click on the button with a camera icon at the bottom right of the Info panel to enter Follow Mode.
  • The camera follows the view of the selected person/vehicle.
  • As in Free-Camera Mode, use keys and mouse to move/look around.
  • To save the current camera setting (position offset & angle) as the default, press \ "Backslash".
  • Press "Esc" or "BackQuote" to exit the mode.

Walk-Through Mode
  • Click on the button with camera icon below the in-game setting wheel button to bring up the Mod configuration panel.
  • Click "Start Walk-Through" to enter Walk-Through mode.
  • The camera randomly follows any person/vehicle.
  • Press "Esc" or "BackQuote" to exit the mode.

See Complete Guide []
人気スレッド 全て表示 (2)
2024年2月20日 2時42分
New Problems:
Francis • LUL
2022年10月11日 7時22分
Is this working still?
233 件のコメント
Will 2024年11月27日 7時13分 
For those still using this mod: In the 3 months since v3 below was released, we have fixed a number of bugs. We would appreciate it if you would try the following version and give us feedback. Thanks for your time!
Will 2024年10月12日 18時54分 
May use this instead: First Person Camera - Continued
JR896 2024年9月30日 8時41分 
If anyone is having issues with this version, I recommend you try the legacy version of this mod. Fixed all the issues I was having with this one. Also "Enhanced Zoom Continued" mod conflicts with this mod incase any of y'all were having issues with the UI not appearing after exiting first person mode in a vehicle. ACME uses the same function to zoom to ground level
Jogo Lobo 2024年8月17日 18時25分 
there is a bug sometimes pick camera for a pedestrian o veicle in they tag bar dont show or polices dont show for some reason, i quite sure they are related becouse when close mod dont happened again.
TurtleShroom 2024年7月1日 11時42分 

Where is the continued version?
Jakiplo 2024年5月9日 4時54分 
Someone made a "continued" version of this mod, containing varous bug fixes. Do the switch until this author updates once again
Tailslover43 2024年3月2日 6時27分 
This problem is probably not really common, but when you have a secon monitor on the right and you use the freecam and go to the right, the mouse exists the screen which makes it harder to navigate. Is the a solution to fix this?
charredsteak6 2024年2月9日 3時15分 
I have this weird issue with the first person mode where if a vehicle goes into a tunnel the camera snaps to the ground instead of follow the vehicle under the tunnel. Also happens with certain props, where the camera will jump upwards when it goes underneath it. Anyone know a fix for that? I’ve already tried to change the ground clipping setting in the options and got nothing.
mistermcd 2024年1月22日 22時53分 
Has anyone encountered as issue of the game just closing to desktop if using this mod? It worked well for a long time and just in the last few months, if I try going first person to follow a cim or vehicle, the game will crash after a few minutes. Sometimes, it is ok for a a few minutes, sometimes much less, so I have gotten into the habit of doing a save game before doing any following with this mod. Nothing helpful in the output log either. Tailing the log while the game crashes shows nothing. I have un-subbed and re-subbed.