Cities: Skylines
Оценок: 39
Airport Art Plinth
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877.961 KB
1 фев. 2022 г. в 15:20
Обновлений: 1 (просмотреть)
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Airport Art Plinth

What is art?

I'm not sure. My taste is very different to your taste so I'm not going to tell you what to put in your cities.

What I am going to do is give your airports a place where you can showcase your art and attract visitors to your airport.

It's a simple plinth. You can add whatever you like to it. It has an attractiveness score of 100 so it will provide a nice boost to your airport. You will just need to add what ever props you want to it.

It's also low poly and tiny file size so it won't stretch your PC RAM!

If you have the repaint mod you can even change the colour of it.

Have fun with it!
Комментариев: 1
BrowncoatTrekky 4 фев. 2022 г. в 7:09 
Interesting piece of art. Suggestion however. Import separately as prop and make it required. Then someone can always use BOB mod to replace with other artwork if they so choose. That said to add on top of it if plinth means stand... Suggest a taller stand embedded in asset with a plane prop on top and people can have option to replace that plane prop with another using the same mod.