PAGAN: Autogeny

PAGAN: Autogeny

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How to get the basic ending of the game PAGAN:AUTOGENY
Basic walkthrough to get the normal ending of the game PAGAN:AUTOGENY.
Basic Walkthrough of the basic ending
This guide is for those who want to experience the basic storyline quickly.

First, understand the game's main areas:

a. Starting Area
-contains ghost boss
-contains right arm
-contains armory and judgment card

b. Shrine behind ghost boss
-Gives world card after you submit the 4 boss cards
-Contains black crystal enemies which require pierce and can drop devil cards
-can only be accessed from behind ghost boss in starting area

c. Rainy forest
-Contains pistol, shotgun, and right leg (i think)
-Contains a ruin which is somehow related to the avatar - I haven't figured that out yet
-Contains skull boss (requires faith)
-car exit to red dungeon

d. Red dungeon
-Contains left arm (i think)
-Contains venus statue, behind which is tunnel to normal ending
-Car exit to rainy forest

e. Snowy forest
-contains dark tavern
-contains exit to ghost temple
-contains stonehenge
-contains sunken ship

f. Ghost Temple
-contains body assembly room
-contains head part
-contains ghost enemies
-contains shaman boss

g. Desert
-Contains many easy enemies which drop various cards, spears, cuirass, and swords
-Contains scarab boss
-contains left leg
-contains wormhole generator - don't know what this does

Next, the procedure:

1. Ignore the "labor voucher" items.

2. Understand the areas of the game. Generally, they refresh all monsters and items when you leave/re-enter.

3. Enter and leave the starting area repeatedly, going back and forth through the train tunnel, while taking the poetry, estrogen, and caffeine each time, until you have 10 in each.

4. Browse the areas, avoiding combat, until you acquire the sword, spear, and shotgun. The shotgun is probably the best weapon, and is found in the rainy town area, but the spear is good for tough enemies. The spear is randomly dropped by the enemies in the desert area.

5. "Farm" the desert area, killing any enemies you see, using speed, strength, or fortune cards , until you have 2 chariot cards and one or two of each of the others. Chariot boosts your speed by a lot. Drop any cards you don't need such as priestess or emperor.

6. Kill the 4 bosses. This includes Scarab Lord in desert. Shaman Boss in ghost temple, the TV Skull in the factory in the rainy town, and the Ghost Boss in the lower level of the starting area. Some may need +faith , +pierce, or +strength. Keep 1 of each of the rewards. Scarab lord is best done with a spear, and some +pierce and +faith. Stab him from above, then stab the flying beetles, then stab him some more. For ghost boss, get a lot of faith and circle strafe with shotgun. For shaman boss, get pierce and circle strafe with shotgun. For TV skull, faith and shotgun. by this point you should have 10+ in Murder. Each boss drops a unique loot card, take 1 of each of these.

7. Farm the black monsters in the large tunnel behind the shrine area behind the ghost boss. Stop when you get 2 devil cards. 2 devil cards + ranger cloak is top speed. This makes everything else easier.

8. Gather sets of right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg, and head. Assemble the statue near the entrance of the ghost temple. Each time you do it, it will give you about +3/4/5 to Body Forging. Then when you exit the building, the statue will rise above the stonehenge and you will be forced to reboot (although, it will save your progress). Repeat about 2 or 3 times until you have 10+ body forging.

9. Now go to the armory (represented by a gun on a wall in the tunnels near the starting area). The judgment cards here increase your damage (I think).

10. Now go to the circle area behind the ghost boss. hit interact on the pedestal to get a World card.

11. Now go to the stonehenge in the snowy forest. hit interact on the pedestal.

12. Now go do the body assembly again. The game will reboot (even though it says "do not reboot").

13. Now go to where the venus statue was in the red dungeon (The dungeon that connects the car and desert). There is a tunnel here. Explore and follow the path until you find the venus statue again, the hit interact.