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Crops Never Rot
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22 jan 2022 om 13:59
30 jun 2022 om 10:54
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Crops Never Rot

It sucks when you log in to a server and find all your farming efforts were in vain because too much time passed and everything is rotten. This mod aims to solve that problem by disabling that final stage, leaving all the crops in their "seed-bearing" stage or equivalent.


There's another mod with the same purpose (Farming Never Rot) but a lot of mods override it and I haven't managed to make it work. This mod takes another, more direct, approach and simply overwrites the rottenThis function, making it impossible for a crop to actually rot.


It should work with just about everything.
Tested with Snake's ModPack, Xnertot Farmable Trees, Mo' Crops and AnaLGiN's Renewable Food Resources (separately).

Other mods

Workshop ID: 2728416041
Mod ID: cropsNeverRot
44 opmerkingen
Kins Araujo 23 dec 2024 om 20:10 
b 42 update pls
Batman-[FR] 14 jun 2024 om 3:23 
Hello @this is a profile name
Thanks for your mod.
I noticed something strange in your code : why did you override everyHours the "SPlantGlobalObject:rottenThis" method ?
In fact you should only do this once at the start of the game isn't it ?
Morgan 28 mrt 2024 om 17:39 
May I add this to my modpack?
Lou Tenant 3 feb 2024 om 17:25 
After more testing it seems that Crops Never Rot could be part of the issues I described below, but the bigger issue causing problems with growth stages and sunflowers from MCST is due to disabling Ultimate Farming Patch mid-save. It seemed like everything, including this mod, played nicely together on a fresh save where I never enabled Ultimate Farming Patch, though I put Crops Never Rot at the bottom of my load order on that save just to be safe as well while testing it. So if you're using this mod, Farming Time, or MCST, either don't use Ultimate Farming Patch, or don't disable it mid-save if you already are using it (which sadly means no coffee/tea from Farming Time for that save for the time being)
Lou Tenant 3 feb 2024 om 16:00 
For anyone using this mod with Soul Filcher's Farming Time and/or more common seed types, I've been cataloging my debugging on Farming Time's comment section due to this mod interacting weird with corn from SFFT and sunflowers from MCST if you're not using the Ultimate Farming Patch (which I disabled due to it preventing coffee/tea seeds from being planted/growing to the next stage with Farming Time), so check out Farming Time's comments, if I'm able to find a solution to get everything playing nicely together without UFP to allow for coffee/tea planting it'll most likely be there, but also wanted to comment here to let people know if you're being spammed with errors from sunflowers with MCST and their info pane is just a small white box, or if your corn won't grow to the next stage with Farming Time, and you're not using UFP, this mod could potentially be the cause.
Roman 9 dec 2023 om 13:04 
Did some thorough testing. This mod needs some updates. Its been almost a full year. Hope it gets fixed!
Davetiger 23 okt 2023 om 12:37 
shooting a ton of errors and isn't working for us :/
Jack Sheppard 2 okt 2023 om 13:27 
doesn't work, any help?
Trithian Xiaxis 10 mei 2023 om 11:22 
The Kentucky Roleplay (KYRP) server will be including your mod on our next iteration. Our team would like to add your mod to a mod pack. We will credit you as the creator of the original mod. Our mod pack would not be public on the workshop.

Please let us know if we have permission to incorporate your mod in our mod pack.

We appreciate your time and the work you put into your mod.
KYRP Senior Admin Team
Isaac Clarke 24 jan 2023 om 15:25 
Okay, thank you for the reply, I searched the thread and I couldn't find an answer. Probably going to install it knowing that now.