Arma 3
56 vurderinger
Bundeswehr Waffenkammer (PBW)
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17.558 MB
25. dec. 2021 kl. 10:14
17. sep. 2024 kl. 14:13
3 ændringsbemærkninger ( vis )

Abonner for at downloade
Bundeswehr Waffenkammer (PBW)

As the second part of the Project Bundeswehr (PBW), Bundeswehr Waffenkammer aims to bring weaponry and armory related equipment into Arma 3. The vision is to fill in the gaps left by other Bunderwehr themed mods and focus on the more exotic parts of the german armies armory.

As such, the current features are:
  • DM51A1 hand grenade, with and without the fragmentation sleeve, functioning within the ACE3 fragmentation framework
  • DM51A1 transport box with ACE3 interactions
  • DM12 directional mine
  • ACE3 interaction to pass grenades to your buddies
It is not much at this point but there might be more content in the future.

How to use the grenade and mine
  • The fragmentation sleeve can be removed or added using the self interaction menu
  • The DM12 directional mine can be aimed by getting in the mine itself, placing the trigger and arming is done in the interaction menu

Known issues
  • The DM51A1 box LODs are broken beyond 5 meters
  • The DM12 directional mine might not deal realistic damage to vehicles from other mods
If you find more issues please report them in the GitHub Issue Tracker[].

  • GitHub[]
  • Herr_KaLeun (models, textures)
  • Timi007 (models, textures & configs)
  • Lemonberries (configs)

Bundeswehr Waffenkammer is licensed under Arma Public License No Derivatives (APL-ND)[]

Obviously the uniforms, vehicles and handheld weapons in the screenshots are not included in this mod.
19 kommentarer
Janne 13. dec. 2023 kl. 15:44 
Funktionieren die Mod Keys noch? Auf meinem Server kommt immer eine Fehlermeldung wenn man versucht zu joinen.
Evan 26. okt. 2022 kl. 9:32 
does this need ace or can it run without it? Awesome Mod
FreeBird0964 13. sep. 2022 kl. 20:01 
can i extract the grenades from this mod for my mod im developing?
Lakarak 27. dec. 2021 kl. 16:30 

classic adhd moment
TehF0cus 27. dec. 2021 kl. 1:30 
I swear, there is more work put into the workshop picture than into the mod itself, lol
[Nightflyer]CloudStage 26. dec. 2021 kl. 12:14 
Hat sich geklärt. Der Übeltäter war wie bei vielen mods aktuell... DZN Extended Jamming. Trotzdem danke fürs schnelle antworten. Und gute arbeit. Hab mir schon seit sehr langer zeit ne Parm gewünscht.
Груви Гринснак 26. dec. 2021 kl. 10:57 
The mod is pretty good and I appreciate any mod that isn't fasthelmetplatecarriermulticam but I think using 4k textures for hand grenades is pretty excessive.
Lemonberries  [ophavsmand] 26. dec. 2021 kl. 8:12 
Konnten wir so nicht reproduzieren, wir brauchen eine genauere Beschreibung der benutzten Mods und wie der Fehler zustandegekommen ist.
[Nightflyer]CloudStage 26. dec. 2021 kl. 7:11 
Hey wir nutzen den Mod in Zusammenhang mit dem Global Mobilization DLC. Sobald eine Parm explodiert hat der der die mine platziert hat keinen Zugriff auf Ace mehr. Ich weiß nicht ob das ganze bekannt ist. Wollte es dennoch mal hier anzeigen.
Herr_KaLeun  [ophavsmand] 25. dec. 2021 kl. 15:58 
Kommen die den nächsten zu feierlichen Anlässen raus? Könnte man ja auch zu Weihnachten schmücken!