Gaming with the boys
Uhhhh texture packs go brrt
アイテム (18)
Axolotl replaces Baby Shark pet
作成者 The Lamb
This texture pack changes the Shark Pup to an adorable Axolotl! It also changes the texts related to the Shark pup. It's concept is based on Minecraft axolotls were you can carry them in buckets! Credits to Melster for the Localization files. IMPORTANT If ...
Dryad Deer
作成者 Zilem
Changes the Dryad into a half deer (Warcraft Dryad) Now also have Dryad names (Requires her to spawn or respawn to take effect) Updated for Terraria: v1.4.4 Fazmaz made some Fan-art ^^ You can find my The rest of my Terraria Creations on the Terraria forum...
NONN's Buffs and Debuffs pack
作成者 NONN
WIP, this pack aims to resprite all the buffs and debuffs icons. I still work in this pack, but I dont have as much spare time, stuck in PET HELL 134 / 326....
Shiny Eevee Fennec Fox Pet
作成者 Takomochi
Turns fennec fox pet into a shiny eevee.(Exotic Chew Toy) The item Exotic Chew Toy's name will be changed to "Premier Ball" (Please, be aware that language packs don't work in tmodloader) Note : This tool tip only works with English and Spanish language. U...
Capri-Dust Dragon
作成者 Awful Samurai
Based on the Capricorn skin made by R-MK, this pack reskins the stardust dragon to resemble the Capricorn clothing set. Version 1.1 Update: Improved the look of the sprite as well as just visibility of the summon in general. Version 1.2 Update: Changed the...
Rings of Fire
作成者 Anarkin
'time to play with Fire!' a set of reskins for the 'FlameRing' aura of the Inferno Potion Available Variations: Base Variations: Inferno - the Default, Most-epic, Hella Lit, Complete Version Constellation - Less heavy variation composed of only the smaller...
Vine Boom Whip Sound Effect,
作成者 Circuit
Turns the Terraria Whip Sound Effect into vine boom...
Remastered Wall of Flesh
作成者 Voxlity
Imagine being a gigantic mass of flesh forced to crawl through a sea of hot magma. Ow. Ouch. Grotesque but faithful! I've been wanting to do this for a while, it's not the best but I felt the wall needed a facelift. Very much inspired by the flesh blocks. ...
Chinese Clothier
作成者 Uncle Badass
Replaces the Clothier's sprite with the Chinese Skeleton Merchant's sprite....
Capricorn Snake Tail
作成者 Sqyke
This pack's tail I consider outdated. I recommend checking out the newer tail I've made that also includes a retexture of the entire Capricorn set. Capricorn Set Rework Link! https://i.imgur.com/QAhryis.png If you are not getting that one, that's fine! You...
Axolotl Critters
作成者 The Lamb
English: This resource pack replaces the turtle critters to axolotls! They come in two variants: Leucistic (Forest Turtle) and Wild (Jungle Turtle). It also adds axolotl statues and beautiful axolotl aquariums! CONTENTS Two axolotl variants Axolotl Statue,...
Desk Dragon--Painterly Version (Broken)
作成者 Coping Kobold
Cats are overrated. The new hotness is a dragon lounging on your desk. This version of the pack features an alternate color palette that is more receptive to painting. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1861688073982297003/7AA0B4B4D9790489A28AC5FF4...
Journey Vanity and Furniture Pack
作成者 Coping Kobold
Journey by ThatGameCompany is my favorite game of all time, so when my friend Magmatic stopped working on her Journey texture pack I couldn't help but finish it. I may be the main contributor, but this pack is definitely their baby. Items: Red Cape: Journe...
Santa Hat NPCs
作成者 The Wise Willow
Gives most of the Town NPCs Santa hats. The Truffle, Tavernkeep, and Witch Doctor textures were too small to fit a Santa hat. (Also I didn't put a hat on the Tax Collector but that was on purpose.)...
Sickles - Redone VFX
作成者 Cype9k
Redone most of the sickle weapons's VFX to something more than just simple half circles/scythe sprites. Edits include: -Death Sickle -Demon Scythe -Ice Sickle...
Frozen Turtle Shell - Redone VFX
作成者 Cype9k
Replaces the small floating ice crystal VFX from the Frozen Turtle Shell, making it easier to tell when the buff's active....
Terragrim & Arkhalis - Redone VFX
作成者 Cype9k
Replaces both the Terragrim and Arkhalis's attack animation with a new one. In case the original didn't feel fast enough for you....
Deep Lord
"the moon lord rises from the depths of space. but it seems he has changed." List of changes: · redrawn Moon Lord (almost all sprites) · Redrawn minimap icon · Redrawn pet "Suspicious Looking Tentacle" author groooonz.carrd.co...