Subdivision Infinity

Subdivision Infinity

Ultio's Subdivision Infinity 100% Achievement Guide
由 Ultionys 發表
This guide aims to help you unlock all 13 achievements. It will be categorized this way : General tips, Mission Achievement, Exploration Achievements, Ships building Achievement and Other Achievements.

I wrote this guide from personnal experience, if you have any suggestion to improve this guide, please tell me !
General tips
  • You can set Game Difficulty to Easy (Main Menu -> Options -> Gameplay) if you're having some trouble.
  • You can upgrade your ships with only the craftables ones, don't need to buy the other ships
Campaign - Mission Achievement
Tough Contract Finish the game
This achievement will unlock after the last mission.
Campaign - Exploration Achievements
Demolisher Break 150 Asteroids
You'll get this achievement while getting the required components to craft the ships.

Explorer Find 20 containers in Exploration
You'll get this achievement while getting the required components to craft the ships.

Geologist Harvest more than 300 tons of Ore
You'll get this achievement while getting the required components to craft the ships.
Ships building Achievement
Prepared Evolve any ship
You can evolve your ship in the Hangar.

Apprentice Craft the "SS-Vertex"
You'll need to collect blueprints during the campaign missions and inside the crates of exploration phases. In order to detect those crates, you'll need to buy Probes from the shop.

Mechanic Craft the "Avalon V"
You'll need to collect blueprints during the campaign missions and inside the crates of exploration phases. In order to detect those crates, you'll need to buy the Probes from the shop.

Handyman Craft the "Tornado X"
You'll need to collect blueprints during the campaign missions and inside the crates of exploration phases. In order to detect those crates, you'll need to buy the Probes from the shop.

Craftsman Craft the "Supernova X"
You'll need to collect blueprints during the campaign missions and inside the crates of exploration phases. In order to detect those crates, you'll need to buy the Probes from the shop.
Other Achievements
War Dog Destroy 100 Fighters
You'll get it while completing the campaign. I unlocked this achievement during Act 2.

Wealthy Earn 500,000 Coins
You'll get it while completing the campaign. I unlocked this achievement during Act 5.

Panoplied Acquire all weapons
You'll get this achievement after having bought all weapons from the shop.