Boss 101
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Boss 101 Achievement Guide
Por Solrachio
An detailed guide to help you in your quest to complete this game's 32 achievements without trouble.
Hello! Welcome to this achievement guide, where i will tell you some helpful stuff to do all 32 achievements, tell you about certain achievements itens, among other stuff. This game can be kinda confusing at the start, but I'll try my best to help you with it.
Story-Related Achievements
Beat your first boss

The description is self explainable, however keep in mind that even for a first boss, it may take a while to defeat him since you are really weak without being upgraded.

Receive first visitor

After each level, you have a chance of receiving an visitor, seems to be RNG (Random Number Generator) which one appears after each stage.

The Briny Deep
Pass Level 10 and Jolly Rog3r

Jolly Rog3r is the first of 4 main bosses in total of the entire main story, with each one (except the last one) appearing in each 10th stage. Jolly Rog3r is an easy enough boss, just remember to always upgrade.

Pass Level 20 and Back Track

Back Track is the second boss, he is also pretty easy because he has an way of healing you in the middle of the boss fight.

Inside Job
Pass Level 30 and Mobius One

Mobius One is the third boss, his gimmick is that before each part of him, you need to pass through a small level section defeating normal minions and then choosing one between two pathways to take.

Tough Guy
Pass Level 31 and Boss 101

Boss 101 is the last and hardest boss of the game, he has a really big health bar and becomes invulnerable after a while using his two arms to attack you.

You Did It!
Complete Boss 101's main story

You'll get this achievement alongside Tough Guy.
Stage Related Achievements
Bring Them Home
All gophers returned

In the upgrade room, there's a panel that shows 25 gophers missing, in stages that they appear, it will have a sign showing if you found them yet or not, when in the stage, just stay on the lookout for them and grab them, after finding the 25 gophers, you will be awarded the achievement.

Visit Gopher City for the first time

After getting all the gophers, a button in the panel that showed them will appear, pressing that button will take you to a underground Gopher City in where they will sing a song to congratulate you for saving them.

Fastest Gun
Beat every level in record time

Each level besides Boss Stages has a Time Award which you get for finishing an stage quickly enough, while the stages don't say the time it is needed, just make a boss until it comes with an weakness against the Flamethrower or Particle Cannon and blast them away.

See Yah Soon
Dolphin Partnership Award

On stages 14, 15 and 16, you will have the chance of getting the Dolphin Award, you get this award for not hitting any dolphin in the stage, since they just stay in the down part of the stage, it's rather easy to get this award, however, you will only get this achievement on stage 30, in which the Dolphin King will appear with a giant dolphin mech, he will congratulate you for not hurting any of his kind and in return will help you against Mobius One.

Complete Collection
Every boss piece defeated

In the Command Center, there is a Trophy that shows some statistics, between these statistics, it also shows all the bosses pieces you have defeated, there is a total of 40 bosses, with 5 pieces each, after finishing the game, go to stage 2 and keep making an boss until one with the piece you need appears.
BERL Related Achievements
BERL's Friend
Listen to the first tutorial

BERL is the tutorial bot of your journey in Boss 101, in his first tutorial he explains how to skip them, but he also tells you that if you listen, you will get an achievement.

Top of the Class
Listened to all BERL's tutorials

BERL has a total of 8 Tutorials, including:
- Command Center
- Upgrade Room
- Gun Shop
- Hat Store
- Debug Room
- Endless Boss Room
- Launch Room
- Pet Hill

Just don't skip any of his tutorials and you'll get the achievement.
Endless Boss Related Achievements
Old School
Played one round of Endless Boss

Endless Boss is a series of bosses that you take down with your machine gun, there are two modes: Arcade and Iron Bot, Arcade gives you power-ups and health while Iron Bot let's you with your machine gun and a choosen secondary weapon, like the description says, just play one round.

The Last Bossfighter
Get to level 20 in Endless Boss Arcade Mode

As said before, Arcade Mode gives you health and power-ups, so just be careful to not get too damaged and after beating the 20th boss, you will receive the achievement.

Boss Patrol
Get to level 20 in Endless Boss Iron Bot Mode

Since Iron Bot makes you choose one secondary weapon for all the bosses, I'd suggest using the Flamethrower for offense or the Friendship Gun for healing, after the 20th boss you will receive the achievement.
Money Related Achievements
All In
Every Upgrade Complete

Just buy all the upgrades of the upgrade room and you will get this achievement.

Gun Wars
Purchase all Level 3 Guns

After fully upgrading the debug room, you will be able of buying Level 3 guns, just buy them all and you will get the achievement.

Fully Loaded
Complete weapon collection

Just buy all the weapons of the weapon store alongside the Level 3 ones and you will get the achievement.
Hat Related Achievements
Finish all hat quests

Hats are costumes that give you some kind of ability, quest hats are received after finishing an certain quest, the quests show near the hat so you know what is needed to be done, you will receive this achievement after completing all of them.

Complete hat collection

There are hats that need to be bought of the Hat Store, after having all the quest and store ones, you will receive the achievement.
Pets and Visitors Related Achievements
Full House
Receive all visitors

As said before, visitors appear randomly after finishing an stage, so just keep playing until they appear.

Magic Friendships
Adopt all the pets

Just like the visitors, pets also appear randomly after an stage, however everytime a visitor appears, interact with him since interacting with them gives you an pet.

Special Guest Star
Pick Buzz Rainbow as a Pet Friend

Buzz Rainbow is a pet donated by the visitor Ned Shortwave, after receiving it, simply select it on the pet hill and you will get the achievement.
Kite Hill Related Achievements
Fly A Kite
First time on kite hill

Kite hill is a location in which the protagonists go to talk and chill a little while flying a kite, just by entering it you get the achievement.

Now You Know
Listen to all kite hill dialogue

Max and STEVE have a lot to talk on kite hill, you can just leave the game open in kite hill and do something else, after 30-40 minutes you should get the achievement.
Do Not Press Button Related Achievements
Are You Kidding?
Press the Do Not Press Button

The Do Not Press Button is located on ROB's hideout, just press the button once and you will get the achievement.

What Were You Thinking?
Press the Do Not Press Button Seven Times

I'd say the description is pretty clear about it.
Arcade Related Achievements
Wizard of Mazes
Top Local Score on Mazard

Mazard is an arcade game in which you need to defeat invisible enemies (that appear on a radar) in a pac-man like maze, just beat the highscore of 19 and you will have the achievement.

Top Local Score on Breakdown

Breakdown is an arcade game that plays like Arkanoid, just beat the highscore of 9,998 and you will have the achievement.

General Mayhem
Top Local Score on Tank War

Tank War is an arcade game that plays like Battle City, this is the hardest arcade achievement because of the controls, my suggestion to you is to aim the cannon behind so you can move and shoot, just beat the highscore of 1,700 and you will have the achievement.
That's about it!
I hope this guide was helpful, if there's any other way i can help you, just ask in the comments. Thanks for reading and have a nice day!