Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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MAC-10 | Polar Fear [Dreams & Nightmares]
Weapon: MAC-10
Finish Style: Custom Paint Job
File Size
5.264 MB
25 Oct, 2021 @ 6:44pm
28 Oct, 2021 @ 6:55am
1 Change Note ( view )

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Hello everyone. I’d like to present my new skin called "Polar Horror" to you. The main element of the skin is an owl sitting in the middle of a blizzard. Its empty black eye sockets burn through the snow and look directly at the player. It has long been believed that this nocturnal predator has a special connection with evil spirits. And its appearance at the doorstep is a bad omen. In the skin, it is not just around right there, it acts as a personal evil for the player. The halo of darkness behind it also speaks of this. Its evil soul shades even the blizzard.

At the request of Valve, a few words about the creation of the skin. Initially, I remembered about my old drawing of an owl and an idea of ​​a dark messenger came to my mind. Still, it did not really match its original image, the owl was purple and positive, so I had to work on it: to simplify a little and play with colours. I also had a dilemma: to make the eyes simply absent, so that the snow could be seen behind them or black "noisy" eye sockets. While working on it, the choice was made in favour of darkness.

Snow also had its own problems. I wanted to make as much snow as possible, but in the end, with a lot of snow, the skin turned out to be "dirty", which was not what I wanted, so I had to clean up. In the end, it turned out quite stylish on the whole. That’s it. Add the skin to your favourites, subscribe. I will try not to hesitate with the next skin. Thank you , best wishes!
Guys, I have a couple more ideas that can change the world skins beyond recognition, but unfortunately my devices do not allow me to do this more carefully, so I have to ask you to support me on Patreon [].
I hope that I will not disappoint you! Thanks and all the best!

Dreams & Nightmares!