100% Orange Juice

100% Orange Juice

28 个评价
⭐ 100% Millionaire 🍊
由 Soap 漬物 和其他 3 人合作完成
This guide will help you become a millionaire in seconds, in both stars and oranges.
⭐Want to be rich? Fast and Quick? Then continue reading below!⭐
Well, well, my friend, so you wish to learn the way of how to become a millionaire in 100% Rigged Expired Toxic Orange Juice that the game's RNG will always try to troll you no matter what to the point where you want to pull your hair out because you keep dying and can't fight because the boss keeps rolling 7 on you?

Then you have come to the right place! I will teach you the fastest, and the most laziest way of earning the big money, while also getting that sweet awesome revenge on the boss!

So here are the easy steps to winning and earning the big monies:

1. Always and only play co-op.


Because you will not only earn big money for your friends, you and them can play any character you want, without having to have a good plan or have to worry about bullying each other or ruining friendships because you four have only one common enemy, the NPC Boss.
And also because when you kill the boss, they give 300 stars (or 150 if you lose). You can also get oranges for leveling up co-op roles as well! 50 Oranges per level up!

2. Always play on normal difficulty so you can play the boss on Star Wanderer map, this map is the only map in co-op with only 1 drop in the top corner which means you do not have to worry about losing stars. Also making the boss somewhat a chance of harder to fight since if the boss was super easy to defeat, it doesn't feel like much entertainment and you're just mining for stars which is boring.

3. Fight Star Devourer. StarD's Big Poppo gives 100 stars and 3 wins every time you defeat her which is how you can earn the big money fast and easy. Plus all the wins you get add up in the end, with 10 stars per win. (Other bosses work but this boss is the only boss with such great payrolls)

4. WAIT UNTIL NORMA 5 as you get bonus stars for each norma completed! Try to win before chapter 40 because since tiles will be turned into boss tiles.

5. Play as character who has hypers can do out of battle damage like: Suguri 46B, Tomomo (Casual), Marc, Marc (Pilot), Iru, PJ Krila, Watty.

5.1 Play as Poppo if you don't want to fight at all, since her hyper steal stars.

6. Try to have at least one dealer on the team. If you don't have a character listed in $5, play as someone who can zoom across the board like Cook, Lonely Rider, Poppo (Mixed), Mira, Mimiyuu (Jailbird). Or bring characters who can set damage traps like Saki, Krila, or Star Breaker.

7. Try to play on a day where Joker is a mixer. Check if Joker isn't with a bad mixer like Confusion. This mixer will mess up Joker and thus making it difficult. Even without Joker mixer, you have to play a character listed in #5 that snipe Big Po because she will be your source of stars if you wish to use expensive hypers.

8. For the memes, bring "My Wild Friends"~
🍊How2GetOranges? Do your dailies! Daily gives 40 oranges each!🍊
Refresh your completed dailies for 5k stars!

DO NOT refresh the first daily! The first daily is usually always associated to playing on a map so you have a chance where Star Wanderer isn't the map required which requires you to not play Star Wanderer which from the previous section means you will not make as much stars when playing on other maps.

ALWAYS refresh the 2nd or 3rd daily. The 2nd daily is usually always playing two certain characters which in this case, shouldn't matter if you have read #6 in the previous section. Sometimes you have to bring a specific type of card which definitely won't mess you up in this case since you only need to bring one.

The 3rd daily is always the best to refresh since it's more gameplay associated like travel 250 panels, play 5 amounts of a type of card like battle, boost or event cards or place 12 traps.

Try not to change a refreshed daily as it costs 2k stars.
💰 Now that you're a millionaire in stars and oranges, what to do? 💰
With 99999 stars and 999 oranges, why not check out the in-game store? You can use the stars to buy card packs to obtain cards to complete your binder, or cosmetic profile items like player plate backgrounds. With oranges, you can buy cosmetic items for characters like hair colors, PJ onesies/outfits, or emotes to use in the chat box.

Idk, just spend your money on whatever ig- It's not like you have to worry about going broke since with this guide teaching you how to earn them easily, you can't and shouldn't run out.
🌸 That's it for this guide! I hope you enjoyed reading! 🌸
And I hope you have flexed to your friends on how many stars and oranges you have earned by learning and mastering the steps I have taught you in this guide today! If there's anything else you want to know or want me to write more guides, feel free to comment below!

If you want to play with me, feel free to look for a lobby that contains the number 69 (ewe) or an cringy joke in the name. I will usually be playing OJ for hours so there's more than likely the chance you'll meet me in-game.
❤️ Thank You!!! ❤️
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3 条留言
Soap 漬物  [作者] 1 月 8 日 下午 7:27 
Thanks for all the likes on my guide! It has been featured on the home page under popular guides!
Soap 漬物  [作者] 2021 年 10 月 3 日 上午 11:23 
@SomeGuy712x Yes, you are correct. I will change that in the section. I forgot that Joker overwrites Bankrupt in the mixer order. And while Vortex is indeed a good map for it's small size and map layout, the map isn't good for fighting StarD because many of her aoe star-stealing abilities so Star Wanderer is the best in terms for boss and efficiency of farming stars.
SomeGuy712x 2021 年 10 月 3 日 上午 11:11 
Each Win is actually worth 10 stars at the end-of-match tally, not 50.
Also, when you say Star Wanderer, you mean Space Wanderer CO, right?

Vortex CO is another good map if you want to avoid Drop panels, because its 4 Drop panels are positioned such that you can always choose to go the other way, with the other choice being a Draw panel.

Oh, and if the Joker Mixer ends up paired with Bankrupt, you can just ignore Bankrupt, because Joker will make all cards free anyway, ignoring Bankrupt's increased cost entirely.