57 ratings
English Hidden Achievement Guide (Non-Ranked/Multiplayer/Online/M.O.M Mode)
By Figgle
A guide on how to get all character specific/hidden achievements in Guilty Gear that arent related to online, Multiplayer, Ranked or the M.O.M Mode.
Terminology I will be using
I will be using the notations this game uses such as the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 as well as P, K, S and HS
If you already understand what all this means you are free to go ahead and look at the rest of the guide, but if you are unsure, below is a detailed rundown of what these mean as well as a TLDR at the very bottom.

Alright Numbers, what do these numbers mean?
Numbers 1 through 9 arent actually any buttons or anything to physically worry about, they arent some hidden command or move you werent taught. The numbers represent which direction your 'joystick' is, although nowadays fightings games arent always played on joysticks but we still use the numbers so we can describe inputs much easier.
1, 2 and 3 represent the bottom half of movement, this would be crouching. 1 would represent bottom left, 2 would represent bottom middle and 3 would represent bottom right. Make sense? Using this logic you might be able to understand what the other numbers mean, if not then thats perfectly okay.
4, 5 and 6 represent neutral part of movements and inputs, if you piece together the order you might understand what the rest mean before you actually read what i write.
4 would represent the left, 5 would represent the middle and 6 would represent the right. Very easy stuff right? Following this pattern this means
7 represents top left, 8 represents top middle and 9 represents top right. Below is a very easy to understand image of what im saying.

Now you might be wondering, "Why does the movement need to be labeled? dont i just use buttons to attack?" Well in fighting games there are special moves which needs special inputs to be released, an example is if you were to use Sol Badguys Gunflame, a very simple move that anyone can use due to its simplicity.
Basing from the arrow on the joystick what will you think needs to be inputed to mimic that? you might just say "follow the way its signalling" while yes that would work its more easier to tell someone based on these 9 numbers. For example this is 2, 3 and 6. We can tell that due to it starting from bottom middle (2) to the bottom right (3) and then going to middle right (6)
In this guide i will be using these numbers to explain what moves might need to be used and knowing this in general will make it easier to learn fighting game moves.
Alright you might have noticed the massive P next to it, now if you don't understand what that is, it is the symbol for Punch. So if we read this we can see that its telling us to input 2, 3, 6 and then P to activate Sol's Gunflame.

Other letters that might appear apart from P are K, S, HS and even D although in this guide there is no need to use D.
If you think about it you can get what they mean, P = Punch, so if you press the button assigned to P it will make the character Punch.

Now, if you press K what might you think the character will do? well, K = Kick so the character will Kick.
Another easy to do Sol move is Bandit Revolver, which is done by pressing 2, 3, 6 and instead of P (Punch) use K (Kick)

S means Slash, so pressing S makes the character do their slash attack

HS means Heavy Slash, so Pressing HS makes the character do a Heavy Slash attack

Now that you all know this you might be able to understand what i ask for. An example is in the section where i use Jack-O to get an achievement i might say press 22 HS, from what i told you try understand what that means.
22 HS would mean im asking you to press down twice in a row and then the heavy slash button.

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Represent each section of the joystick
P means Punch
K means Kick
S means Slash
HS means Heavy Slash
Quick example, 3,4,6 P would mean press down, go bottom right and then right and press Punch.
that would activate Gunflame for Sol

Good Luck!
"Was That a Conversation?"
This achievement is rather simple and easy, for this achievement you need to pick Ramlethal in any mode, although I recommend picking training since pulling this off in any other mode would be quite hard.

Once you're in, select Ramlethal, she is second to top right.
Now once in game, press the taunt button until you get the taunt where Ramlethals servants combine and start talking and now wait it out, it should look something like this.

They will have a rather long conversation which can be interrupted by anything so just sit tight and watch. After they finish their conversation you'll get the achievement.

Congratulations! Very easy. If you do not know what button is the taunt button go through your control settings and find the one it is binded too. I believe on keyboard it is binded to M by default.

"Throwing $$ at Problem..."
This one is also quite simple if you know how to do inputs well, for this one it can be in any mode, once again if you purely want the achievement it can be done in training although it's also easy to accomplish in an actual match and you'd get it naturally if you ever play Johnny.

For starters pick any mode, for this i'll go into training yet again.

Once you're in, select Johnny, it does not matter who he verses so just pick random. Johnny is on the second row left side.

Once in game get 50% tension bar to do the "Treasure Hunt" overdrive, this is done by inputing the movement 63214 and then 6 S.

This will activate Treasure Hunt where if hit, will grab the opposing enemys valuable items which will then add this his overall usage to Glitter Is Gold input.

You will automatically get valuables if the move hits but just in case you arent sure look above Johnnys tension bar and you'll be able to check, valuables are character dependant so they wont look like this for everyone, for example May's valuable item is a small doll of Johnny, how fitting.

If you have valuables do the "Glitter Is Gold" input which is 236 HS. If done correctly Johnny will chuck whatever is on the far right of the row, in my case it is the dolls we stole from May.

And just like that you should have the achievement, another easy one to tick off.
"Wicked Sick Time, Bro!"
This achievement is rather challenging, it took me two attempts to actually get it as it is time based, you essentially have to speedrun this games tutorial within 10 minutes. You can not start this challenge unless you have already completed the tutorial. To access the tutorial you will have to go to Battle > DOJO > Tutorial in which you can see the list of tutorials. You only have to speedrun the first 7. So start at number 1 to start the timer.
If you manage to complete the tutorial in under 10 minutes you will get the achievement, cant help you with much else, all up to your skill.

Although a tip i have is to do your instakill against Jack-O in the final tutorial, it will save a lot of time fighting but if you miss it or she blocks it, you're in bad luck.


Pressing all 4 basic attack moves at once will change the tension bar which will allow you to use a Instakill move. Your character should do an animation as the screen goes dark and the tension bar should change.

This can also be binded in settings, find the section that has P, K, S and HS and change that to a button that you find comfortable

Once you've activated it you simply have to press 3,4,6 3,4,6 and HS to activate, most, if not all of these are close range so be sure to be close to the enemy but beware, these can be easily avoided by jumping/moving away, iFrames and blocking so be careful when you use this, if you do fail to hit it you will be punished by not having a tension bar for the entire round which removes the ability to do overdrives.
When you've successfully done the combo your character will get a blue aura which signifies to the enemy that they are about to launch their instakill attack
and if you do hit it a cutscene will play that will be followed by a DESTROYED
"You've Been... Served"
This achievement is very simple and can be done in any mode, but as always i will pick training.

Once in training, pick Jack-O. She is on the bottom lane on the right side.

Now for this one im not sure if you have to use all her ghosts for it but i did, so once you're in, place down all her ghosts. This is done by pressing 22 and then the chosen ghost. For example, 22 P will place down the P ghosts, 22 K will place down the K ghosts and 22 S will place down the S ghosts.

Once all 3 are down, do what you did to place down the ghosts but instead use HS, so press 22 HS, doing this will change Jack-O's stance to look like this.

In this stance you have multiple options for your ghosts, for this achievement we are looking to explode them all which is done by using S. If done right, all ghosts and houses will have a countdown above them.

When they blow up you'll receive the achievement, once again i'm not sure if you have to use all 3 ghosts at once but that's what i did so correct me if i'm wrong!
I hope this helped you all with achievements, I realised there were many hidden achievements but no english guides so i decided to "be the change you wish to see"
I chose to just do all the non ranked or multiplayer ones as they are tedious and require quite the grind in multiplayer. The rest cant be forcefully done and happens naturally unless u have a friend that doesnt mind boosting both of your achievements and do whats needed.
If you guys do want a guide with everything else i will be happy to make another one that includes M.O.M mode or even just goes over what u need for all the ranked/multiplayer ones.
Vignette 17 Aug, 2024 @ 5:34pm 
what a nice guide :ggxxacsol:
Zer0PointNRG 24 Jan, 2023 @ 1:45am 
Thank you kindly! That was quite in-depth and well explained. Cheers! :happystar2022:
MothPropaganda 21 Jan, 2022 @ 9:02am 
Awesome guide :mbnecoup:
1Dem 27 Dec, 2021 @ 12:23pm 
thanks for such a nice guide:revelatordizzy:
Sasafras 12 Nov, 2021 @ 11:05am 
thanks bro