Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

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Civilizachon e bom bom
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아이템 (10)
The Elder Scrolls Civilization VI Pack
제작자 kingchris20 Adds a total of 13 Civilizations and 15 Leaders from the Elder Scrolls. Adds a new unit line of Shock Mages and Restoration Mages, Governors, Religions, Pantheons and Beliefs, City-States, Natural and World Wonders, Resource...
Play Your Custom Maps
제작자 kantorr
This mod adds your custom made maps to the default Standard ruleset maps dropdown. Check out my WorldBuilder Templates mod to reduce the click intensive nature of the WorldBuilder. This mod is also available on Civfanatics. A tutorial video to enable World...
Sukritact's Oceans
제작자 sukritact May not be compatible with Yet Not Another Map Pack. Your mileage will vary. Oceans is a brand new Game Mode that will breathe n...
Kingdoms of Nirn
제작자 DmanTheSlothman
The Empire needs your help. Will you heed the call? Or will you let them fall? Only the Elder Scrolls Know for certain. Indeed all of Tamriel, no, all of Nirn is within your grasp. (Map based on a map posted by reddit user u/destructor_rph. I am uncertain ...
Better Trade Screen
제작자 astor
Introduction The goal of this mod is to improve the trade screens in Civilization VI and help manage and monitor running trade routes. NOTE CQUI AND HBUI USERS: This mod is already included in them, and may cause issues if you also use this mod. Main Featu...
Real Great People (UI)
제작자 infixo
New version 5.0.1 as of 18.12 - Added a new Overview tab. Adds pictures of the real Great People to the game. Improved Great People window including a new Overview tab. Compatibility Works with the base game, Rise & Fall, Gathering Storm, Hero Mode, CQUI, ...
Better Civilization Icons
제작자 janboruta
This mod replaces a number of civilization and city-state icons with more historically accurate or more aesthetically pleasing variations. No more bulls for Spain, way more bulls for Sumer! Changed civilization icons: - Arabia - Australia (DLC) - Babylon (...
Better Great Wall tile improvement
Allows the Great Wall tile improvement to be built on tiles with woods and rainforest. Ranged units with the Garrison-promotion will be boosted when standing on a tile with a Great Wall (the promotion originally gives +10 ranged strength when standing in a...