Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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Lava Dipped Desert Eagle
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Waffe: Desert Eagle
Lackierung: Mehrfarbig eloxiert
576.918 KB
28. Apr. 2014 um 10:45
1 Änderungshinweis (anzeigen)

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We don't actually dip your Deagles into lava, don't worry. Through the magic of low resolution texture files and phong we can make it look really cool though. Personally I wouldn't be caught dead with one of these things, but that's not because I think it doesn't look nice, that's because red paint jobs give you the ability to perfectly predict random spread. Don't look it up on the Wiki, just trust me.

This is a rework of the Melted Water DE (man, that name just doesn't make any sense, does it?), which unfortunately looked similar to a design already in the game (we fired someone again), but I hope you can still appreciate it.