Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

Nincs elegendő értékelés
How to Be Successful (in Dead by Daylight™)
Készítők: don eladio frunk jajajajjaj és 2 közreműködő
A simple but effective guide for the gentleman who wishes to be successful in the widely-acclaimed horror/slasher video game Dead by Daylight™, developed by BEHAVIOUR INTERACTIVE.
How to Be successful: Easy Mode
Don't sleep too much. If you sleep 3 hours less each night for a year, you will have an extra month and a half to succeed in.

How to Be Successful: Medium Mode
Don't sleep too much. If you sleep 5 hours less each night for a year, you will have an extra three months to succeed in.

How to Be Successful: Hard Mode
Don't sleep too much. If you sleep 8 hours less each night for a year, you will have an extra four months to succeed in.

How to Be Successful: Impossible Mode
Don't sleep too much. If you sleep 4 hours every other night for a year, you will have an extra 8 months to succeed in.

5 megjegyzés
don eladio frunk jajajajjaj  [készítő] jan. 1., 16:26 
abra jan. 1., 2:05 
this one is gold, chief luizza
abra 2024. okt. 15., 22:59 
idk about this one, big hoss
don eladio frunk jajajajjaj  [készítő] 2021. ápr. 21., 12:35 
Macaco  [készítő] 2021. ápr. 21., 12:34 
extremely well crafted guide meant only for those of exceedingly high IQ
