Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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minecraft blocks (dirt,wood,rail,TNT (build) vanilla
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2021年3月23日 14時55分
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minecraft blocks (dirt,wood,rail,TNT (build) vanilla

A blueprint of Minecraft blocks :) enjoy em
Blocks include:
(having more than 9 blocks is quite laggy as their small grid.

Might build another 4 blocks but still not sure.
Like the builds consider throwing a dolla
56 件のコメント
Pych 2021年3月31日 9時56分 
@seronis Dude look at your 1st comment and tell me it's not gibberish. English isn't everyone's 1st language, there is no need to be an arrogant dick here.
I hope that you speak fluently many languages, or else that high horse talk isn't even backed up.
CTH2004 2021年3月28日 15時57分 

I agree with you (With the leaving them). If it won't effect a grade, and people can still understand it, and it isn't going to be used for anything more than entertainment, I don't bother correcting it! Sometimes... Deepends on what day it is, and a random number that no one, especialy not me, knows.

and, it's always kind of freaky to see a (Minor, in-game, nice) famous person commenting on other peoples builds (: Proves that ya'll also peuruse the workshop, read the comments, and look at builds, not just make awesome builds and mods.

Also, what's "condenscending wanker" mean? (I'm not exactly caught up with new phrases, nor do I know the old ones. All I remember are the obvious ones (1nd for first, b4 for before, so on), and some classics (BRB, AFK, GTG, TTYL, and some others I don't use, LOL, ROTFL, and LMAO)


true. Which I gues means I am giving out aprill fools jokes 24/7! Seriously, although my best grammer is when I am dreaming... is that strange?
Dan Sher 2021年3月28日 8時42分 
Calnn domn every1, bead gremmar iz a aprilS'' 1nd j0ke
Clockwork168 2021年3月27日 21時20分 
At this point it'd be funnier to leave them :steammocking:

Also pro tip, being a condescending wanker is a great way to get people to ignore what you're saying
737✈Garrus 2021年3月27日 18時39分 
@ronidude If I am not the only 1 to point out the typos, why don't You correct them? I've spent time telling what's incorrect and what changes to make....Please. I'll rehash it just because I'm nice: (having more than 9 blocks is quite laggy as they're* small grid )* Just follow the Underlining.
CTH2004 2021年3月27日 16時34分 
great! Thanks!
ronidude  [作成者] 2021年3月27日 16時10分 
@CTH2004 haha yah np go ahead :P
CTH2004 2021年3月27日 15時49分 

Typo's are my specialty too! When my grammer is good, it means I went over the paragraph multiple times!

how do you do these things? How?!

Also, I have some ideas for major edits, but they are so major that it could change the asthetic. Could I make the changes, and upload them, calling it a "mod" (Because I altered blocks), of course you would get credit (:
ronidude  [作成者] 2021年3月27日 10時22分 
aii thanks Garrus but someone already pointed it out before :P
737✈Garrus 2021年3月27日 6時14分 
Hi, I found some typing errors and wanted to help You out:

(having more than 9 blocks is quite laggy as *they're small grid *)

Basically a mistyped word and a forgotten )end bracket, highlighted by underlining.