Seeds of Chaos
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Seeds of Chaos

125 ratings
Guide to unlock the CGs from the bonus section
By Dandey
A guide that helps with unlocking of the CGs that are available in the bonus section. Contains spoilers so proceed if you don't mind them.
Small notes related to the CG list and terminology used
There is an official guide for some scene made by the developers linked here or direct link for it[] but you can't unlock all the CGs from the bonus section of the game with it so I decided to make this guide, even thought I am still missing some CGs. In case that you know how to unlock the ones that I'm missing let me know in the comments and I will update the guide.

I am not sure if I will be able to further update it after the following updates come to steam, but guess that it will be easier if someone wants to make them as the biggest part is already out.

Sadly there is no counting in the CG section in the game, but there might be one in the future, so you'll have to count manually to find your missing scene in case that you don't remember how to unlock the nearby CGs. The order in which they are shown is the order in which they have been added to the game. Some scenes that got CGs added later have in multiple places CGs for the same scene.

The CGs that require corruption/ favor/ relationship/ guilt are a bit harder to get because you can't see your current stats anywhere. The only way you can track them is by opening the event menu with the `(~) key after each event and remember it/ note it down. From what I noticed the event that ask for corruption you need over 30 to trigger them(medium corruption) or over 90(high corruption) and for the one with Alexia and Rowans relationship the higher/ lower is compared to 50. Not sure exactly how much Favor points you need for the Alexia x twins scenes as I usually focus on just one to get them as it's easier. Also there might be higher chances for the events with the twins to appear if your relationship is lower.

I sometimes may refer to specific room/ character in the room for event but it's basically the same(for example I might say Forge event or Greyhide event and it will be the same).

The developers are currently working/reworking on some of the room/ character events and some events are unavailable or might change the steps to get them. From what I know they work on Greyhide, Fey, Shaya and X'Zaratl.

From my testing turning NTR off blocks all the Alexia/Rowan x Andras/Jezera scenes.

Not to repeat myself too much during the listing will have some pre-requirements listed here:
  • For anything related to Greyhide and Forge hand, the Forge will be required
  • For anything related to Draith and Caretaker, the Breeding pit will be required
  • For anything related to Barmaid, the Tavern will be required
  • For anything related to Shaya, the Brothel will be required
  • For anything related to X'Zaratl, the Dark sanctum will be required
CG List Part 1
CG 1-4 - Rowan x Alexia - take Alexia from behind after you get home in the begining
CG 5-18 - Story CGs - story cgs, can't be missed
CG 19-22 - Jezera x Rowan - select Jezera after you are required to show loyalty
CG 23-26 - Andras x Rowan - select Andras after you are required to show loyalty
CG 27 - Story CG - story cg, can't be missed
CG 28-37 - Andras x Alexia - don't go looking for Alexia and select no
CG 38 - Rowan x Alexia - auto-unlocks when you reunited with Alexia
CG 39-42 - Rowan x Alexia - select Rowan found himself growing hard under her
CG 43-45 - X'Zaratl - confront X'Zaratl during her first event
CG 46-49 - X'Zaratl x Alexia x Rowan - select Alexia in the middle at the encounter with X'Zaratl
CG 50-52 - X'Zaratl x Rowan x Alexia - select Rowan in the middle at the encounter with X'Zaratl
CG 53-63 - Andras x Alexia - when Andras comes to ask for relief tell him you are busy and when he mentiones your wife let him go
CG 64-65 - Jezera x Alexia - after going to Jezera to learn about the book, select to stay in hope to learn about the book
CG 66-71 - Andras x Rowan - when Andras comes to ask for relief select to suck him
CG 72 - Story CG - attack Raeve Keep
CG 73-76 - Rowan x Helayna 1 - attack Raeve Keep and have Rowan ♥♥♥♥ Helayna
CG 77-78 - Orcs x Helayna - attack Raeve Keep and watch Helayna get ♥♥♥♥♥♥ by the orcs
CG 79-80 - Knights x Helayna - take Raeve Keep with a spy and watch Helayna get ♥♥♥♥♥♥ by knights
CG 81-84 - Andras x Rowan - arena must be constructed, it's random weekly event, when Andras takes you to the arena respond submissively
CG 85-95 - Jezera x Dark Elf Woman x Rowan - go with Jezera at negotiations as a pet( if you have influence with Jezera you can go at negotiations without being a pet but CG 86 and 87 will be missed)
CG 96 - Jezera x Shaya - have Alexia to work as Maid, it will be a random weekly encounter
CG 97-98 - Jezera x Shaya - must have brothel constructed, it will be a random weekly encounter, select Really arousing and stay and watch
CG 99 - Goblin Family CG - goblin family intro
CG 100-101 - Rowan x Cla-Min - accept the blow-job from Cla-Min
CG 102-103 - Rowan x Cla-Min - after you take Raeve Keep go to Cla-Min and ♥♥♥♥ her for the sword
CG 104-106 - Rowan x Cla-Bow - after you take Raeve Keep go to Cla-min and ♥♥♥♥ Cla-Bow
CG 107-111 - Rowan x Cla-Min - after you finish the sword encounter with Cla-Min you will have room encounter with her to get a tit job from her
CG 112-116 - Rowan x Draith - select to ♥♥♥♥ him after Jezera talks with Draith during the breeding pit event
CG 117 - Table Manners CG - unlocked during the table manners event from the forge
CG 118-121 - Greyhide x Alexia - during the table manners event you need to go with either option twice and don't go back
CG 122-124 - Greyhide x Rowan - at the sharing his people liquor event kiss him
CG 125 - Cliohna x Rowan - let Cliohna extract your seed
CG 126-127 - Cliohna x Rowan - don't resist during the seed extraction
CG 128-129 - Rowan x Ollia x Brinnid - village map event, select double blowjob after the noble offers you the ladies
CG 130-132 - Rowan x Ollia x Brinnid - village map event, select the sapphic make-out after the noble offers you the ladies
CG 133-135 - Rowan x Alexia - weekly event, requires high relationship with Alexia, select flip over Alexia and make love to her
CG 136-139 - Andras x Alexia - after you accept book from Andras in the weekly event, select to go to Andras for answer and go along with his requests
CG 140-142 - Alexia x Mr. Garforth - Maid job event, accept Jezera's task to extract answers and select "Seduce Garforth"
CG 143-144 - Alexia x Mr. Garforth - take him all the way for the above encounter
CG 145-147 - Alexia x Rowan - weekly event, requires Rowan guilt, accept X'Zaratl offer to deal with the guilt
CG 148-149 - Alexia - when X'Zaratl comes to Alexia during her second event, select the idea of having a penis intrugued Alexia
CG 150 - Alexia x Rowan - continuation of the above event, select to give Alexia a blowjob
CG 151-153 - Alexia x Rowan x X'Zaratl - continuation of the above event( can be achieved even if you skipped giving Alexia a blowjob),select the succubus's power was too much to resist
CG 154-157 - Jezera x Helayna - if you haven't saved Helayna during the Raeve Keep attack she will show during the feast of the battle victory
CG 158-160 - Andras x Helayna - don't say anything during the feast of the Raeve Keep battle victory
CG 161-164 - Rowan x Female Orc - use explore the camp in the orchish camp( the one needed for story) until you have the contest for the orchish girl( you have to beat the orcs in one of the contests)
CG 165-167 - Rowan x Helayna 2 - claim Helayna during Raeve Keep and this is first scene with her
CG 168-169 - Andras x Alexia - after Helayna moves with Rowan, accept Andras, while you have the Alexia prompt
CG 170-171 - Black Ness x Rowan - weekly event, requires eggs in breeding pit, sacrifice yourself to capture the escaped drider
CG 172-174 - Rowan x Helayna 3 - after you save Helayna and she recovers from the ring influence and you convince her to remain
CG 175-178 - Male Drider x Female Orc - have Alexia work as Caretaker, and watch when the drider escapes the female orc chains
CG 179-183 - Rowan x Liurial - accept Liurial offer during the weekly event( it's before week 25)
CG 184 - Arzyl - due to Fey events being reworked it's currently unobtainable
CG 185-187 - Arzyl x Rowan - due to Fey events being reworked it's currently unobtainable
CG 188-189 - Rowan x Phoebe - requires Rowan corruption, forest map event, when you find the dryad go with ask for a different reward for freeing her
CG 190 - Rowan x Alanthe - requires Rowan corruption , swamp map event, pay the tithe that Alanthe asks
CG 191 - Rowan x Alanthe - continuation of the above, have your way with Alanthe
CG 192 - Rowan x Alanthe - continuation of the above - ♥♥♥ inside
CG 193 - Rowan x Alanthe - continuation of cg 190-191 - ♥♥♥ outside
CG 194-196 - Rowan x Liurial - room event from the throne room after Liurial comes to the castle( blowjob)
CG 197-198 - Rowan x Liurial - room event from the throne room after Liurial comes to the castle(something more intense/ dominate her)
CG 199-200 - Greyhide x Rowan - this and the below one are connected, you can do both or just one, if you unlocked both cg 122-124 and cg 118-121 you will have After Drinking Greyhides Alcohol event and if you follow after Greyhide you have option to select one of them and then to end it there or go for second one
CG 201-202 - Greyhide x Alexia - see requirement of the above one, won't copy paste it here
CG 203 - Greyhide x Rowan x Alexia - the above two must be fulfilled made to unlock this one
CG 204-220 - Wulump x Alexia - after Helayna escapes you tell the demons that Alexia did it and let Andras punish her/ decide to fake punish her yourself for cg 474-478 and fail to deceive Andras
CG 221-231 - Andras x Alexia - continuation of the above
CG 232-234 - Rowan x Jezera x Helayna - auto unlucks during a castle event if you have Helayna remaining in the castle
CG 235 - Helayna - unlocks with the above one
CG 236-238 - Jezera x Noble - unlocks along the two above
CG 239-241 - Jak x Indarah - have Alexia to work as a Barmaid, peek on Indarah and Jak
CG 242 - Rowan x Sheena - mine map event, after you meet the party of adventurers, encourage Sheena
CG 243 - Dazzanath x Rowan - abbey map event, requires dark sanctum and brothel, have Rowan "drain the power" of Dazzanath
CG 244 - Dazzanath x Agatha - abbey map event, requires dark sanctum and brothel, watch Agatha "drain the power" of Dazzanath
CG 245-247 - Jezera x Alexia - accept Jezera offer to go for lunchtime tea and then select give in and debase yourself
CG 248 - Rowan x Liurial - after the spy tells you how Delane got corrupted, go with Liurial while she is aroused
CG 249-255 - Batri x Delane - help Batri get Delane and watch the scene during the orchish celebration
CG List Part 2
CG 256-260 - Andras & Batri x Rowan - go as entertainment with Andras and Batri after helping Batri
CG 261-262 - Kraug & Snag x Delane - help Tarish and watch what happens with Delane
CG 263-268 - Shaya - requires Brothel, watch the public show of Shaya( room choice after a castle event)
CG 269 - Rowan x Tarish - help Tarish to get the orc camp and have sex with her
CG 270-273 - Rowan x Emma - explore the orc camp until you find the pregnant human and use diplomacy with the orc matron and explore the orc camp again until you find Emma and use first option during sex scene
CG 274-277 - Rowan x Emma - explore the orc camp until you find the pregnant human and use diplomacy with the orc matron and explore the orc camp again until you find Emma and use second option during sex scene
CG 278 - Liurial x Alexia - requires Alexia corruption, when Liurial visit you and Alexia, tell Alexia that you have slept with Liurial and you can use her too if you like
CG 279-285 - Rowan x Alexia x Liurial - weekly event, when Liurial visit you and Alexia, tell Alexia that you have slept with Liurial and that was the only way to acquire her loyalty
CG 286-290 - Story CGs - Story CGs unlocked after the Rastedel battle
CG 291-293 - Jezera x Human Commander - when Andras ask you to come to Jezera room to discuss the war plans watch Jezera on the crystal globe
CG 294 - Book CG - requires high influence with Jezera, have Alexia work as an Research Assistant and accept the book from the bookshelf
CG 295 - Book CG - requires high influence with Andras, have Alexia work as an Research Assistant and accept the book from the bookshelf
CG 296 - Book CG - must have Alexia work as an Research Assistant and accept the book from the bookshelf
CG 297 - Delane - must have helped Tarish become chief, after some time go back to the orchish camp and check the arena
CG 298-299 - Rowan x Helayna 4 - train Helayna after you decided that you want her to serve you in bed
CG 300-303 - Andras x Draith - have Alexia work as an Caretaker and peek when Andras makes a visit to Draith
CG 304-306 - Jezera x Alexia - must have Jezera influence with Alexia, after you met the drunk workers, report them to Jezera and hit them at least 5 times and let Jezera kiss you
CG 307 - Castle CG - reach medium corruption with Alexia
CG 308-309 - Alexia - have Alexia work as an Caretaker and agree to his demands when Andras asks how trained the driders are
CG 310-312 - Jezera x Doran - during the Raeve Keep attack watch Jezera
CG 313 - Rowan x Maid - room event after you decide what to do with Helayna (Cuck Helayna)
CG 314-318 - Rowan x Skordred - undress when Skordred asks you for the statue and let him blow you
CG 319-325 - Rowan x Alexia - high relationship with Alexia needed, when you go at the picnic kiss her
CG 326-329 - Andras x Alexia - have Alexia work as a Barmaid, select to serve Andras
CG 330-332 - Greyhide x Alexia - have Alexia work as a Forge hand and had prior sex with Greyhide
CG 333-334 - Alexia - select what the succubus wants during the X'Zaratl third event
CG 335 - Rowan x Alexia - requires corruption on Rowan and high relationship with Alexia, after Alexia meets the drunk workers select tell Rowan everything in the evening, rowan is right and tease him a bit, and see where it goes
CG 336-342 - Jezera x Half-Minotaur Girl - after you come back to report from Rastedel watch Jezera have fun with the half
CG 343-348 - Rowan x Mysterious woman( Ameraine) - during the Rastedel ball go to the mysterious lady when you are prompted
CG 349-352 - Alexia - after you reach medium corruption with Alexia go to the tree
CG 353-354 - Andras x Alexia - weekly event, after you met Andras at the arena follow him to the baths and give him the full service
CG 355 - Andras x Rowan - after you conquer two villages, Andras will ask you to come to the dungeon and submit to him
CG 356-357 - Rowan x Ygriss - map hills event, select to get a drink to the dragon lady and then accept the invitation
CG 358-360 - Rowan x Helayna 5 - Orgasm Training Helayna
CG 361-364 - Helayna - test Helayna submissions unlocks with the above
CG 365-366 - Male Sacrifice x Elf Witches - swamp map event, requires corruption, select try to sneak closer, try to save the poor soul and allow them to continue and stay to watch
CG 367-368 - Ulcro x Delane - make Delane decide to accept Ulcro and watch the scene after the duel
CG 369-373 - Rowan x Altered Orc(Bootleg Alexia) - ask Nasim about his previous experiment and take another look at her, order her to remove her shirt and give her a spin after all
CG 374-379 - Rowan x Young Aspirant - after you conquer two villages, and Cla-Min brings the young aspirant test him sexually
CG 380-384 - Wulump x Female Knight - after the victory feast Jezera asks you to come to the dungeon and you can watch this scene
CG 385-392 - Rowan x Delane - gain Delane trust, and gain favor with two orcs to help you with Delane escape, and sleep with her
CG 393-396 - Jak x Indarah - have Alexia to work as a Barmaid, peek on Indarah and Jak
CG 397-400 - Mary x Alexia - have Alexia work as Maid, it will get auto unlocked during a weekly maid event
CG 401-405 - Jezera x Rowan - when Jezera is stressed go to her room and massage her
CG 406 - Jezera x Katya x Era - requires medium corruption with Alexia and influence with Jezera, select to go outside the castle with Jezera
CG 407-410 - Jezera x Alexia - continuation of the above if you select "Her" after coming back to castle and Jezera asks you what you want
CG 411 - Rastedel CG - Story CG, auto unlock when you go with Doran to Rastedel
CG 412 - Rastedel CG - Story CG, auto unlock when you return to Rastedel to conquer it
CG 413-416 - Spy x Delane - sent a spy to corupt Delane, after few weeks the cg will unlock
CG 417 - Mary - have Alexia work as a Maid, auto unlocks during "mary_event_4"
CG 418-423 - Rowan x Alexia - unlocked during the "a time to relax" event
CG 424-427 - Rowan x Female Orcs Couple - select convince the orcs with your body and use your ass for diplomacy
CG 428 - Andras x Draith - unlocks along with CG 300-303
CG 429 - Alexia x Mr. Garforth - Maid job event, accept Jezera's task to extract answers
CG 430 - Rowan x Delane - unlocks along with CG 385-392
CG 431-434 - Jezera x Alexia - unlocks along with CG 407-410
CG 435 - Jezera x Alexia - doable after doing CG 407-410, it will be auto unlocked after Alexia receives a package from Jezera
CG 436-440 - Obelius x Rowan - forest map event, after the famine warning event you can find a band a smugglers and after you cooperate with them you accept Obelius proposition
CG 441-446 - Jezera x Rowan - requires Jezera influence, select orc relief toy, return the sweet talk and do it
CG 447-451 - Rowan x Jezera - requires Jezera influence, select orc relief toy, return the sweet talk and enough teasing! throw her against the desk and ♥♥♥♥ her, and then ♥♥♥♥ her right here right now
CG 452-455 - Orcs x Nileth - due to Fey events being reworked it's currently unobtainable
CG 456-463 - Rowan x Alexia - weekly event, accept Alexia proposition while she comes to the throne room while you are working
CG 464-469 - Drokk x Alexia - requires medium corruption for Alexia and influence with Andras and no influence with Jezera, after Rowan asks you to give the orcs his order insult Drokk
CG 470 - Skordred - auto-unlock during "What is precious to me" event
CG 471-473 - Rowan x Skordred - if you let him blow you off when he got your sketch for your statue you can ♥♥♥♥ him
CG 474-478 - Rowan x Alexia - must let the know twins that Alexia helped Helayna to escape and punish her yourself
CG 479 - Orcs Orgy CG - take the detour with Tarish when retaking Verdoin Abbey
CG List Part 3
CG 480- Rowan x Heartsong - due to Fey events being reworked it's currently unobtainable
CG 481-484- Liurial - after you deny Liurial orgasm you will have room event Make her perform
CG 485- "Horse" CG - have Alexia to work as a Barmaid, auto unlocks during the pony stop event
CG 486-487 - Cliohna x Rowan - either resist to all of Cliohna "attacks" and during her third event this will unlock or submit to all her events and you will get this
CG 488-490 - Cliohna x Rowan - listen to what Cliohna tells you to do on the above scene
CG 491- Andras x Zahira - wasn't able to find how you can unlock it, somehow related with the one below
CG 492-493- Andras x Zahira - after Alexia escapes from Drokk ( part of CG 456-461) go to Andras to help solve your issues with Drokk
CG 494, 496, 498, 500 - Drokk's punishment CG - after you get Andras to help you punish Drokk and he ask if the it was good punishment answer that he wasn't punished enough
CG 495, 497, 499 - Drokk's punishment CG - after you get Andras to help you punish Drokk and he ask if the it was good punishment answer that he was punished enough
CG 501-508 - Andras x Alexia - select meet Andras later after he punishes Drokk
CG 509-510 - Rowan x Hearthsong - due to Fey events being reworked it's currently unobtainable
CG 511- Jezera x Doran - during the Raeve Keep attack watch Jezera - unlocks along with CG 310-312
CG 512- Jezera x Arzyl - due to Fey events being reworked it's currently unobtainable
CG 513-517- Rowan x Delane - must have saved Delane from the orc camp, after you meet Delane at the ball in Rastedal visit the Nobles Lodge and accept a hero's reward
CG 518 - Male Drider x Rowan - due to Fey events being reworked it's currently unobtainable
CG 519-520 - Tarish and Slaves CG - unlocks along with CG 479
CG 521-522 - Rowan x Liurial - after you deny Liurial orgasm you will have room event Make her perform - unlocks along with CG 481-484
CG 523 - Batri and Ulcro fight CG - auto unlocks as long as you don't save Delane
CG 524-525 - Alexia x Liurial - have Alexia to work as a Maid and to have done the Rowan x Alexia X Liurial threesome ( CG 279-285 )
CG 526-529 - Death of Werden CG - occurs automatically as long as you don't side with him
CG 530-534 - Death of Werden CG - Story CG, occurs automatically no mater with who you side
CG 535 - Andras x Alexia - unlocks along with cg 168-169
CG 536-537 - Rowan x Koh - forest map event, after the famine warning event you can find a band a smugglers and after you cooperate with them tell Obelius you prefer more feminine company
CG 538 - Rowan x Draith - unlocks along with cg 112-116
CG 539 - Rowan x Liurial - control Liurial orgasms and keep denying her and when she confesse spank her
CG 540 - "Horse" CG - have Alexia to work as a Barmaid, auto unlocks during the pony stop event - unlocks along with CG 485
CG 541-542 - Rowan x Helayna 4 - unlocks along with CG 298-299
CG 543 - Batri winner CG - help Batri get Delane and watch the battle between Batri and Ulcro/ help Trish get Delane and watch the battle between Batri and Ulcro
CG 544 - Ulcro winner CG - Help Ulcro get Delane and watch the battle between Batri and Ulcro
CG 545-546 - Mary x Alexia - have Alexia work as a Maid, must have unlocked the medium corruption path with Jezera, when Mary want to help you Nod
CG 547-548 - Qais x Rowan - mine map event, after you meet the party of adventurers, encourage Qais
CG 549-550 - Rowan x Shani - after you side with someone to conquer Rastedel go to Northside Alleys and select beating around the ambush, revisit Northside Alleys and another option "Red light, green light" can be selected and go with Tie her up and give her what she needs
CG 551 - Rowan x Alexia - after you punish Alexia for letting Helayna escape you can "console" her when you visit her after the whipping
CG 552-558 - Fall of Rastedel CGs - Story CGs, gets auto-unlocked during the attack on Rastedel
CG 559-561 - Rowan x Alexia - required over 100 relationship between Rowan and Alexia( and possibly medium corruption for Rowan and Alexia) , weekly event (discovery of catacombs) pick grope her
CG 562-564 - Rowan x Shaya - get a private show by Shaya(room event)
CG 565-566 - Rowan x Patricia x Ameraine - after you select to side with Patricia, give to Ameraine the collar to submit Patricia
CG 567 - Patricia - automatic unlock if you control Patricia with the collar
CG 568-569 - Greyhide x Alexia - have Alexia work as a Forge hand and had prior sex with Greyhide
CG 570-571 - Wulump x Rowan x Alexia - after Jezera asks you take down Rastedel refuse her twice
CG 572-573 - Rowan x Alain - decide to side with Alain , and select Rowan should have been at his side from the start when teaching and raw machismo for their duel and he'll drill him later, in a intimate setting
CG 574-578 - Rastedel Orgy CG - witness the chaos during Rastedel conquest
CG 579 - Rowan x Juliet - visit Juliet twice after retaking Verdoin Abbey
CG 580-581 - Rowan x Juliet - visit Juliet twice after retaking Verdoin Abbey if you sided with Jacques/ visit Juliet twice after retaking Verdoin Abbey if you sided with Patricia ( requires medium corruption)
CG 582 - Rowan x Juliet - at the end of Rastedel conquest the twins captured Juliet and you can accept the gift
CG 583 - Marianne - Story CG, auto unlocks at the feast of conquering Rastedel
CG 584 - Delane - must have saved Delane from the orc camp and visited Delane after capturing Verdoin Abbey
CG 585 - Alexia - have Alexia work as a Forge hand
CG 586 - Alexia - have Alexia work as a Forge hand and have high influence with Andras
CG 587 - Rowan x Orc Chieftess - orc camp event, look unintentionally at the orc chieftess after you get captured
CG 588-589 - Francois CG - weekly event, you get to enjoy a dinner from Francois with Alexia
CG 590-593 - Rowan x Alexia - continuation of Francois event, invite Alexia to bed
CG 594 - Rowan x Helayna 5 - unlocks along with CG 358-360
CG 595 - Drider x Rowan - drider nest event, get distracted during the battle with the drider
CG 596-597 - Jezera x Alexia - unlocks along with cg 435
CG 598-599 - Female Drider x Rowan - due to Fey events being reworked it's currently unobtainable
CG 600-604 - Goblin Family CG - goblin family intro - unlocks along with CG 99
CG 605 - Fallen Rastedel CG - if you sided with Werden there will be some people escaping the Rastedel attack and this CG will auto unlock
CG 606-608 - Alexia x Tarek - have Alexia work as a Barmaid, select to "reward" the orc after dealing with the drunkard during the "Alexia and the drunk" event
CG 609-610 - Rowan x Liurial - must have Helayna serve you in bed and Liurial in denial and Liurial will be an option during the room event of Helayna (Cuck Helayna)
CG 611-615 - Rowan x Rylea - during the succubi murder mystery event for X'Zaratl, find the culprit and get him to aide you as he is
CG 616-617 - Rowan x Alexia - continuation of Francois event, invite Alexia to bed - unlocks along with CG 590-593
CG 618-619 - Rowan x Sheena - unlocks along with CG 242
CG 620-621 - Rowan x Heartsong - due to Fey events being reworked it's currently unobtainable
CG 622-625 - Rowan x Maud - hold Maud hand after you help her meet the Baron
CG 626-632 - Rowan x Patricia - after you select to side with Patricia, keep the collar to submit Patricia
CG 633 - Rowan x Tarish - unlocks along with CG 269
CG 634 - Alexia x Drider - have Alexia work as a Caretaker, agree to train and drain the driders
CG 635-642 - Whitescar x Draith - have Alexia work as a Caretaker, stay and watch when Whitescar comes
CG 643-648 - Alexia Festival CG - after you accept book from Andras in the weekly event, go to Jezera to learn about the book
CG List Part 4
CG 649 - Alexia x Mikael - doable after doing CG 407-410 and CG 435, after you receive the two boxes from Jezera and select accept.. for now
CG 650 - Alexia x Mikael - continuation of the above, select trust her and then select agree
CG 651 - Jezera x Alexia - continuation of the above
CG 652-659- Alexia( x Jezera) - continuation of the above
CG 660-661 - Remiscence CG - after the "Conors fate" weekly event where Andras asks you what to do with their neighbor baker
CG 662 - Remiscence CG - as per above, but this one requires high relationship between Rowan and Alexia
CG 663-667 - Rowan x Alexia - continuation of the above if you hug her and kiss her
CG 668-671 - Delane - after you capture Verdoin Abbey go to Nobles Lodge and visit Delane
CG 672-674 - Rowan x Delane - continuation of the above, select to take Delane to bed
CG 675-676 - Rowan x Rylea - during the succubi murder mystery event for X'Zaratl, find the culprit and get him to aide you but transform into a woman
CG 677 - Cliohna x Rowan - let Cliohna extract your seed and resist during the first event, and on the second event select submit to her terms. maybe it won't be that bad.. and select all the options with focus on her
CG 678 - Rowan's Dream - Story CG, it will unlock automatically
CG 679 - Greyhide x Rowan - room event unlocked after sharing his people liquor event, give Greyhide a blowjob
CG 680 - Drinking Buddies CG - unlocked during first event of Greyhide
CG 681-685 - Battle CGs - unlocks along with CG 286-290
CG 686-687 - Rowan x Patricia - if you select to side with Patricia in Rastedel and you visit her twice you can give her what she's been missing
CG 688-693 - Rowan x Alexia - must have high relationship with Alexia(I think that over 50), leave the door open and embrace Alexia and then go with first option for all the choices
CG 694-702 - Rowan & Jezera x Maids - weekly event, accept Jezera offer when she asks if you are stressed
CG 703-707 - Patricia Fate CGs - after you side with Jacques, during the attack of Rastedel you will meet with Patricia and a group of purples while injured and Ameraine saves you
CG 708 - Andras x Alexia - it gets unlocked after Andras sends Drokk to summon you and present you with the box
CG 709-719 - Andras x Alexia - continuation of the above, open the box and there will be a longer event in which all the CGs will be unlocked
CG List Part 5 ( Beauties & Beasts)
CG 720-721 - Rowan Battlefield - unlocks automatically during week 20 castle event
CG 722-724 - Mary x Alexia - have Alexia work as a Maid, it will be a weekly maid event
CG 725-727 - Mary x Alexia - continuation of the above event if you pick accept the punishment
CG 728-730 - Fae Emisaries - unlocks automatically during week 26 castle event
CG 731-733 - Alexia meets Greyhide CG - it will be a weekly castle event after you have built the forge
CG 734-736 - Rickon x Cla-Yill - have Alexia work as Research Assistant and chose to peak on the couple
CG 737-739 - Rowan knighthing - pick hereditary feudalism when asked by the twins how to handle the throne
CG 740-742 - Rowan x Kethar - mountain map event, requires medium corruption on Rowan, pick Recruit them for bloodmen in exchange for sexual favors when you encounter the orc tribe
CG 743- Jezera x Rowan - unlocks along with CG 401-405
CG 744-746 - Jezera x Rowan - continuation of the above, pick do as she wants
CG 747, 749, 751- Rowan x Altered Orc(Bootleg Alexia) - requires 0 relationship between Rowan and Alexia (and possibly medium corruption for Rowan),it will be a weekly castle event
CG 748 - Rowan x Altered Orc(Bootleg Alexia) - pick the first option of the above CG
CG 750 - Rowan x Altered Orc(Bootleg Alexia) - pick the second option of the CG
CG 752-755 - Party CG - weekly castle CG if you decide to accompany Shaya to the party
CG 756-757 - Rowan x Courtesan - continuation of the above, pick let her continue
CG 758-762 - Rowan x Helayna - claim Helayna during Raeve Keep and you will have room event to visit Helayna
CG 763-768 - Rowan x Alexia - steal the potion with Alexia and console her with Rowan and promise her to look into safer treatments and then you'll have Alexia fertility treatment when speaking with Nasim and pick the bottom choices till the end(each choice unlocks one more CG)
CG 769 - Jezera x Alexia - have Alexia work as a Maid, it will be a weekly maid event
CG 770-774 - Jaques Fate CG - after you side with Patricia, during the attack of Rastedel you will meet with Jaques and a group of Coppers while injured and Ameraine saves you
CG 775-780 - Incubus x Sister Gwen - plain map event, requires medium corruption on Rowan and influence with Jezera, pick teach her a kinky lesson
CG 781-786 - Rowan x Shaya - continuation of CG 752-757
CG 787-793 - Rowan x Shaya - pay a private visit to Shaya, after unlocking CG 562-564 the room event will change to this
CG 794-796 - Sil CG - have Alexia work as a Caretaker, unlocks automatically during a job event
CG 797-800 - Sil x Alexia - have Alexia work as a Caretaker, pick offer blowjob
CG 801-803 - X'Zaratl x Alexia - weekly castle event, have Rowan either follow X'Zaratl advice in full or demand the contraception charm and follow X'Zaratl to your room with Alexia
CG 804-806 - Rowan x Alexia x X'Zaratl - continuation of the above, possibly last CG is unlocked by chosing do not let her pull away
CG 807 - Alexia x Rowan - unlocks along with CG 145-147
CG 808-811 - Ameraine - unlocks during the rastadel introduction at the ball
CG List Part 6 ( Cogs of Change)
CG 1-817- Andras x Alexia x Zahira - requires Andras route, if you completed CG 709-719 you will get this one 1-2 weeks later
CG 813 - Andras x Alexia x Zahira - if you select Arousing during the event
CG 814 - Andras x Alexia x Zahira - if you select Unpleasant to Consider during the event
CG 818-822 - Ran-Cou x Zelda - cliffs map event, select Listen intently
CG 823 - Andras x Alexia x Zahira - unlocks along with CG 813
CG 824 - Shaya - select Forget about it and follow what Shaya wants
CG 825 - Jezera & Alexia - have Alexia work as a Maid, select provoke a punishment
CG 826-828 - Greyhide fights Andras - unlocks if you go with the Alexia route for Greyhide
CG 829-833 - Greyhide x Alexya - unlocks if you go with the Alexia route for Greyhide
CG 834-835 - Greyhide fights Andras - unlocks if you go with poly/ Rowan route for Greyhide
CG 836-840 - Greyhide x Rowan - unlocks if you go with Rowan route for Greyhide
CG 841 - Greyhide fights Andras - if you go on the poly route with Greyhide
CG 842-843 - Alexia's Infiltration - requires Jezera route, select Infiltration when you need to chose the lesson
CG 844-845 - Orcess Warrior x Alexia - continuation of the above, select Seduce the guard
CG 846-847 - Jezera x Alexia - continuation of the above-
CG 848-850 - Syl x Alexia - have Alexia work as a Caretaker, select Show your appreciation
CG 851-853 - Goblins x Alexia - have Alexia work as a Barmaid, requires medium corruption Alexia, select to ♥♥♥♥ the goblins in exchange for Rhistel's safety
CG 854-857 - Rowan x Gretcha - village map event, must destroy a village and select I want you tonight from the second selection of choices or select Offer the girl protection from the orcs if she spends the evening if you select in the third selection if you had any of the other 3 on the second selection
CG 858-863 - Rowan x Alexia x X'Zaratl - continuation of CG 145-147, select Dominate Rowan with the ring and then select first option for the rest of choices(not sure if there are other pre-requirements than the one mentioned)
CG 864-866 - Greyhide x Alexia x Rowan - if you selected Alexia takes charge on the poly route
CG 867-869 - Greyhide x Alexia x Rowan - if you selected Greyhide takes charge on the poly route
CG 870 - Rowan x Alexia - requires high relationship with Alexia, after Alexia meets the drunk workers select tell Rowan everything in the evening, rowan is right and take the lead - "Compesate" him for all the hard work
CG 871-872 - Shaya - select Confront Shaya about the "Truth" when going to Shaya after the library meeting
CG List Part 7 ( Canvas & Quill)
CG 873-876 - Zahira x Alexia - unlocks during the same event as CG 812, 815-817
CG 877-881 - Rowan x Darla - forest map event, pick take me to the leader, the rest don't matter and the end ♥♥♥♥ Darla
CG 882-885 - Greyhide x Alexia x Rowan - if you selected Rowan takes charge on the poly route
CG 886 - Karnas CG - auto-unlocks if you don't skip the prologue
CG 887-890 - Syl x Alexia - have Alexia work as a Caretaker, select enter in the tube
CG 891 - Rowan x Man x ♥♥♥♥♥ - select Participate in the fun at the party event
CG 892 - Jezera x Alexya - weekly event with Jezera, select accept the command when you are's the same event as CG 245-247, but unlocks two choices earlier
CG 893-899 - Rowan x Cla-Min - explore event in the orc camp where you get the allies, explore the camp and select speak with Jezera to invite Cla-Min and the rest of the event will be available on explore the camp on another week
CG 900, 903 - Alexia x Alexia - reach high corruption with Alexia, be on Jezera corruption path and select a Mistress and ♥♥♥♥ her, the rest does not matter
CG 902 - Alexia x Alexia - reach high corruption with Alexia, be on Andras corruption path and select a Master and ♥♥♥♥ her, the rest does not matter
CG 901,904-905 - Alexia x Alexia - reach high corruption with Alexia, when the high corruptions event prompts select ♥♥♥♥ her on the fourth selection as the first three does not matter for the CG unlock
CG 906-908 - Alexia - have Alexia work as a Caretaker, select use the dildo
CG 909-914 - Velrys x Rowan - mine map event, select ask for help and then if i have to...
CG 915 - Rowan x Cla-Min - weekly event, select to remain to inspect the castle and it will auto unlock after you select any two options
CG 916 - Rowan x Cla-Min - continuation of the above, select Let her snuggle
CG 917-918 - Rowan x Cla-Min - continuation of the above, select Grope Cla-Min
CG 919-922 - Rowan x Cla-Min - continuation of the above, select all the other options and the CGs will auto unlock during the 3rd day(each two choices is a day)
CG 923-925 - Rowan x Alexia - have Alexia work as a Maid, requires high relationship of Rowan-Alexia, select be a good maid and "clean him up"
CG 926-929 - Rowan x Shaya - unlocks along with CG 871-872
CG 930 - Rowan x Shaya - haven't discovered how to unlock yet
CG 931 - Liurial - room event, cofine her that it's available after unlocking CG 197-198
CG 932 - Rowan x Ikon- autounlocks during a weekly event wish Shaya
CG 933 - Rowan x Ikon- continuation of the above, select sounds kinky
CG 934-935 - Rowan x Ikon - continuation of the above, select indulce and use clamps
CG 936-938 - Rowan x Ikon - continuation of CG 933, select indulce and jerk off on her
CG 939-942 - Rowan x Draith - weekly event, select have sex
CG List Part 7 ( Magebound)
CG 935-942 - Rowan x Draith - weekly event, select show Draith who's in charge
CG 943-950 - Rowan x Cla-Tre x Cla-Owi - weekly event, select Take up their offer of a "favour"
CG 951-953 - Indarah Dance CG - have Alexia to work as a Barmaid, and chose to remain for Indarah's dance
CG 954-957 - Rowan x Liurial - select "Indulge the impulse" during the weekly event when Torlene wants Liurial back( must have selected the Dom path before)
CG 958-962 - X'Zaratl x Rowan - after a weekly event X'Zaratl will ask you if you are intested in anal training, if you answer positively you will have the option when you visit her and doing so will unlock this
CG 963-964 - X'Zaratl x Rowan - continuation of the above , select have her ♥♥♥♥ you with her ♥♥♥♥
CG 965 - X'Zaratl - after you unlock CG 137-139, you have an interaction with X'Zaratl for more whipping at this will appear at the end of that event(also it can unlocked along with the CGs from above)
CG 966 - Asir x Rude Succubus - have Alexia to work as a Caretaker, and chose Toy with the succubus a little and the rest of the choices that goes along with it
CG 967 - Ameraine x Patricia - unlocks along with CG 557-558
CG 968-971 - Shaya x Rowan - unlocks along with CG 816
CG 972-976 - Rowan x Dasius - weekly event, select make him a manwhore for the brothel and then "teach" Dasius how to be a ♥♥♥♥♥
CG 977-979 - Rowan x Neswin - weekly event, after you take the dryder to the arena ♥♥♥♥ her yourself
CG 980-985 - Rowan x Liurial - select "Indulge the impulse" during the weekly event when Torlene wants Liurial back( must have selected the vanilla path before)
CG 986-988 - Greyhide x Rowan x Draith - weekly event, select Discover who's the better partner
CG 989-996 - Rowan x Cla-Min - select that you want to have a child with her and make sweet love to her
CG 997-998 - Nasim Magic CG - 2nd fertility treatment event from Nasim
CG 999-1000 - Rowan x Alexia - continuation of the above
CG 1001-1003 - Rowan x Alexia - continuation of the above, chose first option
CG 1004-1006 - Rowan x Alexia - continuation of the above, chose first option
CG 1007-1013 - Rowan Attack CG - auto-unlocks during prologue
indulge the impulse
CG List Part 8 ( The Mean & Green)
CG 935-937 - Andras x Alexia - have Alexia work as a Caretaker, pick one of the first two options while Andras visiting you
CG 938-948 - Rowan x Liurial - weekly event, i think it auto unlocks whatever you choose, i went with first ones on both choices
CG 949-953 - Rowan x Cynthia - weekly event, first choice doesn't mattter, assist Haywood in getting rid of the driders, take Cynthia to bed
CG 954-961 - X'Zaratl x Rowan - X'zaratl whipping event, pick He needed punishment and then this was acceptable
CG 962-966 - Andras x Zahira x Alexia - medium corruption route with Andras, should be next event after CG 806
CG 967-971 - Rowan x Draith - weekly event, "shut up" draith effectively
CG 972-974 - Rastadel fight - auto-unlocks during the Rastadel capture
CG 975-979 - Rowan x Tulip - abbey map event, seduce Tulip
CG 980-982 - Rowan x Cla-min - continuation of the next event, select yes, i would love to have a child with you and dominate your secret Goblin bride
CG 983-940 - Cla-min Finale Cgs - auto-unlocks during the cla-min finale
CG 941-945 - Rowan x Nole - weekly event, first choice doesn't mattter, recruit nole to the breeding pits, repay me with his body
CG 946-950 - Rowan battles with Torlene - weekly event, after the Rowan X Liurial event from above, make the choices so that you get to duel Torlene
CG 951-956 - Rowan x Alexia - on the save Liurial event, after you duel Torlene, (possibly) if you have high relationship with Alexia she will come instead of Liurial, and then select Don't discourage Alexia
CG 957-961 - Breeding pit exercise - weekly castle event, i went with first option on all choicse
CG 962-970 - Rowan x Draith - continuation of the above, on first choice doesn't matter what you pick, for second "comfort" Draith with your body
CG 971-973 - Rowan x Madeline x Jezera - Spend favor with Jezera, ask for Magical items and then go with first choice for the next two
CG 974-981 - Rowan x Madeline x Jezera - continuation of the above, select Sharing Madeline ...
CG 982 - Rowan x Tulip - abbey map event, comfort Tulip, and accept her gift
CG 983-986 - Rowan x Sylaris - map event, infiltrate the convoy to learn more about it, second choice doesn't matter and then join SYlaris in her tent
CG 987-991 - Rowan x Ghorza - orc camp event, first choice doesn't matter, Duel Ghorza, make Ghorza submit again, claim your prize, dominate Ghorza

CG List Part 9 (The Winterchill)
CG 992-994 - Heartsong - must use points with Jezera to unlock it, go with You know, Helayna would often bathe in the pond after a training session, imagine a Heartsong who might enjoy a little undressing
CG 995-998 - Rowan x Heartsong - continuation of the above
CG 999-1005- Heartsong leaving - continuation of the above, select he took heartsong's hand, and felt his hearbeat quicken
CG 1006-1009 - Ulcro vs Batri CG - unlocks along with CG 523
CG 1010-1013 - Zii x Rowan - autounlocks at the Goblin Camp
CG 1014-1019 - Rowan x Tue-Mai - at the goblin camp, either go with first option ( try to learn Tue-Mai's embarrassing bedroom secrest - firsthand) or go with the 2nd and then first option, and then do as Tue-san commands
CG 1020-1022 - Rowan x Tue-Mai - instead of picking do as Tue-san commands at the above go with You couldn't care less about being watched. keep going
CG 1023-1028 - Rowan x Liurial - on the save Liurial event, after you duel Torlene, if you have been on Liurial sex path it will auto-unlock
CG 1029-1033 - Rowan x Jezera - spend favor with Jezera, go with ask for control over spies, one of the first two choices, Praise Jezera's talents, the rest shouldn't matter
CG 1034 - Rowan x Madeline x Jezera - unlocks along with CG 974-981
CG 1035-1044 - Rowan x Draith - weekly event, first choices doesn't matter, make him moan your name
CG 1045-1047 - Che-Lin CG - autounlocks at the Goblin Camp
CG 1048-1050 - Rowan x Alexia - weekly event, auto unlocks
CG 1051-1055 - French Girl Alexia CG - weekly event, select pick the slutty one
CG 1056-1058 - Rowan x Alexia - continuation of the above, select what a wonderul surprise - but tease her just a little.., make love to her as you always do and take her
CG 1059-1062 - Rowan x Alexia - branch of the above one, instead of picking taker her go with stare awestruck and then kneel before her
CG 1063-1067 - Sil x Draith - have Alexia work as an Caretaker, select Keep watching
CG 1068-1074 - Ghorza x Rowan - orc camp event, firt choice doesn't matter, bribe ghorza with slaves and succubi spies and submit to ghorza
CG 1075-1078 - Rowan x Alexia - haven't discovered how to unlock it possible continuation of CG 1048-1050
CG 1079-1085 - Haywood x Rowan - weekly event, first choice doesn't mattter, assist Haywood in getting rid of the driders, Allow the Lord to pay you with his body
CG 1086-1094 - Ophelia Intro CG - have Alexia work as a Barmaid, i think all cgs unlock automatically during Ophelia intro event
CG 1095-1096 - Rowan x Madeline - continuation of CG 971-973, select sounds fun but you'no intention of letting Jezera treat you like a ♥♥♥♥ puppet and then you can break Madeline in - but Jezera stays out of this
CG 1097-1099 - Rowan x Madeline - continuation of above, select Jezera had the right ide - you want to feel her lips around your shaft
CG 1100-1101 - Rowan x Madeline - continuation of the above
CG 1102,1104 - Rowan x Madeline - continuation of the above, select Madeline felt too good - he had to come inside her and then inside
CG 1103- Rowan x Madeline - continuation of CG 1100-1101, select Madeline felt too good - he had to come inside her and then outside
CG 1105-1106 - Rowan x Madeline - continuation of CG 1100-1101, select pull Madeline to her knees, and come on her tits
Changelog and small notes
07 March 2021 - Updated CG 286 and CG 327 as I managed to find how to unlock them and updated CG 680-685 as Rowan corruption is needed
9 March 2021 - Updated CG 270 as I managed to find how to unlock it, edited again CG680-685 as it seems Rowan corruption is not needed
17 May 2021 - Seems that CG 255-260 is obtainable again
23 May 2021 - Added most of the new CGs (still have to unlock two of them) and CG 551-553 with some vague way to unlock it( was able to encounter it just once in my multiple playthroughs), also changed name for CG 484-485 as in the newly added content the mysterious slave is revealed to be named Zahira, also some X'Zaratl scenes may have changed how are obtained and didn't updated yet
7 June 2021 - Due to the help of Travelerr from the Venus Noire discord discovered how to unlock CG 739-742, also slight edit again on CG 551-553, small notice: I wasn't able to trigger the event for CG 739-742 without meeting the requirements, but for CG 551-553(catacomb discovery) you can trigger the event even if you don't meet the requirements but you won't have the options to pick to get the CGs
15 September 2021 - Added "preview" with the latest scenes
18 September 2021 - Added most of the new content( still missing 2 scenes that I didn't managed to find yet), some old content might be a bit changed in the way to unlock it, but I won't go back and redo the guide as long as the developers are still working on the reworks
15 January 2022 - Added a "preview" of the CGs from the new update, give it few days and they should be mostly be completed and also managed to find how to unlock CG 850-855
16 May 2022 - Added a WIP section of CGs from the new update, will make a preview for it today and it would take me few days to make it trough them
22 May 2022 - Managed to make small description for all the scenes in the Magebound update, thanks to Cercil from Venus Noire discord for help with CG 980-985
8 Aug 2022- Added a preview version of the CGs, no numbering atm as there have been added some more CGs in the beginning of the bonus section so all the numbering in the guide is off by few, not sure when I will be able to fully update the numbering and the CGs from this update
14 Oct 2022 - Added most of the august patch CGs, still missing two, at the moment no numbering as I have to rework the full guide to have accurate numbers again
17 Nov 2022 - Updating the numbering of the CGs, hopefully didn't break too much the rest of the guide as i tried to somehow automate it, if you see someone that doesn't make sense please let me know, maybe after next steam update will go back and update some of the finished castle npcs events(that got redone in the latest updates)
22 Dec 2022 - Added a preview version of the CGs, as usual, no idea when full description will arrive
7 Jan 2023 - Added full list of the CGs from the last event, managed to find allegedly find how to unlock CG 954-961 as well, kinda changed a bit how I find them, and I'm a bit unsure if it will be as reliable as before, numbering is broken again as 3 additional CGs have been added at the start(not sure when I'll get to to fixing it again)
CyberLife 30 May, 2024 @ 1:51pm 
Pleaseeeee continue the guide :alexia:
Dandey  [author] 6 Jul, 2023 @ 9:27am 
@This is it, Pancit! didn't really had time to make the rest, but there should be the new scene replay that should have all the scenes and will most likely unlock the cgs in bonus scenes after going through them
canoes! 5 Jul, 2023 @ 10:02pm 
any news for the recent april update?
Varick 19 Jan, 2023 @ 3:03am 
Having some trouble with CG 992-994 i actually managed to entirely skip past it but im not quite sure how I got 999-1005 but i never saw an option to spend any favor on anything but the option for spies and a favor did i miss somthing?
Dandey  [author] 18 Jan, 2023 @ 11:10pm 
@Lustre yes, talking about that
Lustre 18 Jan, 2023 @ 6:31pm 
I think I tried every possible combination and am not getting them. You're talking about the "she considered the offer" and "disregarded the offer" choice right?
Dandey  [author] 7 Jan, 2023 @ 12:52am 
small corrections, 2 of them are unlocked if Alexia takes Andras offer and the other two if she refuses it(during the 2nd choice for Alexia in prologue)
Dandey  [author] 6 Jan, 2023 @ 1:23pm 
@Lustre 27-29 are story cgs in the prologue
Lustre 2 Jan, 2023 @ 8:09pm 
How do you get 27 and 28?
Dandey  [author] 3 Aug, 2022 @ 11:28pm 
@soscohvirtue if you search on the discussion forum there is a thread/ post where someone mentions how you can see all cgs without unlocking them, i also use that method to check what cgs have been added in the updates to somehow know where to look for them not to search blindly