Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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RON, the network replacer 1.1.1
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23 Feb, 2021 @ 3:06pm
22 Sep, 2023 @ 6:51pm
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RON, the network replacer 1.1.1


Replace Our Networks.
New in 1.0
New in 0.9.4
  • Add option to auto-replace missing NAR tracks on load
  • Station track replacer now supports metro stations as well, and train and metro tracks can be swapped for each other
  • Station track replacer can now be used on already-placed stations (RON button in top-left of station info panel)
New in 0.9.3
  • Add network deletion function
New in 0.9.2
  • Detect and remove ghost nodes when performing global replacements
New in 0.9.1
  • Extend NExt2 auto-replacement to roads in intersections and buildings

A tool to replace all segments of a given network in your city with another network (without having to find and replace each segment manually).

Currently supported network types are:
  • Roads (surface, elevated/bridge, tunnel)
  • Rail (surface, elevated/bridge, tunnel)
  • Metro tracks (surface, elevated/bridge, tunnel)
  • Pedestrian and bike paths (surface, elevated/bridge, tunnel)
  • Walls, fences, and other decorative networks (networks using DecorationWallAI)
  • Monorails
  • Power lines
  • Campus and Parklife area path networks
  • Quays
  • Canals

How to use
  • Press the hotkey (default is Alt-N, configurable in the options menu), or use the button in the Universal UI (UUI) button strip, to bring up the replacement panel.
  • Select the network type you want from the dropdown menu at the top-left.
  • Select the network you want to replace from the list on the left, or click on it on the map.
  • Select the network you want to replace it with from the list on the right.
  • OPTIONAL: you can use the toggle buttons next to the network type dropdown menu (at top of panel) to choose to replace all networks of that type on the map, or limit the replacement to only the same district as the selected network segment, or just the selected segment itself.
  • The networks to be replaced will be highlighted on the map.
  • Press the 'REPLACE' button (top center).

In the lists, Vanilla (base-game) roads will be identified with a [v] tag in front of their name. Network Extensions 2 roads are identified with an [n] tag, and networks from other mods are tagged with [m].

The replacement preserves the original segment direction, so e.g. one-way-road directions should remain the same after replacement.

Note that conflicting objects (buildings, other networks, decoration items) will NOT be auto-bulldozed by any replacement. This enables you to replace a road with a wider variant without destroying existing buildings.

Available replacements
The mod will show a list of available replacement networks in the list on the right. By default this list will EXCLUDE:
  • Vanilla and Network Extensions networks; you can change this and include them as valid replacements by unchecking the 'Hide vanilla and NExT' check at the top-right.
  • Networks of different widths to your selected target network (specifically, half-widths); you can change this to show networks of different widths by unchecking the 'Same width only' check at the top-right.
Elevations/bridges and tunnels are separate network types and will need to be replaced separately!

For safety, external connection segments will NOT be replaced by this mod.

Network Extensions 2 replacements
A complete replacement set for Network Extensions 2 (NExt2) roads (including the rendered tunnels) is available with cylis' excellent Network Extensions 2 replacement collection - not only is it a fully-functional replacement set, it also fixes several bugs with the original NExt2 roads.

This mod includes the ability to auto-replace any missing NExt2 roads on load with the equivalents from the above collection (obviously, you need to be subscribed to the collection for this to work). To use this feature, UNSUBSCRIBE from NExt2, and then load the game/map normally. Networks will NOT be auto-replaced if NExt2 is active.

If you're using the NExt2 tiny roads, you may want to subscribe to (and enable) Zoning Adjuster BEFORE using auto-replace (otherwise tiny road zoning will be offset from the original).

NOTE: TM:PE lane and intersection settings may not be aligned to the new roads; check (and fix as required) before proceeding with the game.

Metro Overhaul Mod replacements
Metro Overhaul Mod (MOM) tracks can be replaced in a similar manner to Network Extensions 2 roads as described above, using cylis' MOM replacement collection and MOM Inspired Metro Station Tracks.

Advanced mode
The 'Advanced mode' must be activated by the checkbox in the mod's options panel. Enabling this option reveals an additional option in the replacement panel to 'show all networks'; selecting this will list *all* network types in the list of available replacements (not just networks of the same type as the selection).

This enables you to replace networks with a different network type, such as replacing a railway with a road, a road with a path, a quay with a canal, a power line with a monorail, etc.

This can be very powerful - but also very dangerous (which is why the activation in the options panel is needed as a safety step). Use with caution!

Replacing an entire network type in your city is obviously a major operation. Make sure you have a backup in case something goes wrong, and check over your city afterwards to make sure that everything is how you expected it to be.

It's possible that in some cases you may need to do some minor touch-up to networks and/or junctions.

With the exception of auto-replace-on-load (for Network Extensions 2 roads, Metro Overhaul Mod tracks, and North American Rail tracks), the original network needs to be visible to the game before it can be replaced (so replace roads before unsubscribing from the old roads).


Source code

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Popular Discussions View All (3)
28 Jun, 2022 @ 6:31pm
PINNED: Auto-replace missing North American Rail (NAR) tracks on game load
7 Apr, 2024 @ 10:20am
15 Sep, 2022 @ 9:41am
How to convert to new roads
Vahlee 8 Nov, 2024 @ 7:21pm 
The mod unsubscribed itself, gotta download it again, thank you!
algernon  [author] 27 Oct, 2024 @ 3:54pm 
@felix.corroyer The usual way, adjusting what you need to in TM:PE.
felix.corroyer 27 Oct, 2024 @ 10:26am 
"TM:PE lane and intersection settings may not be aligned to the new roads; check (and fix as required) before proceeding with the game"
This is my case, how can I correct this please ?
algernon  [author] 3 Aug, 2024 @ 5:10am 
@DreamsongSims It's definitely possible. Have you unchecked the 'same width only' button?
DreamsongSims 2 Aug, 2024 @ 8:19pm 
I have some custom made park assets with pedestrian paths in them. I would like to upgrade the paths to the Campus DLC paths, but when I click on the paths in the asset no potential replacements are available. The path I want to replace is this custom asset by Jan. I have the advanced options for RON enabled. Is this possible with the RON mod? I've looked for info on replacing network paths in custom assets but nothing is answering my question.
algernon  [author] 22 Jun, 2024 @ 6:01pm 
@Who The question is has it downloaded . Whether or not it's on the Steam subscription list doesn't confirm that, since the bug is with the Steam workshop not downloading things you're subscribed to.
:v 22 Jun, 2024 @ 7:57am 
It shows up in content manager ---> Steam workshop but not on the mod list. I appreciate the help but i'll manage without it for now
algernon  [author] 21 Jun, 2024 @ 5:37pm 
@Who What "List of all downloaded assets"? I assume you're not talking about the subscription list, because that doesn't tell you if it's actually been downloaded. This isn't about seeing if its on a list, its about checking the file location to see if it's actually been downloaded. Which given your first response I assume you know how to do and have already done, correct?
:v 21 Jun, 2024 @ 7:30am 
it's on the list of all downloaded assets or whatever but not on mod list
algernon  [author] 21 Jun, 2024 @ 6:17am 
@Who There are many possible reasons. Are you sure it's been downloaded?