Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition

Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition

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Chronological order of missions, GTA IV and Episodes from Liberty City.
Por GekaFirst
In this guide, I painted all the GTA IV and Episodes from Liberty City missions in chronological order playing for Nico Bellic, Johnny Klebits and Luis Lopez.

Note: Elizabeth's missions ("Heavy Toll", "Marta Full of Grace" and "Shifting Weight") in TLAD must begin before the start of the mission ("The Snow Storm" and "Have a Heart") in GTA IV. This error in the chronology was made by Rockstar.
For Reference:

The missions in the game Grand Theft Auto IV and two episodes: The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony follow a certain chronology:
Chapter 1: The Beginning of a Story.
The Name of The Mission
Issues a Mission
Mission Icon
1. The Cousins Bellic
2. It's Your Call
3. Three's a Crowd
4. Bleed Out

Roman Bellic
5. First Date

6. Easy Fare
7. Jamaican Heat

Roman Bellic
8. Concrete Jungle

Little Jacob
9. Bull in a China Shop
10. Hung Out to Dry
11. Clean Getaway
12. Ivan the Not So Terrible

Vlad Glebov
13. Uncle Vlad
14. Crime and Punishment

Roman Bellic
15. Do You Have Protection?

Mikhail Faustin
16. Shadow

Little Jacob
17. Final Destination

Mikhail Faustin
18. Clean and Serene
19. Angels in America

Billy Grey
20. Liberty City Choppers
21. Bad Cop Drop

Jim Fitzgerald

The intersection of the plot of GTA 4 and The Lost and Damned: Jason Michaels tells Johnny that he has “some kind of Russian woman in a Broker”, and this “makes her psychopath go crazy.”
Chapter 2: The Assassination of Jason Michaels.
The Name of The Mission
Issues a Mission
Mission Icon
22. No Love Lost

Mikhail Faustin
23. Logging On

Roman Bellic
24. Rigged to Blow

Mikhail Faustin
25. The Master and the Molotov
26. Russian Revolution

Dimitri Rascalov
27. Roman's Sorrow

Roman Bellic
28. It's War

Billy Grey

The intersection of the plot of GTA 4 and The Lost and Damned: Mikhail Faustin sends Niko to kill his daughter's boyfriend, a member of the "Lost".After some time, Johnny learns from Billy Gray about Jason's murder, and the "Lost" are at war with the "Angels of Death".
Chapter 3
The Name of The Mission
Issues a Mission
Mission Icon
29. Escuela of the Streets
30. Street Sweeper

Manny Escuela
31. Luck of the Irish

Elizabeta Torres
32. Action/Reaction

Billy Grey

Chapter 4: Selling Heroin (crossover)
The Name of The Mission
Issues a Mission
Mission Icon
33. Buyer's Market

Elizabeta Torres
34. Blow Your Cover

Elizabeta Torres

The intersection of the plot of The Lost and Damned and GTA 4: Johnny and Nico are present in a drug deal for Elizabeth Torres, which turns out to be an ambush for LCPD.
Chapter 5
The Name of The Mission
Issues a Mission
Mission Icon
35. Search and Delete
36. Easy as Can Be
37. Out of the Closet
38. No. 1

Bruce Kibbutz
39. The Puerto Rican Connection

Manny Escuela
40. The Snow Storm
41. Have a Heart

Elizabeta Torres
42. Call and Collect

Francis McReary
43. Harboring a Grudge
44. Waste Not Want Knots

Patrick McReary
45. Politics

Thomas Stubbs
46. Coming Down

Ashley Butler
47. Off Route

Thomas Stubbs

Chapter 6: Bank robbery (crossover)
The Name of The Mission
Issues a Mission
Mission Icon
48. Three Leaf Clover

Patrick McReary
49. I Luv LC

Gay Tony

The intersection of the plot of GTA 4 and The Ballad of Gay Tony: Nico, together with Patrick, Derrick Makriki and Michael Keene rob Bank of Liberty. Louis is a client of the bank, and was held hostage at the time.
Chapter 7
The Name of The Mission
Issues a Mission
Mission Icon
50. Final Interview

Francis McReary
51. Smackdown

Derrick McReary
52. Practice Swing

Gay Tony
53. Momma's Boy

Mr. Santo
54. Corner Kids
55. Clocking Off

Armando Torres
56. Kibbutz Number One

Mori Kibbutz
Chapter 8: Algonkin Triad Missions.
The Name of The Mission
Issues a Mission
Mission Icon
57. Chinese Takeout

Gay Tony
58. This S.hit’s Cursed

Billy Grey

The intersection of the plot of The Ballad of Gay Tony and The Lost and Damned: Billy Gray ambushes the Triad in Johnny Klebitz in the mission of the "Chinese Takeout". Johnny was then ambushed, trying to unload the heroin of the Triad in a mission "This S.hit' s Cursed", but running away.
Chapter 9
The Name of The Mission
Issues a Mission
Mission Icon
59. Hit the Pipe
60. End of Chapter
61. Bad Standing

Jim Fitzgerald
62. Heavy Toll
63. Marta Full of Grace
64. Shifting Weight

Elizabeta Torres
65. Holland Nights
66. Lure

Francis McReary
67. A Long Way to Fall

Ray Boccino
68. Babysitting
69. Tunnel of Death

Derrick McReary
70. Actions Speak Louder than Words
71. I Need Your Clothes Your Boots, and Your Motorcycle

Gerald McReary
72. Blood Brothers

Francis McReary
73. Undertaker

Patrick McReary
74. Deconstruction for Beginners

Playboy X
75. Ruff Rider
76. Undress to Kill

Dwayne Forge
77. Photo Shoot

Playboy X
78. The Holland Play

Playboy X
79. Sexy Time

Yusuf Amir
80. Blog This!...

Gay Tony
81. High Dive
82. Caught with your Pants Down

Yusuf Amir
83. This Ain't Checkers
84. No. 3

Mori Kibbutz
85. Bang Bang
86. Boulevard Baby

Gay Tony
Chapter 10: Roman's Abduction.
The Name of The Mission
Issues a Mission
Mission Icon
87. Roman's Holiday

Ashley Butler
88. Hostile Negotiation

Mallorie Bardas

The intersection of the plot of The Lost and Damned and GTA 4: Johnny and Malk kidnap Roman Bellik for Dmitry Raskalov. Nico subsequently must save his cousin.
Chapter 11: Theft of Diamonds (crossover)
The Name of The Mission
Issues a Mission
Mission Icon
89. Frosting on the Cake
90. ...Blog This!

Gay Tony
91. Diamonds in the Rough

Ray Boccino
92. Taking in the Trash,
93. Meltdown

Ray Boccino
94. Going Deep
95. Dropping In...

Ray Bulgarin
96. For the Man Who Has Everything

Yusuf Amir

The intersection of the plot of The Ballad of Gay Tony, The Lost and Damned and GTA 4: after the theft of Diamonds from Ray Bulgarin, Louis and Gay Tony were ambushed by members of The Lost, including Johnny, who stole the Diamonds from Ray Bochchino. Johnny hides the diamonds in the trash can, which Nico finds later.
Chapter 12: The deal in Libertoniane (crossover)
The Name of The Mission
Issues a Mission
Mission Icon
97. Museum Piece

Ray Boccino
98. Collector's Item

Ray Boccino
99. Not So Fast

Gay Tony

The intersection of the plot of GTA 4, The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony: Ray Boccino sends Nico and Johnny to a diamond deal with members of the Jewish mob. The deal was interrupted by Louis, who is trying to take the diamonds back.
Chapter 13: Killing Jim (crossover)
The Name of The Mission
Issues a Mission
Mission Icon
100. Was It Worth It?

Ray Boccino
101. No Way on the Subway

Ray Boccino

The intersection of the plot of GTA 4 and The Lost and Damned: having lost millions with a loss of diamonds, Ray Boccino kidnaps Jim Fitzgerald and tries to kidnap Johnny. These two run away, so Ray sends Niko to kill Jim and some morons after Johnny. Ashley Butler informs Johnny of Jim's death at the end of his mission. He then breaks his ties with Ray.
Chapter 14: The End of the Biker Story.
The Name of The Mission
Issues a Mission
Mission Icon
102. Get Lost

Thomas Stubbs
103. Weekend at Florian's
104. Late Checkout

Ray Boccino
105. Hating the Haters
106. Union Drive
107. Buoys Ahoy

Bernie Crane
108. In the Crosshairs

Ray Bulgarin

Johnny's story ends, but continues in GTA 5.
Chapter 15: Gracie's Abduction.
The Name of The Mission
Issues a Mission
Mission Icon
109. I'll Take Her...

Gerald McReary
110. Ladies' Night

Gay Tony
111. She's A Keeper
112. Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend

Gerald McReary
113. Ladies Half Price

Gay Tony

The intersection of the plot of GTA 4 and The Ballad of Gay Tony: to return the diamonds, Nico and Pakki kidnap Gracie Ancelotti for a deal with Louis and Gay Tony. The deal fails with the arrival of Bulgarin and his people and diamonds were lost forever.
Chapter 16
The Name of The Mission
Issues a Mission
Mission Icon
114. Wrong is Right

United Liberty Paper contact
115. Portrait of a Killer
116. Dust Off
117. Paper Trail

United Liberty Paper contact
118. Truck Hustle

Phil Bell
119. Pegorino's Pride
120. Payback

Jimmy Pegorino
121. Entourage
122. Dining Out
123. Liquidize the Assets

Jon Gravelli
124. Catch the Wave
125. Trespass
126. To Live and Die in Alderney

Phil Bell
127. Flatline
128. Pest Control

Jimmy Pegorino
129. That Special Someone

United Liberty Paper contact

Chapter 17: The murders of Raskalov and Bulgarin.
The Name of The Mission
Issues a Mission
Mission Icon
130. One Last Thing

Jimmy Pegorino
131. A Dish Served Cold / If The Price is Right

Niko Bellic: Kate's death

Jimmy Pegorino: Roman's death
132. Party's Over

Rocco Pelosi
133. Departure Time

Gay Tony
134. Mr. & Mrs. Bellic

Roman Bellic
135. Out of Commission / A Revenger's Tragedy

Little Jacob

In the last chapter, Niko chooses revenge and kills Dmitry Raskalov, while Luis kills Ray Bulgarin. A little later, Niko eliminates Jimmy Pegorino. The story of GTA 4: Episodes from Liberty City is over.
P.S. In this guide, I do not force you to play in this sequence, but if you like it, be sure to rate it, add it to your favorites and share with your friends.;)

If you wish, you can support the author financially: 4377 7200 0729 2071 (Tinkoff Bank)

59 comentarios
Mee 2 ENE a las 1:33 p. m. 
Pretty good timeline, only error is that Gerry's kidnapping missions should take place before Chapter 12 and not after as Tony asks Luis "Where's Gracie?" in the mission "Not So Fast", implying that they haven't seen her for many days and should be in Hercules right there with Tony and Luis.

A real shame about Elizabeta's missions in TLaD, Rockstar should definitely fix their continuity.
GekaFirst  [autor] 15 NOV 2024 a las 1:19 a. m. 
That's a good point. I didn't listen to the news on the radio. Maybe I'll edit this moment. Here it is worth understanding that in episodes of Liberty City, GTA 4 missions take place instantly. Therefore, many events will not be logical.
TheGhosT 14 NOV 2024 a las 9:45 a. m. 
Great guide, really spice up the game so far, just a little note that i've seen,

I just finished the mission 23 - 'its war' and i've been doing a race as johnny and it seems in the radio that they reported on a fire that broke, pretty much describes the aftereffect of roman's apartment being burnt,
so there might be a need to change the order of missions in that part, up to your consideration, really appreciate your effort for this guide!
Psychclops 21 MAY 2024 a las 6:22 a. m. 
Amazing walkthrough, really transforms the whole experience rather than taking them in separately. ++++++
GekaFirst  [autor] 14 ENE 2024 a las 10:20 p. m. 
I'll do that. Thanks for the advice.
Castellante 14 ENE 2024 a las 2:11 p. m. 
If you're tired of Elizabeta comments, you should really put a note in the guide itself explaining Rockstar's blunder.

The same thing with the Deal ending and Departure Time. In Departure Time, Timur mentions Dimitry is already dead. But that doesn't happen until A Revenger's Tragedy in the Deal timeline.
kailomonkey 2 ENE 2024 a las 5:23 p. m. 
Nice. I played the 3 characters together a few years ago but couldn't find how I ordered it! But now I think I just played until I met a character then switched. It worked well enough for me except The Lost and Damned I should have started early as your 1st chapter shows. Some missions happen at the exact same time so you can't line it up perfectly anyway, it has to become just 3 stories told together from different perspectives.
CtrlAltDelMyLife 2 ENE 2024 a las 12:37 p. m. 
Alright sounds good thanks, cause I was confused see playboyx so late in the game since I usually play him towards the start.
GekaFirst  [autor] 2 ENE 2024 a las 8:20 a. m. 
Yes, of course, but as I wrote earlier in the comments, the missions with Elizabeth Torres do not fit together, since the developers in the biker supplement did not correctly position the missions. As it is, all the missions are arranged in the correct order.
CtrlAltDelMyLife 2 ENE 2024 a las 6:13 a. m. 
So can I use it to play the game and the expansions in this order?