Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

Không đủ lượt đánh giá
Saphrey (Legacy build)
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592.315 KB
11 Thg02, 2021 @ 12:10pm
13 Thg03, 2023 @ 10:07am
15 ghi chú thay đổi ( xem )

Đăng ký để tải xuống
Saphrey (Legacy build)

Trong 1 bộ sưu tập tạo bởi Inf1n1teSp1r1t
Inf1n1te's Mods
24 vật phẩm
Mô tả
Saphrey joins Rivals of Aether!

Heads up: This is an old version! A Definitive Version has now been released, download here: https://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2947656797


Something something you can drift out of uspecial now
2 bình luận
Jonah 12 Thg11, 2022 @ 10:43am 
this is the best swordfighter in all of rivals
RamboCreativity 13 Thg04, 2021 @ 10:16pm 
Yum yum good