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How to Play with a (Somewhat) Intertwining Story
By merc
If you're like me and wished the Daud focused DLCs and the main story of Dishonored intertwined more, then you're in luck! This is a simple guide to playing through the Dishonored main game and Daud's missions (The Knife of Dunwall & The Brigmore Witches) together in chronological order, such that Daud's missions take place at the time they would during Corvo's story.

Note: This guide is spoiler-free aside from mission names.
An Explanation:
Below is the order of missions and how to proceed in making the two stories work together as seamlessly as possible. The number is the order in which they should be played, and listed is when to Save and Quit most seamlessly to start the other story's mission, and where applicable, the reasoning for the mission's place in the order.
1. Coming Home (Corvo)
Corvo's prologue.
2. Dishonored (Corvo)
This is the prison escape mission, and should be played before Daud's first mission in The Knife of Dunwall as Corvo's escape is mentioned therein.

When best to save and quit:
Just after waking up from the visit to The Void.
3. None Like Her (Daud; Knife of Dunwall)
Daud's Prologue

UPDATE: After playing through Dishonored a few more times since creating the guide, I've realized that it may be a bit strange to hop right into Daud's campaign right after your visit to the void as Corvo, as you haven't had a chance to experience your supernatural powers yet. What you can do instead is play High Overseer Campbell before starting Daud's campaign, and then play None like her, A Captain of Industry, and Eminent Domain in a row before returning to Corvo's campaign.
4. A Captain of Industry (Daud; Knife of Dunwall)
In this mission it is mentioned that Corvo has escaped from Coldridge Prison, and is best placed in this order because it is most likely that this happens shortly after Corvo's escape.

When best to Save & Quit:
Just before leaving the mission.
5. High Overseer Campbell (Corvo)
When best to Save & Quit:
Just before going to sleep after finishing the mission.
6. Eminent Domain (Daud; Knife of Dunwall)
When best to Save & Quit:
Just before leaving the mission.
7. House of Pleasure (Corvo)
When best to Save & Quit:
This one is a bit trickier to have a seamless exit. It's best to either Save & Quit after leaving the mission and talking to Pendelton, or just before leaving the mission.
8. The Surge (Daud; Knife of Dunwall)
There is no need to Save & Quit this mission as it is the end of The Knife of Dunwall.
9. The Royal Physician (Corvo)
When best to Save & Quit:
Just before going to bed after leaving the mission.
10. Choosing Your Mark (Daud; Brigmore Witches)
The Brigmore Witches prologue
11. A Stay of Execution for Lizzy (Daud; Brigmore Witches)
12. The Dead Eels (Daud; Brigmore Witches)
There are two Daud missions in a row here because a reference is made to the next Corvo mission taking place later on the same day.

When best to Save & Quit:
Just before starting the boat to go to the next mission.
13. Lady Boyle's Last Party (Corvo)
When best to Save & Quit:
Just before leaving the mission.
14. Delilah's Masterwork (Daud; Brigmore Witches)
The end cutscene for this mission may cause problems for some story elements back in Corvo's story, as it alludes to a decision that isn't made yet. The best thing to do if you don't want this scene spoiled is to leave your computer and come back when it's finished, as there isn't a skip option for this scene.
15. Finish Corvo's Story
Daud's story ended with the last mission, so all that's left is Corvo's remaining missions.

I hope this story was helpful to those of you story loves, immersion seekers, and GOTY buyers, and just remember that not everything will be seamless, this is simply how I best felt the missions should go together.

Thanks for reading and feel free to let me know of any discrepancies or suggestions you may have.
Lord ☹ Snow 22 Jan @ 12:52pm 
I appreciate the effort but as others have pointed out, I don't think it would be fun going from Corvo's slightly janky platforming and blink to Daud's seemless stop in mid-air and plot the best course of action blink repetitiously and while I love Corvo's story(still have to play 2 and Death of the Outsider), he's a non speaking protagonist whereas Daud actively narrates and interacts with people in the campaign especially if you go for the non-lethal on each target. A mod that made this a little more seamless but I still think Dishonored and Daud's saga should be played in release order. Also after playing Daud's campaign you are going to be pissed at the lack of chokedust in the main campaign when you are going for all of those leave no trace achievements.
George 31 Mar, 2024 @ 10:12am 
Cool guide... but if someone does play this way, I think they'd miss that feeling of awe after switching to Daud. His actions are all... better. Especially the blink. By a shitload.
Chuckolias Chucktholomue 18 Jul, 2023 @ 7:58pm 
what baba said is a good idea but reading this, I couldnt imagine playing the game like this.
Boaboa 15 Jan, 2023 @ 1:22pm 
Someone should make a mod or something like Tale of Two Wastelands that properly intertwines it without user input.
neb 14 Jun, 2020 @ 4:42pm 
!!!!! :cozycastondeath:!!!!!
Casper 12 Jun, 2020 @ 3:49am 
This is such a fun idea! I don't feel like I need it cos I kinda am having fun listening to conversations about Corvo's nonsense when I play as daud and that's all the chronology I need. But I like that you thought of it! It's super cool.
I will confess when I saw the title I thought you were going to walk us through *choices and paths that revealed connections we might otherwise not have noticed* but with how much of this game I've played I'm starting to think there's no such thing anymore. And this is still awesome.
Nevad 30 Apr, 2019 @ 8:33pm 
Great guide
giogionline 22 Dec, 2018 @ 7:54am 
Great guide! I'm currently going through both stories following this and I noticed something: Eminent Domain, House of Pleasure and The Royal Physician all takes place during day time. To me this means maybe the right order would then be: 6. Eminent Domain; 7. House of Pleasure; 8. The Royal Physician; 9: The Surge (which takes place at night, maybe when Corvo goes to sleep after kidnapping Sokolov)
DreadPirateFury 12 Feb, 2018 @ 2:47pm 
Hey I hope you kept notifications enabled for this guide, I noticed a discrepancy while playing in your order. Daud's mission Eminent Domain appears to occur AFTER the House of Pleasure, this is because of a quote from a guard on patrol in Eminent Domain saying

"After the Pendletons and the High Overseer, we can't be too careful. Someone goes after the Cities leaders, we go after them."

That's somewhat of a paraphrase, but he mentions the Pendletons biting it, so I have to assume that it happens after Corvo rescues Emily.
Rosethornss 22 May, 2016 @ 6:33pm 
This sounds like fun, maybe for my next run through I'll do it in order ^-^