Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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People coming to the Castle My Lord
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249.233 MB
13. jan. 2021 kl. 4:43
21. jan. 2021 kl. 11:19
3 ændringsbemærkninger ( vis )

Abonner for at downloade
People coming to the Castle My Lord

I 2 samlinger af Pingu's Revenge
Pingus mostly Vanilla W&R Maps ·(◕‿-。)
10 genstande
We Need more Wood My Lord
4 genstande
Currently possibly outdated

Hier die Karte mit Population =)
Es befinden sich im Westen 3 Größere Stadte & im Osten ein kleines Dorf.
Die Siedlungen sind unterschiedlich ausgestattet, von Allem bis zu fast nichts.

Du hast von deinem Onkel Modred das Vermögen geerbt.
Dadurch konntest du deinen Wahlkampf finanzieren & bist nun President des kleinen Landes geworden.
Die Vorgänger waren nicht untätig & haben tatkräftig versucht, Wohnliche Siedlungen für die Bürger zu schaffen. Jedoch sind sie nicht fertig geworden,
der rest liegt nun an dir President. Du solltest dich schnell um das Dorf im Osten kümmern, da die Leute dort nicht einmal Strom haben :O

PS: Das Biates, kann ich nicht im Editor entfernen, nur Ingame.

kleinere Updates vorbehalten
Here is the map with population =)

There are 3 larger cities in the west & a small village in the east.
The settlements are equipped differently, from everything to almost nothing.

You inherited the fortune from your uncle Modred.
Through it you were able to finance your election campaign & have now become president of the small country.
The predecessors were not idle & have actively tried to create residential settlements for the citizens. However, they did not finish,
the rest is up to you, President. You should quickly take care of the village in the east, because the people there do not even have electricity :O

PS: The biates, i can't remove in the editor, only ingame.

minor updates reserved

6 kommentarer
Pingu's Revenge  [ophavsmand] 20. jan. 2021 kl. 4:30 
Thank you, the video is interesting, some things I did not know.

The map is not quite finished, however, after I partly up to 3-4 days at a stretch in the game hung, I need times ne break :wololo::medkit:
Oolykee 18. jan. 2021 kl. 10:18 
Hahaha! Really nice work!
Even though you joke in description it's obvious this took a lot of work and talent!

Really nice map!

I made a video that includes it. Hope you like it. :)
里奥Leo 13. jan. 2021 kl. 16:52 
Haha Stronghold! The enemies are... wait where are the enemies?
Seewolf 13. jan. 2021 kl. 8:22 
Danke vor allen Leuten!
Pingu's Revenge  [ophavsmand] 13. jan. 2021 kl. 6:46 
Dein PB is beste Wolf :wololo::highlvl::wololo::blacklegion:
Seewolf 13. jan. 2021 kl. 6:44 
Spielst du nebenbei ein bissel zu viel stronghold?