Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

91 valoraciones
CA-200 -Blij Airlines-
Vehicles: Vehicle, Air, Wip, Advanced
Etiquetas: v1.2.12
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5.771 MB
3 ENE 2021 a las 12:45
17 JUL 2021 a las 15:28
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CA-200 -Blij Airlines-


The CA-200 First "real" jet liner manufactured by Casavida and owned by Blij Airlines.

Become part of my discord server together with 230 other people!


The CA-200 features a kinda advanced autopilot system equipped with: Alt hold system, changeable climb/descent rate (VS) and a heading hold.

The vs system is not the one you will find irl. (For the purpose not making it too hard to use. ive made a way simpler one) This one will increase/decrease your altitude in rate depending on what mode is selected. These modes are numbers from 0 - 9. It will go from ''0'' slight increase to ''9'' a lot.
The altitude and heading hold are obvious (make sure to type your desired alt in the keypad hehe)

(get ready :p )

1. Get into the captain seat. (left one)
2. Switch both batteries on.
3. Turn avionics on.
4. Turn APU pump on.
5. Activate APU master.
6. Click APU starter
Now wait for the apu to spool up. (you can turn on the cabin lights, seatebelt signs, nav lights etc. (NOT neccacary))
7. Turn APU starter off
8. Turn APU gen on.
9. Turn APU bleed on.
10. Turn engine 1 pump on.
11. Turn engine 1 master on.
Now wait for engine 1 to start and spool up.
12. Turn engine 2 pump on.
13. Turn engine 2 master on.
Now wait for engine 2 to spool up and start.
If both engines are running and equalised continue the startup.
14. Turn on gens and hydraulic pumps. (for both engines)
15. Turn off APU gen.
16. Turn off APU bleed.
17. Turn off APU master.
18. Release parking brake and you are ready to go!

If i used your microcontroller and you want credit? lemme know and ill put it in! :D

Final word

Please like and favorite it really means a lot!

Don't reupload or modify this aircraft without my premission.

If you have any questions or ideas feel free to dm me on discord! Billy-blij-1-2-3#1230


41 comentarios
Maverick 28 AGO 2023 a las 15:55 
Also Buy the CA-330
Variant: A319 - A318
Maverick 28 AGO 2023 a las 15:54 
Buy The CA-350
Variant: Airbus A330
Lost Bytes ★ 28 AGO 2023 a las 10:00 
Little bit stubby
Jotbe83 28 ABR 2023 a las 10:09 
sometimes i think that stormworks planes are overrealstic, not neccesary for the game and oftentimes ruin the fun..thats one of them..difficulity starting like seriously?
Tommy_The_Tyrant 24 AGO 2021 a las 10:52 
please remove the ducted fans they ruin the realisem of the plane other wise 10/10 plane
SarahTheWolf 10 ABR 2021 a las 12:30 
Man, best plane so far. I love the complex engine startup. And its also not that big. Big thumbs up!
arkkaiju1337 12 MAR 2021 a las 20:46 
Crypt0_D0mge 9 FEB 2021 a las 6:45 
Make a CA300?
Gillebeest 5 FEB 2021 a las 2:10 
i like it but there is a problem but its only a problem for me. its to hard to start up but thats just me
BallSniffa 11 ENE 2021 a las 5:09 
Is there a way i can get ground power to work Im using different generators but I cant get ground power working