177 人が評価
XCOM Armor
Mod, 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5
33.586 MB
2020年12月11日 20時39分
2024年6月24日 11時21分
16 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

XCOM Armor

Hello, commander...

Unlock the armors of XCOM

E.X.O. suit with wrist-mounted weapons system.
  • Rocket Launcher-This heavy armor combines reinforced ADVENT plating with a powered exoskeleton, offering superior protection and damage resistance coupled with a wrist-mounted rocket launcher.

  • Shredder Gun-This wrist-mounted slug thrower sprays a cone of razor-sharp particles, ideal for shredding armor.

  • Flamethrower-This wrist-mounted flamethrower relies on a super-pressurized fuel canister to unleash a deadly blast of fire on multiple enemies.

W.A.R. suit with wrist-mounted weapons system.
  • Shredstorm Cannon-A more aggressive variant of the Shredder Gun, the Shredstorm Cannon fires razor sharp particles, ideal for shredding armor and decimating close range enemies.

  • Plasma Blaster-This wrist-mounted plasma blaster fires a large plasma beam that deals significant damage.

  • Blaster Launcher-This wrist-mounted plasma blaster fires AI-assisted high explosive shells. it deals more damage, has a higher blast radius, shreds more armor, and has a higher effective range than the rocket launcher.

  • Hellfire Projector-This upgraded flamethrower deals massive damage to flammable environments and enemy targets alike.

New Armors!
Thanks to Erok for the art and Madmatt88 for funding the project.

-A powerful armored suit, this equipment serves to amplify the wearer's psionic abilities through a system modeled after the alien's own cybernetic implants.

-Requires Royalty-The Archangel Armor combines heavy armor with a small propulsion system that allows for limited flight capabilities. Internal air supply and recycling systems provide the wearer immunity to poison and airway interruption. Cooling systems and alien alloy construction confer immunity to environmental fire damage.

Archangel Helmet
-A super efficient re-breather helmet that gives the wearer an internal air supply and recycling system which provides protection against toxic air as well as cooling systems that provides additional protection against extreme heat.

Wraith Suit
-Requires Royalty...for now...-The lightweight upgrade of the Ghost armor system not only boosts our soldiers' reflexes and speed, it also incorporates experimental warp technology, permitting the wearer to briefly change dimensional phase and effortlessly pass right through obstacles. Additionally, by integrating a stealth field based on the phase-shifts observed in the alien's technology, this suit's stealth systems allow the wearer to become invisible for short periods of time.

Funded by Celestael. Thanks so much!

Presented by MadMatt88
  • Shielbearer Armor Deploys a shield to protect allies w/in a radius.
  • Trooper Armor Standard ADVENT Trooper unit protection. Enhances social standing and psychic channeling.
  • Officer Armor An upgrade to the Trooper set for the elite ADVENT units. The commanding presence of this medium weight armor enhances social impact.
  • Shieldbearer Helmet With extra dense alien alloys packed into this helmet, the helmets combine light-weight versatiity with exceptional durability.
  • Trooper Helmet The helmet was specifically designed to hide the Trooper's upper face, making them appear to be pure human soldiers.
  • Officer Helmet Like all ADVENT infantry, the Officer's helmet masks their nose and eyes. Incorporated with Mark-technology, the wearer of this helmet is granted with AI-target tracking giving them increased accuracy.
  • Stun Lancer Helmet Unlike other ADVENT helmets, the Stun Lancer helmet has a crimson-red polarized visor that conceals their alien upper face. The helmet blocks psionic wavelengths granting the wearer almost complete immunity to pshychic effects. In addition, internal movement tracking on displayed on the inside of the visor allows the wearer to predict incoming attacks and avoid them.

Want more XCOM armors?

Unfortunately I simply do not possess the skills to produce quality armor textures for RimWorld. I have tried. But alas, it didn't go so well.

Fortunately, there are many talented artists out there more capable than me. The EXO armor was donated by a fan (Thanks so much for your time Sam.) And I commissioned the WAR armor from Alastair (which looks awesome.)

More unfortunately, I can't afford to pay for all the armors I'd like to do for this mod. I'm hoping you all would like to see some more and help me.

I've set up a Ko-fi account. KO-FI [ko-fi.com] Please consider funding more armors. I do not plan to keep any money from donations. They will all go directly to the commission of new assets. It costs me $25/set of armor. So, for every $20 I raise I will commission another set. If you donate, you may also vote for which set you'd like to see next and I will raise it to top priority.

Future Sets of Armor:

First Priority

Medium Priority
Hazmat Vest
Nanoscale Vest
Plated Vest
Stasis Vest

Low Priority
Advent(partially finished)

Lowest Priority
Icarus Armor
R.A.G.E. Suit
R.A.G.E. Armor

Are you an artist?
I would also gladly accept contributions of art of you are willing to donate them. Please reach out to me if you'd like to help.

We have to keep moving forward with the project, but the thought of treading the same path as the aliens is... troubling. What if they were like us once? Are we just part of a continuing cycle? If this is a glimpse of our future, I want no part of it.
—Dr. Shen

EXO Texture-Sam Henstock
WAR Texture-Alastair
Archangel, Psi-armor Textures-Erok
Wraith Suit Textures-Ogam
Ghost Mode.dll-Mlie

125 件のコメント
RogueCmdr 2024年8月13日 10時33分 
So happy to see these updated man.. Missed ur mods.
mrcoolize 2024年8月11日 15時37分 
Save our ship compatibility?
velcroboy333  [作成者] 2024年6月24日 11時21分 
Updated for 1.5. No major changes. Let me know if any bugs pop up.
Cat Kraken 2024年6月16日 18時34分 
1.5? :steamsad:
RogueCmdr 2024年5月10日 17時52分 
any luck with 1.5
velcroboy333  [作成者] 2023年1月13日 13時29分 
I can probably help. Swing by the Discord :steamthis:
RogueCmdr 2023年1月13日 11時46分 
Hey Velcro - do u have any exp in making faction mod.. and adding a custom pawn/races? I have a idea and was trying to figure out how to do it myself but im better at NPC for Space Engineers than Rimworld
velcroboy333  [作成者] 2023年1月3日 16時56分 
Awesome. Sounds cool
RogueCmdr 2023年1月3日 16時48分 
Cool. ill let you know when i do my fresh Rim-Survivals series. I hoped to have these in it along with RimEffect and Android tier but doubting they will be ready soon
velcroboy333  [作成者] 2023年1月3日 16時45分 
Yes, It's just dependent on the other ADVENT armor working. So, as soon as that's ready, I'll update the faction mod as well.