DRAGON QUEST XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition

DRAGON QUEST XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition

243 ratings
Improving Visuals with .ini tweaks, mods and more
By Momo and 1 collaborators
Options to push your graphics a little more + a list of cvars for advanced users.
[INTRO] Read First!
For starters, I can't take any credit for this guide. This is the result of Discord users Fayaya, Ride To Hell Retribution, Havoc, Komodoxeno, and Mike9k1. The goal of this guide is to spread awareness to their Google Sites page that goes into much more detail, but there are some basics to get you going.

Also, while I've had no issues running the game with improved visuals, you're still modifying your game. Neither I or any of the aforementioned people who worked on this are responsible for any damage to your game, computer, self-esteem, social life, or financial status as a result of modification.

Lastly I'll link to the original Google Sites page where the info for this guide originally came from. It goes into much more detail, so you can check it out here:



Originally posted by NOTICE:
Note: There's been numerous improvements since the original publishing of this guide. Keep in mind that there will likely be new additions and changes over time. The outdated info is kept at the bottom for posterity.
[NEW] Improved Models and Textures
Project Rebuild is a joint effort within the DQXI-S Modding Community to add the highest quality models and textures from the original (OG) version BACK into Definitive Edition (DE).

Module 1 (Player Characters): https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonquestxisdefinitiveedition/mods/22

full size link: https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/3496/images/22/22-1617034320-1044937596.png -- (steam guides do not support images larger than 2MB)

Module 2 (NPCs): https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonquestxisdefinitiveedition/mods/112

Module 3 (World Elements): https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonquestxisdefinitiveedition/mods/111

full size link: https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/3496/images/111/111-1638983602-2101356072.jpeg

Module 4 (Animals, Monsters, and Mounts): https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonquestxisdefinitiveedition/mods/163

full size link: https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/3496/images/163/163-1665179699-1548650596.png
[CORE] Essential Fixes: Havoc's Render Fix Plugin & Lighting Adjustments
These are the "essential" improvements- they include an improved lighting profile and special plugin that improves the game's rendering. If nothing else, it is recommended to use these two:

Dynamic Lighting Adjustments mod by mike9k1: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonquestxisdefinitiveedition/mods/20

Havoc's Render Fix plugin (DQXI-SDK):

( Direct download link: https://github.com/emoose/DQXIS-SDK/releases/download/ )
^Full version only. DQXI-SDK does not support the Demo
[OPTIONAL] Other Improvements
Other miscellaneous visual improvements not listed above that can further add to the experience: these do not aim to simply replicate the look of the OG version, but rather push the game above and beyond the original version in certain respects.

Smoother Animations

4k Upscaled Textures

[BONUS] Extras
The following list some of the least essential improvements. This is really for folks that either: (a) want to see every. last. detail. improved, or (b) want to push the visual experience as far as it can possibly go

4k 60fps Prerendered Cutscenes

Objects and Geometry Improvements

Weapons and Equipment

[TWEAKS] Locate your Engine.ini file
Assuming you're running the game from Steam, you can find your .ini file here:

%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\DRAGON QUEST XI S\Steam\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\

If you're running the Windows Store version of the game, you can find it here:

%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\DRAGON QUEST XI S\Xbox\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\

Lastly if you're running the game through the Epic Games Launcher, you can find your .ini here:

%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\DRAGON QUEST XI S\Epic\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\


Documents\My Games\ドラゴンクエスト XI S\Steam\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Engine.ini
[TWEAKS] Full Engine.ini customization
This Engine.ini configuration integrates several improvements and allows you to fully customize the settings used by the game and the Dynamic Lighting Adjustments mod:

You can use the INI Tuning Assistant[sites.google.com] to help you customize it juuuust right for your hardware and personal tastes.

Some guidelines (also covered by the tuning assistant linked above)-
It can be important to read the comments in order to understand what each tweak does.

1. Some of these tweaks may depend on your configuration- r.ScreenPercentage for example should be no higher than 125 if you run @ 1440p or 4k. But you'd probably want it at 150-200 if you run @1080p or below.

2. Some tweaks will highly depend on your taste- Some folks can't stand motion blur, in which case you'll want to set r.DefaultFeature.MotionBlur=0. r.SSR.Cone is another example

3. Some tweaks provide minor gains for a significant performance hit- usually these are noted in the comments.

( Havoc's original INI v3 can still be found here: https://pastebin.com/xUfTdmYr )

[TROUBLESHOOTING] Checking & testing values in-game
Sometimes you will want to check and see if the values set in the configuration file(s) are being applied in-game. You can do this easily by using the Debug Console. You can also use this to test different cvar values on-the-fly.

First, unlock the console by consulting one of these guides:

Enter the name of any cvar to check its value. In this example we'll use r.ScreenPercentage

The value returned "150". If we want to change this value, we simply enter the cvar and the value we want separated by a space (no "=", as in the ini file).
r.ScreenPercentage 200

In this case, the change should apply immediately. However, in some cases, you will have to open the character Equipment screen in order for the game to update certain renderer settings.

Other times, the value will be set read-only at runtime and will have to be set through the configuration files instead.

[RESEARCH] List of cvars, and others (Updated 2/22/2021)
The Google Sites page lists different profiles depending on how well your system can run the game. Considering there's different ranges for different graphics presets, they've made an INI Tuning Assistant to help others customize their config:


As well, here's a list of cvars you can put in your .ini file to tweak your game even further. (Advanced users only! New link courtesy of Havoc)
[OLD] Draw Distance + LOD Fix (out of date, use Engine.ini above)
Originally posted by OLD CONFIGURATION -- DO NOT USE!:
Now that you've located your Engine.ini file, the most suggested cvars to use will increase draw distance and foliage density. While there's much more you can do, and we'll get to that in a minute, this is the easiest one that most users can get a noticeable boost from:


Simply copy the above into your Engine.ini folder, and marvel at the visible enemies in the distance!
Please feel free to share your own screenshots/videos!

(The mods have been updated/improved numerous times, so videos are ordered from most recent to least recent for the best representation)

(^ini config only, Project Rebuild was not released at the time this video was made)

[END] Closing thoughts
You should now have improved draw distance, model quality, lighting, etc in your game. If you used options such as 4k Textures, etc on top of that, you'll notice a massive improvement overall. I hope you enjoy your time in a slightly more beautiful Erdrea!

Big thanks again to everyone mentioned for putting in the work datamining and experimenting to get these cvars. I hope you guys don't mind me reposting it so players can see it.

Lastly, the credits on the Google Docs page mention the Yggdrasil Discord Server, where the aforementioned users & modders put in the work that allowed this guide to happen. If this guide helped improve your game experience, head over to their Discord and thank them yourself!

---> discord.gg/ntf2vW4 <---

13 let 21 cm 9 Oct, 2024 @ 2:32am 
So weird that they couldn't have just ported the textures from the original game to the definitive edition. Thank God modding exists...
Topaz Moon 6 Oct, 2024 @ 8:23am 
Is there some setting in there, or even a mod, that stops the characters from disappearing when the camera gets to close?
Tim Allahn SnAckbarr  [author] 6 Oct, 2024 @ 1:34am 
@i know kung fu -- last I knew, there were still a few places to buy Steam keys for the OG version.
i know kung fu 5 Oct, 2024 @ 11:54pm 
why cant we just buy the original 11 version :(
Enz 28 Sep, 2024 @ 6:47pm 
I'm having this weird issue where the game crashes on the first start up/save file load of the day. But proceeds to work just fine afterwards. With no crashes.

Anyone else have this issue?
balearadu 16 Apr, 2024 @ 9:01am 
Heyo.Any fps tweaks recommended to use ?
Logge1002 26 Mar, 2024 @ 9:14pm 
Just got the game. Been using cryo utilities 2.0 on my deck. Game installed on sd card and got the ini optimization all the model paks except the geometry and objects and when I enter Heliodor the framerate drops to around 30 instead of my fixed fps of 40. also using the smoother animations pak. Am I missing something or are there some areas that just happen to have fps drops?
Logge1002 26 Mar, 2024 @ 5:28am 
Thank @Tim! Will do that!
Tim Allahn SnAckbarr  [author] 25 Mar, 2024 @ 10:33pm 
@Logge1002: Look up "Steam Deck Optimizations" on NexusMods. Use that in lieu of Dynamic Lighting Adjustments or any ini tuning.

Also don't bother with the 4k mods on Deck since the resolution of that device is 1280x800

Everything else: the same