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Historical Uboat Tactics
By ParadoxumFilum
This is a guide describing Uboat tactics as set out in the 1943 Submarine Commanders Handbook
This guide is based off of the 1943 edition of the submarine commanders handbook published by the High Command of the Navy for the use of U-boat Captains at the time and translated through a combination of optical character recognition and a human typist then published by the San Francisco Maritime National Park Association. Much of this guides contents are close to the original with some wording changes and content not applicable to the game removed, such as actions with regard to the weather where IRL this would limit the effectiveness of the U-boat however in the game is actually possible. There is some element of assumption that the reader already knows the basics of how to calculate target range, speed and heading. This guide focuses more on how to produce the most effective firing solution on a target.

The handbook itself is a very interesting read and an insight as to the doctrine of the German High command at the time with regards to the phrasings of some sections for example this extract;

"The attack should be carried out with indomitable resolution and steadfastness, until final success, resulting in the annihilation of the enemy, has been achieved. During the attack, situations often arise which would be a reason for disengaging from the enemy. These moments of doubt, and these temptations, must be conquered.

Never delude yourself by assuming that it is right not to attack on the instant, or not to hold on the enemy with the utmost determination, because there may be reason to hope and believe that a better target will subsequently be found elsewhere. What you have got, you have got. Do not let such considerations give you the idea of trying to save fuel."

This guide was initially written to make the best use of the fantastic TDC mod which is now built into the main build.
Section I : Underwater Attack
This section of the guide references parts 91-194 of the handbook.

General Rules for the Underwater Attack

The main objective of an underwater attack is to be launching a torpedo with a certainty of hitting, but without warning, at a short range. The shorter the range of an attack the higher the certainty of hitting as any miscalculations are not compounded by changes in course or speed of the target. There is, however, a lower limit to an attack at close range due to the distance needed to set a torpedo on its course at an appropriate depth and to allow for sufficient distance between the target and the submarine at the point of detonation. Therefore, no attack should be carried out at a range under 300m.

When attacking ships with low and medium speeds it is ballistically advantageous to fire at an angle of the target of 90°, at ranges of under 1000m, as errors in estimation of position will be having the least effect on the firing solution. If the range is longer, over 1000m, and the target is travelling at a high rate of speed then it is better to launch a torpedo at a smaller angle. For example, 60°.

Due to the low underwater speed of the submarine it is necessary to position the submarine ahead of the enemy in order to give the best conditions to undertake an attack. Similarly do not attack from positions which offer no chance of success, in this case use the overhauling manoeuvre* in order to reposition for another attack.

Particularly difficult objectives for the submarine are destroyers and corvettes on account of their speed and the relative shortness of a target that they offer. As such attacks on destroyers and corvettes should only be carried out at short range using ‘fan’ shooting, no single shots, as to increase the chances of a successful attack.

*The overhauling manoeuvre is used when the submarine is in an unfavourable position to attack. The submarine's crew estimated the target's bearing, heading, and speed, remaining submerged until out of the target's visual range. The submarine then surfaced and proceeded at maximum speed to a position in front of the target, near the target's predicted course but remaining out of view. The submarine would then submerge, approach, and attack.

Methods of Attack: The Underwater Discharging of Torpedoes

I. Maximum Range Attack

The advantage of using a maximum range attack is that there are a greater number of possibilities of using the torpedo with both the full angle range able to exploitation and the torpedo can be discharged in any direction. Any error due to the parallax in the torpedo tube is taken into account by the fire control system and any difficult or quickly changing situations, such as high speed or frequent course changes of the target, can be taken into account with the fire control system.

One point of note is that at maximum range, although this applies to every angle of attack, is that the accurate computation of distance is require to allow for the more accurate improvement of convergence on the target. In the case of uncertainty of measuring distance, especially at close range, it is desirable to fire at as small an angle as possible, ideally using the bow attack proper, to avoid missing as a result of false convergence values.

II. Bow Torpedo Attack Proper

Begin by determining the target's course through position and bearing, once this has been achieved the computation of the target's speed can occur. Next put the submarine onto a course for the attack. The ideal attack is that of 90° to the target, as such you will be pointing bow away to the target, if this is not the case then it may be prudent to exploit a more favourable target position. The attack will then be mounted at the point the target crosses the bow of the submarine at 90° to the target, here the range to the target will be the most precise with the side on aspect of the target.

Attack setup using the bow attack proper, with the submarine bow pointed at 90° to the target.

Speed calculated by distance travelled in 1 minute, this is then fed into the TDC.

The torpedo is then fired when the target is directly ahead, shortly afterwards the target is hit.

III. Stern Torpedo Attack Proper

This can only be carried out if the position of the submarine is ahead of the target, or, due to sudden changes of course by the target, the stern torpedo tubes are more advantageous than the bow tubes.

The setup of this attack is much the same of that for a Bow Attack Proper, it is of note, that if the submarine is ahead of the target that it is better to move toward rather than in parallel. This is to reduce the angle needed to be covered when turning to present the tubes to the target.

Begin by determining the target's course through position and bearing, once this has been achieved the computation of the target's speed can occur. Next put the submarine onto a course for the attack. The ideal attack is that of 90° to the target, as such you will be pointing bow away to the target, if this is not the case then it may be prudent to exploit a more favourable target position.

IV. Angled Attack

The angled attack, or gyro angling, gives the advantage of not approaching the target end on as you would in the bow attack proper, but rather allows you to approach the target freely and to observe them whilst setting up the attack. Additionally, it allows you to adapt your torpedo solution in the event the target has a change of course or speed that would have spoiled a bow attack proper. A further benefit is when encountering convoys, you can follow in parallel to avoid not having to cross in front of any escorts presenting the most visible cross section to them. It will also allow for multiple opportunities to launch attacks by allowing the convoy to slowly overtake you.

Generally, there are two forms of the angled attack. 45° angled attack, and the 90° angled attack.

IV a. The 45° angled shot

As with every form of attack, you must begin by calculating the course of the target through position and bearing, then calculating the targets speed. The submarine then may be manoeuvred into position, ideally running in the same direction that that target is travelling. To then perform a 45° angled shot, the principle is the same whether it be bow or stern tubes, or running with, or against the target.
Images for parts III and IV will be added in time

Section II : Surface Attack
This section of the guide references parts 195-245 of the handbook.


The principles of an attack remain much the same as the underwater attack. Much of this section is detailing the dangers of detection on the surface in relation to being underwater.
Further Reading
These are books I have read and can recommend for those who wish to read up on the Battle of the Atlantic and submarine warfare in WWII. Other people are free to recommend further titles.

  • Das Boot by Lothar-Günther Buchheim - I am sure most of you will have come across this title. However for those who haven't, this is a book based off of the experiences of Buchheim when he was assigned to U96 and U309 as a war correspondent.

  • Sea Wolves by Tim Clayton - This is a book about British submarine warfare in WWII and uses first hand accounts to describe what life was like in submarines at this time.

  • The Cruel Sea by Nicholas Monsarrat - This is a fictional story following a Royal Navy Captain and his service on frigates and corvettes in the North Atlantic based off of the authors own experiences.

  • Thunder Below! by Eugene B. Fluckey - This is on my wish list and tells the story of the USS Barb, the submarine that sunk a train. She and her crew, commanded by Captain Fluckey, sunk the greatest tonnage of any US submarine and revolutionised US submarine doctrine.

  • A Personal Account of the German U-boat Battles of World War II by Herbert A. Werner - The memoirs of an Uboat captain, he survived the sinking of U-612 in the Baltic and the loss of U-415 in Brest harbour. From the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, from the English Channel to the North Sea, he takes the reader with him through the triumphant years of 1941 and 1942, when German U-boats nearly strangled England, to the apocalyptic final years of destruction, disillusionment, and defeat. - Recommended by xpa6pblu TaHKucT

  • Memoirs: Ten Years and Twenty Days by Karl Dönitz - The memoirs of Karl Dönitz, a WWI Uboat commander and then the supreme commander of the Kriegsmarine's U-boat arm at the start of WWII. He then ended the war with the rank of Großadmiral and Commander-in-Chief of the Kriegsmarine. Upon his release from prison as a result of the Nuremburg trials, he then wrote this book about his time as U-boat commander (10 years) and President of Germany (20 days). - Recommended by THADDEUS MAXIMUS IV

  • Both The Cruel Sea and Das Boot have been made into films and they both are a very good watch.

  • A great youtube video about the USS Barb.
Recomended mods
These are the mods that I play Uboat with.

  • The Submarine Commanders Handbook:
    San Francisco Maritime National Park Association. 1943, 2003 Translation. The Submarine Commander's Handbook. [online] Available at: U.Kdt.Hdb.[maritime.org]

  • Title Photo:
    DoD, 1942. Allied Tanker Torpedoed In Atlantic Ocean By German Submarine. Ship Crumbling Amidship Under Heat Of Fire, Settles Toward Bottom Of Ocean. [image] Available from: The National Archives Catalogue[catalog.archives.gov]
  • 22/11/2020 - Guide Creation
  • 2021-2022 - Procrastination
  • 23/04/2023 - Completion of Section 1 - I. Maximum Range Attack & II. Bow Torpedo Attack Proper
  • 03/08/2024 - Added book recommendations
  • 05/08/2024 - Updated mods being used at the point of full release 2024.1
ParadoxumFilum  [author] 3 Aug, 2024 @ 4:30pm 
Thanks guys for the recommendations
BoJIkogaB 2 Aug, 2024 @ 6:49am 
You forget about Werner "Iron coffins' Very intersting memories of U boat captain who survived by the miracle
THADDEUS MAXIMUS IV 5 Sep, 2023 @ 2:06pm 
I just finished reading Gross-Admiral-The Last Fuhrer in Chief Karl Doenitz's Memoir....amazing he goes into WW1 u-boots and the Torpedo Trigger problem of 1939-40.
THADDEUS MAXIMUS IV 28 Jun, 2023 @ 11:30am 
thank you, ive been trying for months to find the TDC download