Monster Girl Island: Prologue
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Monster Girl Island: Prologue

Оценок: 240
Complete walkthrough with all girls and scenes
От Mr. Moyer
THIS GAME IS NSFW, MATURE SEXUAL CONTENT, NOT FOR KIDS. This is a quick but thorough guide for those who are stuck on how to proceed in order to get the girls you want. Some spoilers ahead, read at your own risk.
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В избранном
What is this game?
First and foremost, this is the DEMO version of a game that is currently in development. The developer has a Patreon site where you can sign up for a MONTHLY PAID SUBSCRIPTION in order to get a few benefits that are not available otherwise: updated chapters with new girls and new scenes as he finishes them, your name in the game's credits, leave a note for other players to find in a bottle that washes up on the beach, etc. Personally I avoid using Patreon site but feel free to look it up if you are interested. When the game is finished, it is likely going to be posted to Steam but it will cost money. The demo version is free but only takes you through the first few chapters, and you only meet a handful of the girls. ** EDIT: Summer 2022. The Patreon page has been REMOVED by officials and the developer is under investigation for fraud because he took all that subscription money and sort of abandoned the project. There is still some talk around the internet that he may still be developing it but in his own time since he's not getting paid for it anymore... but honestly don't hold your breath, it looks like the full version will never be released to the public and it's possible that the Patreon thing really did turn into a scam after he got bored of working on the game after the first few months. But hey, the demo is still here, it is what it is, so...

This is a sexy adventure game. Explore an island, meet some strange women, and get laid. It is rendered in 3-D 1st person perspective. You are completely naked but apparently you have some "pockets" for storing your inventory - everything from a tuna sandwich to a crossbow can fit in there. LOL. As the game progresses you will discover some items that you can use. There is a flashlight, handy for running around at night. A spear that you can use to catch fish at the Beach - but it is very hard to aim that thing. Several crossbows that you can use in the Forest area to shoot down beetles and dragonflies. And a cell phone that has a few apps to help you on your journey. Then there are other items that you can collect to use in cooking recipes or just sell them for cash: mushrooms, beetles, dragonflies, crabs, apples, lemons, etc. You'll do several fetch-quests for the NPC girls, as well as a couple of mini-game events, but mostly you'll just be running around talking to the girls, exploring, and grabbing crabs and mushrooms and things... with the goal being to have sex with as many of the girls as possible.

The way this game works is by dialogue choices mostly. The different colored talk bubbles have different effects.

chit-chat, lore, useful information
end the relationship with that girl forever
sexy boom boom time
complex choices, has an effect on the game

The beginning

Ophelia, an android who is actually the main NPC of the game, lands on you and wakes you from a strange dream. You are on a mysterious island that is hidden behind some sort of barrier so the rest of hte world has no idea it exists, and a dragon-girl is attacking Ophelia - which means she is also attacking you because Ophelia is literally right on top of you. POOF - Ophelia's special move knocks you out. You are "rescued" by a pair of girls (a catgirl and an elf) who live on the island. Humans are "not welcome" here it seems. But isn't it strange - all these houses and farms, but only two people living here? That's a mystery for later. Now it's time to run around the island and actually play the game, and the girls send you on your first fetch quest - to find six crabs that are spread around the island..

So that's the intro. Make a save file now. In fact, make two save files now. Keep the one in slot 1 for later, do not overwrite it with another save. Use another slot to save your current progress. You'll need at least two play-throughs to get all the girls. For this first run, our goal is to AVOID banging anyone so that we can get the secret character first. Then we'll come back to this save point and run it again trying to shag everyone else for the second run.
Day One - baby's first steps
You finally learn the girls' names. The little catgirl is Ara, the elf is Faranne. Nobody knows where Ara came from, Faranne's parents found her and adopted her at a young age so she is like Faranne's little sister. And you are given your very first quest. The girls run a restaurant in the village but they need ingredients if they are going to cook anything, and slackers don't eat. So go find the crabs that escaped from Faranne's care. You need six in order to impress Faranne.

Upon gaining control of yourself, you see Ara running around in front of you. You can talk to her but it doesn't matter... as Elmer Fudd said, "Be vewy quiet, I'm hunting wabbit. Hahahahaha." Yeah, apparently she actually hunts all the food for the village and right now she's busy chasing a rabbit for lunch. So from where you start, take a few steps forward and look to your right. You should see Ophelia in front of what will soon become your house - the one where the blue bird is sitting on a post in front of the house. She is marked with an "EVENT !" icon. Ophelia gives you a new app on your phone. Right click to open your "backpack" (... but you're not WEARING a backpack ...) and select your phone. Click the "USE" button. Left-click to open the phone, then left-click on the crab tracker app. Left-click one more time to activate the tracker. The arrows will glow RED to indicate the general direction of the nearest crab... but it covers a 90-degree angle from where you're standing so those directions are pretty vague. But hey I'll give you the option. You can wander around the village on your own - explore the place and find all the crabs without any help from me. Or you can hover over the "spoiler" text below to show the locations of each crab.

Another thing you can do now is press "M" to open the map. This just gives you an aerial view of the village (later also the beach, forest, and lake areas) but it does show the locations of any people nearby as red dots as well as your quest targets being marked with "EVENT !" icons. You are the white icon, but the arrow DOES NOT point in the direction you are facing or moving - you'll have to take a few steps to see which way the icon moves to tell which direction you're looking on the map. Press "M" again or right-click to close the map. Just remember it's there if you ever need it.

As you move, you might notice you are VERY SLOW in this game. Press CTRL key to toggle run on/off. I recommend just keeping it on, there is no reason not to. Or hold SHIFT to run and then release it to walk. Each time you open your inventory, use an item, or basically do anything you will need to turn the run toggle on again.

Whether it's crabs, mushrooms, or coconuts if you want to pick something up in this game you have to be standing ALMOST on top of it and looking down at it so that the little "hand" icon shows up on the bottom right corner of your screen. Then you can grab the thing you're looking at.

This fetch quest will take you around the entire village - except the farms and the mansion on the hill. There is no reason to visit those areas right now, but you can trek out there if you want to get a feel for the entire village layout anyway. You cannot leave the village area yet though, no access to the Beach, Lake, or Forest. Okay, on to the great crab chase.

DO NOT get all six crabs. Maybe try getting the first five, as an excuse to explore the village. (See location list under the "SECOND RUN" section.) But tell Ophelia you definitely don't want to take her crab. Or just don't look for any of them, whatever. Just don't get all six!! Definitely grab the apples and lemons though (see step number 5 below). Then go see Faranne at the BBQ grills. You can talk to her a bit, ultimately you should choose the option to "Give up looking for crab." This will result in Faranne being angry and you don't get any dinner, you just get to watch the others eat. This way Faranne will not sleep with you after lunch and you can work on unlocking the mystery girl instead.

After lunch, Ara wants to talk about the human world. You have the option to go into her house and just chill. You can even pet her. But there will be no sex. Ara's place is on the right side, looking down the village road from your house. It should be marked with an "EVENT!" icon on the front and back doors.

Having unlocked the mystery girl on the first run, now we can work on getting some from Faranne and the others.
A nice Youtube video showing all the crab locations, so you can skip my whole list: YOUTUBE

  1. From your house where Ophelia is standing outside, run up the road between all the houses behind your house The big building at the end of the street with all the houses has one on its second floor deck so you need to climb a staircase on the side of the building to get to it.
  2. IF you go around this house on the second floor deck there is another stair that leads down to a suspended bridge. Go across the bridge then turn left onto the deck of a nearby house. Behind that house is another bridge that leads to the house behind it. That house has a crab on the second floor deck on the back side of the house.
  3. On the floor of the restaurant by the giant tree-house thing in the center of town.
  4. From the restaurant, run up and across the giant tree and down the ramp on the other side to the next house. It should be on the 2nd floor deck there.
  5. Find the flower garden by the big statue of the elf riding a wolf. First thing to do here is grab 30 apples and 30 lemons from the trees nearby, you'll need them later. Just look at the tree until the icon appears in the lower right corner, then left-click about twice per second to collect the fruits. Go to the buildings beside the statue, there is a crab up there beside one of the buildings.
  6. Ophelia has a crab, too. But she will ask you to do her a favor later if you take it.

Go find Faranne at the BBQ grills, you can talk to her a bit and give her all six of your crabs. Heheh, you gave Faranne crabs. Now you all sit down and have lunch. After lunch, Faranne asks what reward you want. You could be goofy and tell her one of the blue options... but hit the red option ("I want to touch it") to enable sexy time. It is still an option to talk to Ara instead - her house is marked on the right side of the road - but we want Faranne on the left side this time. After messing with her tits, go to her bed. Ask her to punish you. Pick the red option. Enjoy the moment. Then she kicks you out, go sleep in your bed.
Day Two - traipsing through the forest, and making some cash
You get to wander around in a dream land for a couple of minutes. Just get to the far edge of the map, then come back and talk to the cyclops girl (her name is Ai).

Renge the catgirl bangs on your door, needs help finding her sister who is lost in the forest apparently kidnapped by "a giant bug." Alright time to roll boys! The "right" answer is "we should ask the locals."

The Forest
When you get in the forest they give you a crossbow. Use it to shoot down any bugs you see. There are two types: love beetles (brown) and azure dragonflies (blue). You can hold up to 30 of each. It might take a few tries to learn how to aim the crossbow though. You're told to stick with Ara, but she runs SO FAST you can't keep up. Renge and Faranne just walk slowly and have a conversation that you can listen to if you keep up with them instead of going after Ara. In any case, as you go be sure to grab the red mushrooms that are scattered around the forest floor. The crystals don't do anything though, they are purely decorative.

The forest is not very big, not very confusing, but the map is crap. It's virtually impossible to get lost though. Going straight ahead when the girls turn right will take you to an abandoned old house. Behind the house is a glowing yellow orb - grab it to pickup an old photograph. Then go back and follow the girls until Renge stops in front of a big log blocking the path. Turn right and go down that path to find Faranne standing near a giant red mushroom... which puts her to sleep. Back to Renge, go left this time to find a giant orange seed that does nothing, and Ophelia near a big red crystal. Ophelia puts a new app (the database) on your phone. Feel free to check it out. She also mentions her "friend" is waiting on the beach... but that's for later. She also says if you bring some logs she will build a staircase to get over the big log in the road. After this, go back to Renge and you'll see Ophelia nearby. This is where she'll be when you're ready to give her the logs. Wander the area and pickup a bunch of logs. You need 5, I found 8. Also make sure you have a bunch of mushrooms and bugs in your "backpack" space, these will come in handy for making money in a little while.

Give the logs to Ophelia to open the blocked path. Follow the path to the end... enjoy a silly scene, and then you have a choice to shoot or not. You'll see what I mean.

The Village
After all of that when you regain control of yourself in the village you will have a few things to do, including two possible sex options. Before the sex we'll cover the basic village stuff first. That way I can split the sex up into the two different runs like the first day so you know what to look for depending if you are going for mystery girl (first run) or not (second run).

Ophelia is resting under an apple tree behind a fence, you cannot talk to her right now. The house just south of the giant tree is now a SHOP. The first floor is where you BUY items, the second floor is where you SELL items. Plus on the second floor you can talk to Renge and Sayuri, they will tell you a bit about where they come from. Nice little history/geography lesson. At the restaurant there is a little scene with Suzu, Faranne, and Ara. After this scene Suzu the wasp-girl is sort of wandering around the village, feel free to go say hi. Faranne and Ara are still at the restaurant. Go say hi to them, too. On the lower floor of the restaurant is a SHOP where you can order food, but you need to bring both money and ingredients. Ophelia has started dancing under that apple tree, and she is playing music from her phone which is why the sound gets weird when you approach her. Talk to her and she puts some new stuff on your phone. The important thing is a time-skip app - since time doesn't actually pass in this game you use this app to go from morning to afternoon to evening to night. At night though you must sleep in your own bed (or someone else's bed - wink wink) you can't skip to the next morning. You also have access to the Forest so you can grab more mushrooms and bugs (but nothing else is happening there right now) and the beach so you can grab more crabs and try fishing if you buy a spear from the shop for 300 coins. However, DO NOT approach Mako the shark-girl on the beach just yet as this potentially starts a sex scene! I'll cover that in a few minutes.

First thing is we want to try to make a little money. Go find the lemon tree near the big flower garden. Grab 30 lemons if you didn't do so earlier. Also grab 30 apples from any of the apple trees in town. If you approach the big wolf (not the statue) that is marked with the "!" icon on your map, it starts a little mini-game. You feed an apple to the wolf and it takes you for a ride. This is a race around the village. Must be completed VERY FAST - no room for error here! The controls are a bit weird though, steer with A/D while holding SHIFT to run faster (and you must always be running except when you need a quick turn) but the camera keeps going to weird angles so you can't see where you're going!! Anyway, you can fail this if you are too slow, but you get to try again for the cost of another apple fed to the dog. If you do it fast enough, Faranne gives you a whistle you can use anywhere/anytime to call the wolf and ride it. He goes much faster than you do so this is quite useful. Now go restock your apples.

  • Sell all your apples and lemons to the store.
  • Go back and get more apples and lemons.
  • Sell them again.
  • Go get more fruit.
  • Repeat that until you have about 500 crystal coins.
  • Buy the Spear from the store for 300 crystal coins.
  • Now go BUY as many eggs and flour from the store as you can carry.
  • Go to the restaurant and buy mayonnaise which costs lemons and eggs plus a few crystal coins to make.
  • Go restock your lemons and buy more eggs.
  • Go to the forest and collect all the red mushrooms and bugs you can find. Remember to catch bugs you have to SHOOT them with a crossbow.
  • Go to the beach and collect all the crabs you can hold. Also equip the spear and use it to collect as many fish as you can. Maybe not 30, fishing in this game is a bit tedious I know. Just DO NOT talk to the shark girl yet.
  • Repeat until you have 30 mayonnaise, 30 apples, 30 lemons, 30 flour, 30 love beetles, 30 azure dragonflies, 30 red mushrooms, a whole lot of rainbow fish, and 30 crabs.
  • Now we can make some real money. Take all those ingredients to the restaurant.
  • You can buy a bunch of fish sandwiches, bug skewers, and crab pots and sell them to the other shop.
This is how you make profit in this game. Feel free to do this a few times if you feel like you need more money. You probably want to buy the Flashlight, and maybe one of the better Crossbows.
Later on you'll want a TON of money to buy new clothes for the girls, but that won't be for a while. So just every now and then do a crabpot run and keep making money. I'll let you know when it's time to spend all that hard earned crystal cash.
Recipes and Prices
Just a brief intermission here, to give you a list of items available to buy from the shop, items you can sell to the shop, and food you can ask Faranne to cook at the restaurant. Refer back to this if you forget what you need for a recipe later, or to check the price of that fancy crossbow upgrade.

For this demo version of the game, the only items you need to hold onto are the following. Everything else can be sold or else crafted into a food recipe and sold for more money.

6 crabs
(for the lunch mission on Day One, you gave them to Faranne already but I'm still listing them for the sake of completion.)

3 rainbow fish
3 coconuts
3 crabs
(for Ara's requirements at the beach on Day Three; be advised she will take ALL of these items in your inventory not just the first three. So maybe don't do a lot of fishing until AFTER you meet the slime-girl at the end of that quest. After this, fish and crabs are only used for cooking; and you can't get any more coconuts.)

3 azure dragonflies
(for the spider-girl's dye quest on Day Four/Five. Like Ara she will take ALL of your dragonflies not just the first three so sell any extras above three before talking to the spider lady.)

1 Phone (your lifeline)
1 Spear (for fishing)
1 Crossbow (for shooting beetles and dragonflies, any model is fine)
1.Whistle (to ride the wolf)
1 Old Picture (can't be sold)
1 Notebook (can't be sold)
1 Micro Drone (can't be sold)
1 Red World Map (can't be sold)
1 Flashlight (not really needed, but slightly helpful for walking around at night)

Shop prices and recipe requirements:

Buying from the shop - first floor shop from Renge
Old Crossbow
Triple Crossbow

Selling to the shop - second floor shop with Sayuri
Red Mushroom
Rainbow Fish
Azure Dragonfly
Love Beetle
ANY crossbow
Bug Skewer
Crab Stew
Rainbow Sandwich

Ordering at the restaurant - with Faranne and Ara
Crystal Coins cost
Ingredient A
Ingredient B
Ingredient C
Profit when sold
Rainbow Sandwich
Rainbow Fish
Beetle Skewer
Love Beetle
Red Mushroom
Crab Stew
Red Mushroom
Still Day Two - Getting Some
- sleep with NOBODY in order to unlock Mystery Girl.
Go to the beach and talk with Mako the shark-girl a few times. NEVER choose the red dialogue options, eventually you'll find black bubbles that make her go away forever. Sad, but necessary. Okay back to the village.

You can run around and make some more money now if you want to.
Use your time skip app to advance time, twice. It should be night.
Talk to Suzu the wasp-girl. She goes home, simple as that.
From where Ophelia is dancing, look south and up. Renge is on one of the bridges in the middle of the village, about to fall off the fence. Enjoy the view for a moment, because you can.
Help her, but DO NOT ask for a reward with the red option, pick the blue option instead. So sad, but we want the Mystery Girl this time.
Go to your house. Ophelia dropped some memories into your phone earlier, you can use the Memories app to check them out now if you'd like. These are just some backstory elements.
Sleepy time.

- sleep with everyone who will let you.
Go to the beach and talk to Mako the shark-girl a few times. Pick the red options whenever possible. Eventually... Oh my that's nice Mako, thank you! Okay, moving on... back to the village.

You can run around and make some more money now if you want to.
Use your time skip app to advance time, twice. It should be night.
Talk to Suzu the wasp-girl. She goes home, simple as that.
From where Ophelia is dancing, look south and up. Renge is on one of the bridges in the middle of the village, about to fall off the fence. Enjoy the view for a moment, because you can.
Help her, and pick the red option for your sexy reward.
Go to your house. Ophelia dropped some memories into your phone earlier, you can use the Memories app to check them out now if you'd like. These are just some backstory elements.
Sleepy time.
Day Three - fishing
Wake up, fall out of bed, drag a comb across your head. Find your way downstairs and drink a cup. :)
Ophelia is waiting outside. She wants to talk, asks you what you think of monsters. Your answer here doesn't affect the demo but she will reply differently depending what you say. If you were smart and dropped a save before bedtime you can re-load and try each of the dialogue options. Presumably these WHITE dialogue bubbles will steer the overall storyline in the finished game when it is released. Basically it seems that Ophelia is a weapon designed to analyze and destroy the monsters, and it is up to you to decide how to make use of her. If you keep saying you dislike monsters, perhaps you kill them all at the end. If you say you love monsters, perhaps you kill all the humans instead. I don't know, just speculation there. Since the developer went rogue and the game will never be finished, I guess we'll never know for certain how the story will play out.

You need to go help Ara catch crabs and do some fishing, so you are automatically sent to the beach, where you quickly fall asleep. :) Ara wakes you up, gives you a temporary spear, and tells you to go get food. Catch some fish with the spear, punch trees for coconuts, and grab crabs along the beach. Take note of the wooden maze area, this will be used later but for now you can just run back and forth to find the quickest route through it if you feel like it. When you have enough food, give it to Ara. You can talk to her about a few topics, too. If you go catch more crabs and fish and then talk to Ara again, she will steal ALL of them from you - until you reach the Lake that is, then her dialogue resets to normal.

She'll tell you to head to the Lake area after that. There are two ways to the lake: one is just down the beach and the other is through the village. Walk up the beach and you'll notice a bit of purple goo, Ara comes to check it out, too. Agree to help her. Ara will go to get the others. As soon as she leaves... it gets a little hot at the beach. But she's only teasing... for now.

Go to the lake, talk to Suzu. She'll follow you as you look for the slime girl. She's down by one of the docks, and will trap Suzu. Then she will argue about wanting to kill Suzu, but she's just teasing. She will then give you a minigame to find all of her slime puddles that she scattered around the Lake area. Alternatively, you can skip the whole thing by continuing to tell her no, you hate fetch quests, and she'll get mad and just give you the gun for round two without making you go get all the goo puddles.
Puddle locations should be easy to find, but in case you missed one and need some help:

  1. Right behind you as soon as you regain control of yourself.
  2. Behind the building next to you.
  3. Behind a tree near the dock that is raised up on the little hill.
  4. Under a small tree near the benches beside the path.
  5. Under a tree between two benches in a little grove of small trees along the path.
  6. Behind the giant tree near those benches.
  7. On the bridge that crosses the river at the far end of the lake.
  8. Go around the other side of the lake, it's at the edge of a patch of white sand.
  9. - 11. THREE more are under a tree near the white sand.

Eris gives you a slime gun and goes up the path to the area where you find a ton of slime puddles. Time for a game of whack-off-a-mole. Or something. She will randomly pop up from different puddles, shoot her (left click) when you see her. But your ammo runs out fast, stand on a puddle for a second to reload. She will only stand on one puddle for a second or two, and can teleport to ANY other puddle, so you will not win if you just stand still on one puddle for infinite reloading.

Round two is one giant puddle, point-blank range, but she moves SO FAST. Just keep shooting, and eventually get some dialogue. Pick whatever option you like at first.

Pick one of the BLACK options. Sad, I know, but necessary for Mystery Girl.

Red option. Wow, who knew a slime could be so... ahem. What were we talking about?

After the sex (or lack thereof) in the evening everyone is waiting for you on the bridge near the exit that will return you to the Village. Go talk to them to learn a lot of the actual story of the game. Essentially, the monsters have claimed the Lake area as their HQ to launch a war against the humans. Now you can spend the evening gathering ingredients for food, or you can just go to bed. I HIGHLY recommend that you use this time to gather ingredients, since nothing else is going on and you will need 20,000 crystals and 30 azure dragonflies before long.

When you go to bed, Mystery Girl shows up in your bedroom! If you've been a GOOD boy and avoided sex with the other girls so far, she will jump your bones. If you've been boning all the monster girls, she gets mad and leaves. As such, after this point "First Run" and "Second Run" will be the same, since this is the moment we were waiting for.
Day Four: the spider and the elf
When you wake up, Ara is outside your house to talk. She will ask you if you think anyone in the village is "evil." Your answer will supposedly affect the main plot of the full-version game, but for the demo it means nothing so go with your gut here... but you can only choose ONE option and then she leaves. (If you were smart and saved before bed you can re-load to see her responses for every option, but that means watching the scene with Mystery Girl again each time.)

Now if you check your map there are a couple of events. But first why don't we just run around and talk to the girls and see what's new?
  • Near the tree where Ophelia was dancing earlier, Renge is chilling. She will profess her love for you, if you say you love her too... LOL she just faints.
  • In front of the restaurant (on the giant tree's second floor deck) Faranne will talk to you a bit.
  • At the second floor shop, Sayuri has some pop-star posters (and a hologram!?) on display. FYI the hologram is actually the emperor Typhoon, who is really a man who disguises himself as a girl when he goes out to sing.
  • Over by the wolf-rider statue, Ara will chat with you a little bit.
  • Go through the Lake and you can talk to the Dragon Queen Eydis, Eris the slime, and Mako the shark-girl.
  • Head through the beach (maybe pickup a few more crabs and fish if you need more money) and back to the Village. Suzu is hanging out near the greenhouses. Talk to her, too.

Head into the forest. You'll meet an elf who likes to cosplay as a bunny girl. She will have her way with you if you hit the red bubbles. :) What a FREAK. Also, she is the one in the old photograph beside Ara. While you're there, equip your crossbow and collect 30 azure dragonflies. You'll need them in just a few minutes. Also stock up on mushrooms and lovebeetles because hey you might as well go out with a full inventory.

Now go to the mansion on the mountain in the Village. Take a look around. WTF is that a plate of ham on the floor? Dude, free ham!
And... what just happened? OMG I'm upside-down. Who's talking? OH MY GOOD LORD WHAT IS THAT THING!!?? IS IT GOING TO EAT ME!? SO MANY LEGS - SPIDER!!! KILL IT, KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!
Don't worry, Adeline is friendly. She just mistook you for the flying thief who has been stealing all her ham lately. (Hehe... classic Suzu.) She set a trap for them but caught you by accident. :) Still creepy AF to look at though.
Listen to her story I guess. Eventually you'll have the option to pet her - note this is a RED bubble so only pick it if you are into spider-girls. The trick here is: DO NOT touch her boobs until she asks you to, she hates that. Focus on her head, shoulder, and maybe belly until you fill the pink bar at the bottom. NO BOOBS until she offers. Then you can play with her tits until you're satisfied, hit the arrow to get a foot-job. Then... um... yeah that just happened.
After that madness you both go down to the village to talk with the others about the situation. This conversation is going to take a while. Have yourself a snack while you watch.

First thing you should do now is head down to the clothing store. You might have discovered it on your own before but if not it's basically next door to the restaurant, also on the second floor deck attached to the giant tree in the middle of town. Talk to Adeline there, she'll ask you to find some Azure Dragonflies so she can make dye for clothing. You should have some already (if not, go to the forest and shoot the fast blue bugs with a crossbow). Now here are the prices at the shop to buy EVERY oufit for each girl. Hairstyles are free. You can use the arrows next to the model to change the outfit or hair, and use the arrows on the pedestal base (or the A/D keys) to rotate the model. You can also click on the model to zoom in.
  • Ara: 8000
  • Faranne: 3200
  • Renge: 1400
  • Saiyuri: 300
  • Adeline: 500
  • Suzu: 2500
  • Grand total: 15900 crystal coins and 3 Azure Dragonflies

And now you can have a slightly ridiculous conversation with Saiyuri on the second floor of the item shop. Then head to the statue at the back of the Village for a scene between Ara and the elf/bunny. Then you head home and see a memory from before you came to the island... and the game says "to be continued" but there are still a few more things we can do in the demo before we stop. DON'T GO TO BED YET...
Day Five: A spider-silk dress and a micro-drone
After the dream (in which you have to talk to the elf-bunny secretary and see how she definitely has something against catgirls, then meet Aurelia)... in your house you should see a gift on the table beside Xue the bird. Open the gift and get the micro-drone. Yay! Now go to sleep.

Use your drone at the beach during the day (morning or afternoon is fine, you can even do BOTH but the scene is the same), on the left side of the pier where there is a star icon with Ophelia's face. Oh, Faranne, I had no idea you were so flexible.
Also at the beach, if you didn't totally blow her off earlier, Mako will offer to train you. If you can run the entire maze, grab the flag, and then run the maze backwards before she counts to ten, then you win. Round two you just have to click as fast as you can to use her like a bar-bell weight. If you impress her, she'll have her way with you. Oh, no, not the teeth Mako! Not the teeth!

Use the drone again behind your house at another star icon at night. Hmmm... Chumumi. After the scene ends, look nearby and Chumumi is still there. Talk to her. You can either try to be her friend, or don't trust her and sabotage your relationship before it starts. I'm assuming there will be more with her in the full version of the game... but bear in mind THE FULL VERSION PROBABLY WILL NEVER BE FINISHED.

Now go to sleep to reset the clock to daytime.

After that, all that's left is to continue buying new outfits for the girls. :) Then save your game, go back to the main menu, and check out the Gallery to view the sexy scenes again.

And if this was your first run through the game, play a second time to unlock the monster girls now that you have the Mystery Girl done. :)
But what about Ara?
Nope. Sorry. Her scene is not included in this demo. The only girls you can play with are listed in the walkthrough above.

SOMEONE has written a guide and is spreading rumors that you can find a "golden cocknut" (LOL I said cocknut) ... I mean "golden coconut" ... at the beach by kicking the palm trees, then give it to Ara to get a sexy scene with her. But it DOES NOT EXIST in this demo. That is ALL LIES. Do not fall for their "April Fools" joke.

Bear in mind this is a DEMO that was originally intended as a teaser to get people to pay for the developer's Patreon subscription (which was then banned by Patreon because he took everyone's money and then abandoned the project).

I have heard there is a MORE UPDATED VERSION of the demo available ... but not on Steam. You have to go on Discord and basically beg the developer to send you a copy personally. That version supposedly has more content but I have not played it and am not about to go begging for porn on Discord. If you choose to do so, you do it at your own risk so don't come crying to me if something bad happens.

The rest of you, please stop posting guides here for games (or special versions of games) that are NOT AVAILABLE ON STEAM.
Unlocking the Full Version
Well, that's all there is in the demo version here. You CANNOT get "updates" or "DLC content" with more regions or new girls from Steam. What you just played through is all there is.

The developer originally was working on the "full game" and posting updates on his Patreon page - which you need to pay a monthly subscription to access. BUT in early 2022 Patreon kicked him out and took his page down, and began investigating him for fraud - collecting subscription money without making any further progress on the project. So THERE IS NO FULL GAME, and there NEVER WILL BE ONE. So forget about the full game. Just enjoy spending a freaky couple of hours with the demo and call it a day.

FYI the developer for this game was ONE MAN doing it independently in his free time, not a big publishing studio. I don't know if his initial intent was to run a scam like that, or if he started with good intentions but just got bored/lazy later. All I know is, given the state of things now there probably will NEVER be a full game released for this.

Please stop asking me "is he still working on it" or "when will it be finished"
because I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS GAME'S DEVELOPER. I'm just a regular guy like you. I have no inside information, just rumors that I hear from discussion boards sometimes. Please direct any questions about the game's future to the Steam discussion boards, or the game's Discord server. You'll get better information there than you will from me. I am NOT on the discord server, I don't even know the invite code for it. Ask for it on the discussion boards please.
2024 Developer's Update News
2024 news
"Plans have changed a lot since back then, but development is steady for the rest of the story. MGI Prologue will receive one last update in the upcoming years after all the extra content that was developed for it is polished, but in the immediate future the story will continue in a new game made in Unreal Engine with way higher quality models, much better graphics and, I hope, way better writing and animation quality as well. I won't spoil anything for now, I just want to give people some peace of mind. This upcoming game won't be full on hentai like MGI, am focusing more on what I enjoy the most which is the girl dating part and story writing, I feel like H scenes feel forced a lot of the time, but regardless, this new game will still not be censored on PC versions at least. Thanks to everyone that liked my work. I hope you find something to enjoy on what's to come as well."
-- Redamz Steam discussion board post (6 August 2024)

What this MIGHT mean... several possibilities
  • The game will NEVER leave early access, the new update will be posted to Steam but it will only make the Steam demo match the version he already has on Discord. Then he will begin work on a BRAND NEW dating-sim game.
  • The game will NEVER leave early access, but a bit of NEW content will be added in the final update. Then he will begin work on a BRAND NEW dating-sim game.
  • The game will NEVER leave early access, the new update will be posted to Discord but not Steam (so Steam gamers only ever have the current demo version). Then he will begin work on a BRAND NEW dating-sim game.
  • The game will NEVER leave early access, and the new update will NEVER happen because he's only using this "fake announcement" to gain support for his next project, which is a brand new dating-sim game.

Also, notice how he says this game will get a final update "in the coming years" meaning it might be posted tomorrow, or we might not see the update until 2030 or something.

If you are thinking about supporting his new game, the dating-sim project, do so at your own risk and I won't post any links to it here. Don't leave any links in the comments either because I will delete them. Remember this is a developer who accepted money via Patreon subscriptions under the promise that this game would get finished, and then SEVERAL YEARS later he is abandoning the project halfway done. Because he would rather work on a dating-sim game. Again, asking for public support for his efforts. But now we should all be asking ourselves if he will also abandon that game halfway done, or if it will actually get finished... and how long will it take to get it finished? Because from his previous work (this game), it seems like Redamz either has very bad ADD and can't focus on one project long enough to finish it, or else he's not taking his work seriously and it's basically a scam. I guess only time will tell, with the new dating-sim game. Personally, I don't care much for dating-sim games so I'm staying out of it entirely. But my advice to all of you regarding the new project is to wait and watch for a while, see what kind of progress gets made on it, and don't donate or pay for the game until it's FINISHED this time.
Make up your own mind about it. Just keep your eyes open and don't be a gullible chump.
Комментариев: 54
Mr. Moyer  [создатель] 9 янв в 17:26 
So it sounds like the dev has "big plans."
But I've seen other devs do stuff like that, take on more than they can handle. They get ADD in the middle of a project, get distracted and go do something else instead, and then they just never come back to finish the original project.
So I'm not holding my breath waiting for any of that to become reality. I'll believe it if we ever see REAL PROGRESS on any of it. (Real progress = full completed versions available)

Also, all of that is only available on Discord... none of it is currently available on Steam. So I'd prefer to limit the discussion to what you can get here without going to a 3rd party site like Discord. Once it gets released on Steam, then we can revisit that discussion.
HotXxXShot 5 янв в 8:10 
There is an ara h scene in the halloween build (free on discord). Push f3 to toggle the makeup costume I believe.

Also the updates that were available on patreon are free in the discord at any time. No "begging the developer."

Additionally, the games he is working on are NOT separate from Monster Girl Island. Unlike what is being said in this post, red DOES intend to finish Monster Girl Island (MGI), just after he makes 4 other games that are prequels to the game and expand on the world. So if you are interested in the story of Monster Girl Island and want it to finish, you're in luck because those 4 games are connected, including a game made with RPGMaker that is not a visual novel like the other 3. After those 4 games as a prequel and to build the world of MGI, he intends to continue MGI with updated graphics and models.
Mr. Moyer  [создатель] 8 авг. 2024 г. в 6:11 
And although I actually had a bit of fun with this silly demo for this game, I do hope Redamz learned from his experience of making it, and the dating sim game will be an improvement. Between him having more game dev experience now, and the new tech that's come out in the last six years, "better" should be the goal. But first, "finishing the project this time" should be priority number one. LOL.
Masterzilla 7 авг. 2024 г. в 13:21 
Dev just made an update post in announcements for anyone curious he says there will be a final update for everything hes added once its polished then will be commiting to his dating game.
LDegoId 30 июл. 2024 г. в 21:07 
Agradezco la traducción, mi inglés es pésimo y no estoy seguro de que se entienda completamente si es que usara el traductor.

Mr. Moyer  [создатель] 25 июл. 2024 г. в 10:25 
I'm STILL not part of the official discord. So I can't verify the truth of this announcement. But, given that ZERO WORK has been done on the game since 2020, I was already making the assumption that the developer had abandoned the project.
Mr. Moyer  [создатель] 25 июл. 2024 г. в 10:24 
English translation:
For those who are still in doubt about what happened in the game, it was recently announced that in January of this year 2024, the creator of MGI decided to abandon the project and dedicate himself to others. And the truth is that this news could already be seen coming. xd

In short, the full game will not see the light of day.

Link to the discussion where this fact is reported:
LDegoId 21 июл. 2024 г. в 19:28 
Para los que sigan en duda sobre lo que pasó en el juego, hace poco se anunció que por Enero de este año 2024, el creador de MGI decidió abandonar el proyecto y dedicarse a otros. Y la verdad es que esta noticia ya se veía venir. xD

En resumen, el juego completo no verá la luz.

Link de la discusión donde se informa de este hecho:
Mr. Moyer  [создатель] 24 июн. 2024 г. в 0:16 
In the meantime, try
Mr. Moyer  [создатель] 24 июн. 2024 г. в 0:15 
Please don't be stupid about this. You would need a TARDIS to go 20 years into the future to get a "finished" copy of this game, but first you would need to convince the developer to get off his ass and get back to working on the game.

And no you can't just pick up where he left off and finish the game yourself, that would be a violation of copyright law and you could GO TO JAIL for that. But if some programmers want to "help" the developer finish the game, go jump on his Discord and ask him about it.