Arma 3
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Freestyles Crash Landing
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Mod Type: Mechanics
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17. Sep. 2020 um 2:48
22. Nov. 2020 um 3:07
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Freestyles Crash Landing

Please consider reading the FAQ[] and the 'Notes' section on this page before asking questions in the comment section, many issues and question are already answered there. Thank you!

A while ago I found the Surviable Crashes mods in the workshop, a mod which allowed you to survive the destruction of your aircraft to attempt a crash landing.
However the mod has not been updated for more then 2 years now and there are some issues (e.g. AI units inside helicopters allways die), so I decided to create my own crash landing mechanics.

Many thanks to everyone who provided or still provides feedback on this mod. It is really appreciated! And special thanks to Steam User @Brazzer for rewriting and restructuring large protions of the mod into the current structure! As weel as to @Captain828 for providing code for the player only function!

  • aircrafts to not instantly expode upon taking lethal damage
  • special particle effects during the crash landing phase
  • enemies won't attack a crashing aircraft, until it lands or the crew ejects/disembarks
  • they remain controllable and can be landed
  • upon taking too much additional damage they are completely destroyed
  • ejection upon impact, with condfigureable parameters
  • damage thresholds for damage and complete destruction are adjustable in the settings
  • mod is signed and server keys are included

Important Links:

How the mod works
Upon taking too much structural damage, in vanilla Arma aircraft will simply explode, killing every passenger. With this mod enabled structural damage is capped at a certain threshold (can be adjusted in the settings, ranges from 0 to 0.99, default is 0.99), upon reaching this cap the aricraft will start to burn, indicating its status. Every additional damage to the structure is then stored in a special state variable for the aircraft, once the state threshold is reached the aircraft can be destroyed as usual. The state treshold can also be adjusted via the settings, ranging from 1 to 100, with default 10, it describes how many time the aircraft can take additional structural damage before exploding, for example 10 means the aricraft survives 10 times as much damage before exploding.
This enable the crew to survive and attempt to eject or land the crashing aircraft but be aware that hitting the ground causes massive damage!
Additionally neither players nor AI crews are protected from damage while in the aircraft, while your helicopter might survive an AA missile and begin to crash, you will be damaged too.It might happen that you die in an aircraft due to the damage dealt AA weapons (often in forms of explosions) while your aircraft still remains flyable.

The mod is compatible with ACE and ACE medical, as well as most aircraft mods.
Since their last update RHS added their own helicopter damage behaviour which prevents my mod from working properly on RHS helicopters, you can still load both mods, but my mod can't take effect on the RHS aircraft. This change is caused only by the RHS update and other mods should still be compatible (except mods that use RHS helicopter, like some faction mods)

  • Sometimes the AI anti baling system does not prevent units from ejecting as the threshold for it to trigger is not reached yet, to change this you can set the "Hull damage cap in %" settings to lower values, 95% should work without any noticeable changes compared to the default of 99%
  • Some aircraft (both vanilla and modded) are quite resistant to structural damage and therefore may not always trigger the effects of this mod.
  • When using ACE madical it is possible to pass out due to the damage dealt by AA weapons, redering you unable to perform an emergency landing or ejection in time.
  • When using vehicle respawn modules make sure to add configure them like this:
    1. set Wreck to 'Delete'
    2. set Respawn Delay to anything other than 0
    3. set Respawn when Diasbled to 'Diasabled'
    4. add this line into the 'Expression' tab of the module:
      params["_new", "_old"]; deleteVehicle _old; _new call FSCL_main_fnc_setup;
  • Feedback is always welcome!


This work is licensed under the ArmA Public License Share Alike:
Beliebte Diskussionen Alle anzeigen (3)
16. Okt. 2020 um 9:47
Performance Improvements
28. Feb. 2021 um 3:13
Bug Report: Respawn Module Creating Two Aircraft
Donov C.
11. Juli 2023 um 20:59
Ai delete
Ϻiῌ Lord Mitchquaad
339 Kommentare
doc 28. Dez. 2024 um 20:50 
Ok after testing, it seems it only happens when i'm in first person, consistent each time, as a passenger, if i'm in FPS, i get ejected, but third person fixes it somehow
doc 28. Dez. 2024 um 20:39 
works great for npcs, but now it's reverse, its my character who always bails when hit, how can i stop that ?
tyler60k 20. Aug. 2024 um 16:27 
Just to confirm what the gentlemen below me mentioned, the AI no longer stays in the aircraft when it reaches critical. The anti-AI bailing seems to have broken.
Sir.English (ColDelta) 19. Aug. 2024 um 10:12 
Hi Devs, first off lovely mod, works fine on most aircraft.
Short question, is there a chance you lot could have a look at this mod paired with the MH-47G mod? (The really fancy Chinooks)

It seems to work completely fine on the helicopter's physical end, entering the critical damage state and the AI stop shooting it as it goes down.... Though even with Passenger-eject turned off, at 0% or maximum G-force requirement, whenever critical damage is reached.. Crew is outright ejected midair anyways, leading to a straight death due to impact with (still 'flying' vehicle).
Beviin CT-6269 23. Juli 2024 um 9:54 
To confirm the issue that nerexis had, we had the same issue in my group before. What we determined was that helicopters could only be damaged if there was a crewmember in them.
In order to fix, go into the addon options for the mod and uncheck Ignore vehicles with no players in them . This completely fixed the issue for us
Teamson 8. Juli 2024 um 11:58 
Perfect. Thanks for your reply!
Ϻiῌ Lord Mitchquaad 8. Juli 2024 um 11:47 
never had that issue teamson
Teamson 8. Juli 2024 um 8:42 
Can anyone confirm @nerexis?
House 14. Apr. 2024 um 11:59 
Does it work?
Kahoot 14. Apr. 2024 um 7:34 
dead mod