Sky Rogue

Sky Rogue

32 ratings
A Guide for Scum: How to cheat not only the game, but yourself
By constantcompile
Are you trash?

Is Gitting Gud too much work for you?

Do you have better things to do than start all over, again, because you zigged when you should have zagged?

Are you willing to bring dishonor on yourself, your family, and your cow, in order to save hours of playtime, even though you literally bought the game so that you could spend time playing it?

Read on.
Phase 1: Establish a Restore Point
For the first five levels or so, you'll be playing the game legit. Just enough to get fully upgraded.

Shoot down EVERY TARGET, especially the ground-based ones. Familiarity with hitting targets at low altitudes is going to be very important for later on.

Once you're fully upgraded and have completed a level, exit the game.

Your save file is located here: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Fractal Phase\Sky Rogue\Save

Make a copy of that save folder.

Boot the game up again.
Phase 2: Swoop in, Snipe mission, Run away like a coward
Now that you're fully upgraded, money won't really serve much purpose anymore - so you are free to ignore it.

From your current mission until Day 13, your Modus Operandi is as follows:
  1. Start current day
  2. Fly straight to your mission objective and destroy it, then fly straight back to base and land
  3. If destroyed, copy over your Restore Point to the save folder, replacing old files, and go to 1
  4. If you complete the mission, make a NEW COPY of your save folder (don't replace the old one, just in case) within a folder named for the next day
  5. Repeat

Because you are scum, you will probably find it too difficult to beat the missions where you need to down 15 Zulus or whatever. That's fine. Keep retrying and eventually you'll get 3 XMIT, you slime.
Phase 3: Final Mission. HERE BE SPOILERS.
Now, if you're garden-variety pond scum, following the steps for Phase 2 will serve you just fine, here. Take out the turrets, take out the other planes, then destroy the supports and begin the boss fight proper.

But what if you are lower than mere detritus? What if you are the excrement of subterranean invertebrates?

Well, then, you will find that with your save-scumming technique, destroying the turrets and the other planes is actually optional.

After copying over your Day 13 Restore Point to the save folder for the n-th time, you can start the game, beeline straight to the supports, and destroy them. That leaves you with a giant mech, a platform full of turrets, and a sky full of angry airplanes. Great, right?

As it turns out, so long as you - a lowlife - lives low, you are actually beneath their notice. The turrets won't target you as long as you fly at a lower altitude, and the airplanes will largely ignore you as well. That only leaves you the giant mech to deal with.

And here are your rules for dealing with it:
  1. Be cowardly. Put a pillar between you and the mech, fly at least a kilometer away, then turn around and start lining up an attack run.
  2. Be non-committal. The second an attack run starts going badly, abandon it. If you were a hero, you wouldn't be reading this.
  3. Double-dip. Your rockets actually have an effective range of about 700m. Let those loose first, then switch to missiles.

These rules apply both to the mech and to the Aero portion. STAY LOW. See that green water? Green like pond scum? It is your kin. Keep it close.

Get even farther away from the Aero before you turn for an attack run; aim to have at least 1500m between it and you. Slow down when you approach; if it's more than 1000m away when it does its weird shoulder-tackle (seriously, what is that?) it should end up right around 500 meters away, at the perfect distance for your missiles.

And that's all there is to it. Keep trying, keep dying, keep scumming, and eventually you'll make it to the end credits, you filth.

You disgust me.
Blacky Watchy 26 Oct, 2022 @ 5:37am 
my headcannon is that the writer is tsundere
AleK 11 May, 2022 @ 4:34am 
damn thats a lotta words for saying just be a lil bih
BRIMStone 6 Apr, 2021 @ 11:46am 
beautiful, simply beautiful...

and disgusting...
omg is that a supraaaa 3 Mar, 2021 @ 12:46am 
I am scum

and I love it
am45.001 1 Dec, 2020 @ 6:49pm 
NaviMuffins 11 Nov, 2020 @ 7:40pm 
:viRage: You're the worst.

Thanks for this. :tbphappy:
comp9 29 Aug, 2020 @ 8:50pm 
Nice guide! I like knowing where the save file is.