

43 ratings
Elver | Loot Map | Crate Map | Horde Beacon drops | DEADZONE MAP | Work In Progress
By [ GG ] ACE / BananaSoup
I started playing on the map a few days ago, and couldn't find any good loot maps. So I am working on making one myself.

This is work in progress!
There are missing content and mistakes here. Help us by giving information in comments.I wanted to give people something to use, even if it is a bit rough right now.

This guide is based on works of bvauwnies, Inovumia and Korosan. I am using their tables and visual indicators to categorize the Elver map loot locations.

Official maps loot spawn guide:

Loot video by LiamDoesGame:

Recommended opening image in new tab to zoom in
Crates map:

Early version of my Deadzone Map:

General Spawns Table | Work in progress

What can be found

Civilian Clothes, Scrap Metal, Rubber, Crafting Supplies

Food Supplies, Drinking Supplies,

Skilark, Golf Club,


Planter, Seeds

Medic suit

Splint, Rag, Bandage, Dressing, Tablets, Antibiotics, Chemicals, Defiblirator Battery


Hammer, Shovel, Sledgehammer, Saw, Pickaxe

Construction suit, Headlamp,

Cloth, Rope, Tape, Glue, Metal Scrap, Metal Sheet, Metal Bar, Nails, Can, Wire, Small Generator, Gyroscope, Blowtorch,

Blue Dye, Brown Dye

Fire Axe

Firefighter suit, Dyes, Mesh

Shotgun Shells, Low Caliber Civilian Ammunition Crate [25 Capacity],


Police suit, Civilian Nightvision, Police Armour,


Shovel, Pitchfork


Farmer suit



Wisp, Skilark, Paug, Grenade, Puck, Military Knife, Flashbang,

Low Caliber Military Ammunition Crate, High Caliber Military Ammunition Crate, Pistol magazine, Assult Rifle Magazine,

Rubber, Mesh(Extreme rarity but it spawns), Compass, Military Radio,

Military Clothing, Nightvision Goggles, Canteen, MRE, Parachute, Barbed Wire,

Cult Boxes
Sauce, Valentine, Paug, Valentine, Katana,

Sniper Rifle Magazine [10 Capacity], Assault Rifle Magazine [30 Capacity], Pistol Magazine,

Low Caliber Military Ammunition Crate, High Caliber Military Ammunition Crate, Low Caliber Civilian Ammunition Crate

Staff, Cult Clothes, Machete, Butterfly knife, Katana

Blue Berry Seeds, Sentry Reciver, Rubber, Cloth, Detonator,
Chemicals, Carjack, Dyes, Blowtorch, Scrap Metal, Blaster, Detonator, Jerry Can, Vehicle Battery,
Food, Water

Prisoner suit
Horde Beacon Drops
Item Name - Weight Of Spawn (How likely it is to spawn)

Tables 13 - Horde
High Caliber Military Ammunition Crate [40 Capacity] - 90
Pistol Magazine [20 Capacity] - 55
Wisp - 50
Circuit board - 45
Magenta Crystal - 45
Gunpowder - 20
Drill - 10
Detonator - 10
Assault Rifle Magazine [60 Capacity] - 10
Pandiculator Drum [24 Capacity] - 10
Heatwave Box [100 Capacity] - 5
THICC Fishing Rod - 5
Bulldozer - 2

Tables 3 - Horde Ammo
Large High Caliber Ranger Ammunition Crate [100 Capacity] - 60
Large Low Caliber Military Ammunition Crate [200 Capacity] - 30
Tank Shell - 10

Tables 6 - Horde Guns
Heatwave [Static] - 50
Mosca [Static] - 50
Rebel [Static] - 50
Pandiculator [Static] - 50
Hellcat [Static] - 50
Red Rebel [Static] - 1

Military Mega
Note: Only original Military Mega spawns at Junction. Specialized (Wind, Fire, Electricity) Can spawn anywhere, even at other military locations but drop basic gear related to the location!

Tables 16
Assault Rifle Magazine [30 Capacity] - 30
Tusk - 30
Low Caliber Military Ammunition Crate [40 Capacity] - 30
Sniper Rifle Magazine [10 Capacity] - 30
Grenade - 30
Military Vest - 30
Military Helmet - 30
Military Alicepack - 20
MRE - 20
High Caliber Military Ammunition Crate [40 Capacity] - 20
Military Radio - 12
Canteen - 10
Mesh - 9
Parachute - 5
Military Nightvision - 4
Painting #2 - 1
Tables 18 - Airdrop
Shotgun Shells [8 Capacity] - 400
High Caliber Ranger Ammunition Crate [40 Capacity] - 200
Low Caliber Military Ammunition Crate [40 Capacity] - 200
Assault Rifle Magazine [30 Capacity] - 100
Paug - 100
Pistol Magazine [40 Capacity] - 100
Military Alicepack -100
Canteen - 100
Valentine - 100
Sauce - 100
Tusk - 100
Sniper Rifle Magazine [10 Capacity] - 100
Puck - 100
Mesh - 25
Military Radio - 25
Military Nightvision - 20
Parachute - 10
Mysterious Chest / Box - 10
Work in progress list
  • Water and Fuel info
  • Mega Zombie Spawns
  • All of the Cult Crate locations
  • Complete the item drop list
  • Berries
  • Animals
  • Maybe get a higher resolution map as background
  • Deadzone map ( If others don't do it soon )
  • Horde Beacon loot table
Uncle Cheese 12 Nov, 2022 @ 3:51am 
ok thx Ace
[ GG ] ACE / BananaSoup  [author] 11 Nov, 2022 @ 12:12pm 
I haven't played unturned for a year and the map for 2 years lol, sorry buddy. I can transfer the guide over to anyone else who wishes to update it, or I could update this guide if anyone gives info on stuff.
Uncle Cheese 6 Nov, 2022 @ 4:03am 
its been more than a year pls update this bro it is useful like this but still need updates
[ GG ] ACE / BananaSoup  [author] 7 Jul, 2021 @ 8:09am 
If I remember correctly, there is also an office area behind the black doors. Could find some GPU's there (might be outdated info, haven't played the map for almost a year) . If anyone wants to take this guide over let me know :)
SAM 6 Jul, 2021 @ 9:52pm 
Just for those who are here for the graphics card: I found one at the far left end of the corridor under the kitchen past the red keycard.
[ GG ] ACE / BananaSoup  [author] 5 Nov, 2020 @ 8:35am 
You get it from the horde beacon. ( At least used to a few months ago). I think it is on bar with the mk.I quest fishing rod but not sure 100%
DmINx 1 Nov, 2020 @ 9:40am 
What is the thicc fishing rod? I thought that there are only 3
[ GG ] ACE / BananaSoup  [author] 10 Oct, 2020 @ 1:55am 
The server I played on shut down, I kind of left Unturned. I could try finish the deadzone map I guess, it should be pretty easy. I will look into it next week.
Toph Beifong 9 Oct, 2020 @ 11:35pm 
This guide promises a lot.
Keep working on it and also add the bunkers locations. ;)
[ GG ] ACE / BananaSoup  [author] 22 Aug, 2020 @ 11:56am 
I added a Deadzone Map, it is in early state without any loot added yet but I will work on it. For now, everyone has a way to navigate the area.