Sky Rogue

Sky Rogue

A 2020 Sky Rogue Guide
由 4d_Printr 發表
An updated, less polished, and overall subpar guide at getting gud at Sky Rogue. Has been updated to 1.3

I only have 41 hours put into this game at the writing of this section. Don't expect to learn every single detail from my guide alone. If you need more help the wiki is a great place for gathering the information pertinent to your current problem. I also may go more in depth with some planes over others due to the way I play. So sorry if I don't spend as long talking about your favorite aero. With that out of the way we can begin.


So in this guide, I'm gonna teach you on pretty much the whole campaign side of the game. However, I'm gonna be putting in extra detail especially after Day 4. I'm going to assume you die for the first time at Day 6, so we won't be going over your unlocks until then.

We'll be going over different maneuvering tactics, weapon choices, and enemy handling as those are the basic pillars of the base game.

So without further ado. Let's dive into days 1-5.
Days 1-5
Alright so you just finished the Tutorial mission and you're ready to start blasting. First things first, you're gonna be greeted with your first Aero, the Rogue. As with most roguelites, it's pretty much middle of the pack, but this by no means that it is bad. In fact, the Rogue is in my opinion, tied for the best medium sized aircraft in the game.

So let's get into the 3 weapons you have:

  • MICRO- This is going to be your primary weapon/slot in the game. It's a fire-and-forget weapon so as soon as you lock in and launch your payload you can worry about something else. This is best suited against 2 things, enemy aeros, and ground deployments. My main philosophy for using this weapon is to get within 300 to 250 meters of the target and unleash my barrage then. This way, you're pretty much guaranteed a hit/kill. If the enemy is a fast interceptor however, more often than not, they will most likely dodge it, so if you're facing against a Falke, or even a Schwalbe, I recommend moving to a close 200-100 meter range for a greater hit chance.

  • RKT- These things are gonna be your primary ground objective tools for the first 5 days. Although pretty weak, they're good enough for the cost that they contain. These things are most useful in full volleys, aimed at whatever poor building your aiming at. They're also useful at taking down carrier engines, although the gun can do it just as well if not better. Unlike the Micros, this thing's fast firing rate and high precision allow you to fire it as soon as you get into targeting range. Just make sure you slow down and zoom in (pressing both of your turning keys simultaneously) to get a clear look at what your target is.

  • GUN- This thing is going to be your primary tool against the slower moving air targets, like the Zulu, and Kondor. It's also extremely useful at taking down carrier engines, which helps deal with enemy spawning. As with the MICRO, you want to get into close range to reliably hit all of your shots.

Another useful tool is the FLARE. This thing when activated, prevents any lock on missile to lock onto YOUR aero. However, if you release it too late, there's a small chance that the missile will ignore the FLARE and hit you anyway. However, I suggest dodging as your primary evasion method as the FLAREs are finite in supply and using them sporadically will leave you in a tough bind, when the enemy starts using infrareds against you.

So that's the weapons, but let's tweak our loadout a little so we get the most out of the weapons we've been issued for the time being.

As the screenshot above shows, we have a whole weapon slot free. I suggest using this free slot by putting in another RKT in it, giving you a grand total of 20 rockets to fire for a more continuous stream of reliable damage output.

So let's look at what you wanna do in the first 5 days to get ahead of the pack. First things first, KILL EVERYTHING. This includes the individual turrets, (if possible) the cargo crates. and even at times farming the drones for a little while. By killing as many enemies as possible, you'll not only get cash to upgrade your ship and weapons, but also tech points which will help when you die.

Ideally you wanna get a kill box similar to the screenshot below:

I know, 40 seems like a lot, but trust me, doing this is gonna save you the tediousness of doing this in the later and more importantly harder levels. As you approach day 4, I recommend upgrading your aero and it's armaments accordingly. Each person has this own preference but I usually do mine this way.

  • Aero
  • RKT
  • GUN
I suggest getting all of these to at least MK. 2, and if possible getting your Aero or MICRO to MK. 3. If you have any spare cash left over, you can always use that if you need to relaunch. Just keep in mind that the price increases each time you do.
Day 6: The reckoning.
So you did pretty well. Got enough experience and cash to get you to the arid islands, but alas, everyone dies at some point, and just as you were about to get to your carrier, you get hit with this screen:

It's ok, it just means you'll be able to unlock cooler stuff with the tech points you saved up. So you should see the unlock scroller. It's been a long time since I saw this for my first death so I might not know what's available right away. However, if you see something that says Diamondback or Cobra get those IMMEDIATELY. Those are infrared missiles, and will definitely help when you encounter the faster interceptors the next time around. Along with those, if you have the tech points, I suggest picking up another aero, and any of the alternative micromissile options. As the Rogue has 100/100 in regards to its Avionics/Payload capacity, I suggest you use the bottom slot for your infrared missile. So let's get back on track.

Day 6 is probably where you'll encounter the first real difficulty shift, in Sky Rogue. As such this is the perfect time to learn some brand new, state-of-the-art tactics in handling the new enemies you will undoubtedly face. First things first, you most likely saw in this previous section that using your dodge key, is a pretty reliable way to dodge most missile attacks, and if they use infrareds or faster missiles, you can resort to your FLAREs. However, you can also perform a stutter step in Sky Rogue to also deal with enemy attacks. This is most useful when you're getting swarmed by like 6 enemy aeros that got alerted as soon as you hit the objective. Stuttering is very simple to achieve, and can be done in the following way (assuming that you've been flying at max speed)

  • Continue flying at max speed
  • Slow down dramatically by holding down your deceleration key.
  • See the missile pass you
  • Turn around

Congrats, you did it, by doing this, you can out maneuver and in very rare cases cause the enemy to hit their own aircraft as collateral. Another coolio step is to dive bomb towards the ground and pull up at the very last second so as not to crash. Doing this is another efficient way in not only dealing with enemy weapons, but also avoiding and sometimes causing their aeros to crash into a cliff or beach.

Along with these evasion steps, I strongly recommend aiming for their Aerodomes and Carriers before you tackle the objective. At this point, you don't need to kill everything, but aiming for their spawners will greatly reduce the amount of reinforcements that spawn once you kill the objective. You can also use the surplus cash in destroying their spawners in upgrading your aero to MK. 3, and can even start saving for multiple relaunches if you need them.
Days 8-11
Ok, so you got through day 6 without any problems, even managed to get out of Day 7 before the amount of reinforcements sent you into conniptions. We now arrive at the 2nd difficulty elevation, taking place logically in the arctic levels. However, this isn't AS bad as the first difficulty curve like when you reached Day 6 for the first time. All that matters in these days is perfecting your evasions, target prioritization, and taking care of the spawners. I recommend that you aim for the interceptors first, then start dealing with the fighters. You might have seen some Vets, and Aces, and with these, you want to remain EXTRA cautious. These guys are battle hardened, and aren't push overs. They'll launch infrareds faster than you can say echter rauser. I suggest using infrareds and your gun/unlock against these. Other than that, Days 8-11 mainly serve as a pre-cursor to the 3rd and final difficulty level before you encounter the BOSS.

If you see something that looks like is, just get ready to stutter and/or flare your way outta there:

Day 12: Separating the Boys from the ACEs
Oh boy, Day 12 gave me the most flak when I encountered it. If you haven't already now is a good time to switch from your Kondor/Schwalbe/Falke and focus on Champion aircraft. Basically this is where we enter the wonderful world of specialisation. This is basically landing on your carrier deliberately to switch to a more optimal aircraft. For example you may be rockin the amazing Vector, and picking out the aeros and carriers out of the sky like a scalpel. But your objective is the carrier and your longbow won't do much against a stabilized fort. So you land on your carrier and launch with the Zulu or Bronco, which is more suited to dealing with land targets. You'll basically be STRONGLY pushed towards this in Days 9-11, but it doesn't become really mandatory until now. Along with this, I strongly recommend you start killing everything on this Island, you'll definitely need the extra cash for the final boss fight.

So let's get on to the Champion aircraft. In my opinion this is your swing-wing fighters/interceptors, the Rogue MK. 3, Vector, and Bronco. If you haven't already you wanna get your loadouts specialised to at least 2 of these Aeros. If you're struggling to choose the right weapons, I say that the god tier ESTOCS are your best friend. These things when fully upgraded can put a large dent in ANY target.

Along with the champion aircraft you wanna focus on getting used to getting to low altitudes. Thankfully you can spend your time practicing on Day 12 even after everything is dead. Ideally, you wanna match the altitude level as shown in the screenshot shown below:

In the end, you're preparing, praying, and HOPING that you're ready enough for the FINAL level. DAY 13
Day 13: Dispersion
You did it. You made it to face the final boss, and this is the PERSONIFICATION of one if I've ever seen it. In my opinion this thingis harder than the HoTK, Providence, or even Darth Vader. It has 3 main phases, and each needs to be dealt with FULLY before you even think about proceeding to the next one.

Phase 0:Slumber
At this point, there's still time to fully analyze the boss' main structure. However, the sky is filled with ACEs and Vets, and each one needs to be dealt with ferociously. I recommend using an interceptor of your choice, preferably one of the champs to deal with these nerds. Use every evasion technique in this guide at your disposal because these guys are gonna swarm you at an extremely fast speed. Don't worry though, once you clear the air targets, none will respawn, the only carrier is you. Once you finally see the main strut and are ready, take down the supports one at a time. Be sure you also take care of the ground defenses so that there's no enemy in sight before you destroy the last support. I strongly recommend you switch before you destroy the last support. The choice is between a fighter and a bomber, but I personally use a fighter when dealing with the boss' first phase At the time you hit the last one, the Boss enters his first phase and you get white screened.

Phase 1:Turret
At this point the boss will have shown his true form. A mech (at least that's what he looks like) that has 2 overpowered weapons. One being the Hydra launcher, which launches multiple MICROs at you if you get too close and will destroy you in 2 barrages. The second is a literal laser beam, I won't use its technical name because this thing can be explained in 3 words, long ranged destruction. The best way to deal with this phase is to take what you learned on Day 12 and go to lower altitudes while slowly chipping away at both of its weapons and at occasion using the strut as cover. By doing this, you'll greatly reduce the amount of times you'll need to relaunch and more importantly, won't get sniped by the guy's beam of deth.

Phase 2:AerO
Final stage, and by far the hardest one. It has an upgraded HYPER flak cannon, and will even try to rush into you, causing annoying deaths while you try to escape. Deal with the cannon FIRST. This is his main source of damage dealing besides the small turret and his kamikaze attacks. Once you take it out, use your weapons to take care of the COCKPIT. It's extremely small and hard to hit, but if you have estocs or other unguided weaponry, this is the best time to use it. Once you whittle him down, you'll be finished.

 Spoiler text

Congrats you beat Sky Rogue, spend the rest of your time unlocking everything, and have fun in endless mode.
Supplementary Content
So this section will be more in depth. I'll be going over my favorite weapons, loadouts, and enemies to kill. Expect this to be updated from time to time, as I gain new favorites.
Alright, so this is gonna an in-depth section of the enemies that gave me the most flak, and a few objective targets with the intention of showing you how to deal with each one.

This thing's difficulty comes not from the size or even the armaments it has, but from the fact that this thing is a SPAWNER. Sometimes you'll have to deal with two, but one is bad enough. The main tactic is to just unload EVERYTHING on it, this, paired with the collateral damage that its own turrets do to the DREDNAUGHT will make this just another day in the park.

This thing has a ton of hp, but you can basically apply the same philosophy with the DREDNAUGHT to this.

This thing, especially in ACE mode, is extremely annoying to deal with. Fast so your micros can't reach it, and durable enough to endure the most well aimed GUN burst. I suggest focusing your infrareds on it, and pair it with getting as close as you can while unloading GUN bursts on it.
Some of my favorite weapons, and how to use em.

This thing is not only useful, but very wholesome. In a singleplayer game, it's nice to see something other than the carrier that doesn't want to kill you. I suggest launching 2 as soon as you launch, and 2 more once you get within 1000 meters of your preferred target. Best part of these little guys is that they stay in the air even after multiple relaunches. So you can fill the skies with YOUR own guys. :)

This is one of the contributing factors that made me gradually appreciate the bomber class of aeros. It has 6 at base level allowing for sustained and consistent bursts. Optimal use for these is to use them on bunched up targets like cargo crates or even Aerodomes.

Not technically weapon but this thing is a very side grade to the FLAREs, while not being able to get rid of the threat outright, you can just outrun it, and even use it to make more advanced stutters.

This thing pops against multiple targets, I usually use it against air targets as they usually contain surrounding defenses. 10/10 would Zulu again.

In my opinion, I prefer this on my interceptors OVER the infrareds. The 360 targeting helps a TON in regards to getting pursuing targets off your tail fins. I usually use these against the fighters, and in rare cases against the interceptors.

I love the concept of this thing, however, the MIRV is very hard to actually target in practice. More often than not, I'll see it skew away from the target at the last second. However, it makes up for it in close range engagements, getting at around 300-200 meters away from your targets, this thing can take down multiple drones at once if they're damaged enough.

This thing is the personification of Sky-Sniping with a targeting range of 2000, it makes it very useful against weaker targets without them even knowing where you are. However, I don't recommend it against experienced interceptors or even ACE fighters as they can easily out maneuver the Longbow

My favorite Micro, this thing can be extremely useful against Interceptors on your fighter craft. I suggest using these at 385-300 meters away and see the interceptors crash in surprise at your SPEED.
My favorite loadouts, so if you ever wanna see what I use, or need to know a particular game winning loadout just go here.

My favorite "bomber" loadout. The ESTOCs paired with the Blackjacks allow for the quick pacification of any and all land targets. The swarm MICRO and turbo GUN offer it decent competence in regards to air targets.

The premier Sniper Aero for me. This thing offers not only exponential speed, but long ranged destruction while fitting the capacity requirements for this specialized Aero.

This loadout helped me a lot in Days 8-11. It offers a perfect balance between Air and Land competence. Unfortunately, it's 10 points short of a Cobra, which is it's only weakness due to the range limitation.

One of my favorite non-experimental Aeros of all time. This fills every role nicely, and especially hits the spot in regards to if I'm in a bind against multiple interceptors.

The G.O.A.T.
This thing won the game for me, and will always hold a special place in my heart.

The only screenie I'll show with experimental weaponry. This thing BOPS. An automatic wincard. An overpowered aero built to DESTROY. Use this if you just wanna clear the first 10 islands while eating or something.

A challenge build. The restricted avionics/payload capacity make this sort of an interesting experimental for sure. However, if you get it up to tier 3, you can zip behind enemy aircraft before they can even yell an expletive.

The ██████

Oh my... This thing is quite literally the personification of █████. No matter what ENEMY, what AERO, what ██████ you're facing, they're bound to be disintegrate on the molecular level.
The craziest thing is that this aero is a beast at TIER 1. Mostly due to the double weapon mounts makes it the ULTIMATE destruction device. ███ ████, ████ ███ █████ ███ ██ ██████. I'm so sorry for making this build...
Closing Section
Thanks for reading it. This has become one of my Favorite all time games, and hopefully this guide helps in SOME way to get you over that hurdle.

Big thanks to the Sky Rogue wiki for giving me the information that helped me when I first started, and to Fractal Phase for making such a cool game. Until next time...

19 則留言
Minion 2024 年 9 月 11 日 上午 1:47 
최고의 가이드 잘읽고갑니다. 저는 닌텐도 스위치로 플레이하는데 몰입감이 엄청납니다. 그래픽은 좋은 게임성 앞에 더이상 중요하지 않다는것을 깨닫게해준 게임
Forest1395101 2024 年 6 月 13 日 下午 6:20 
4d_Printr  [作者] 2024 年 6 月 13 日 下午 3:42 
Infrared is the heat signature, so those missiles work best when fired while locked on from behind. Semi-Active means you have to maintain a constant lock on the target, so they work best for long ranges
Forest1395101 2024 年 6 月 13 日 下午 3:01 
What the heck do infrared and semi-active mean? Can someone tell me how they function?!
A1theend0ftime 2021 年 12 月 14 日 上午 6:00 
Yo thanks for the guide now I able to complete the game 100%
4d_Printr  [作者] 2021 年 11 月 11 日 下午 7:11 
huh, that's strange have you made sure that you're positioned BEHIND your targets? That's how they've always worked for me.
Pizza_Migoo [Lockheed Martin] 2021 年 11 月 11 日 下午 6:59 
hey how the actual fuck do infrared missiles work? i figure i have to be behind and see the jets flame but it still doesnt track, even at very close ranges
I got them and didnt use them until now, i realized i fucked up and need some fire and forgets or semi active
4d_Printr  [作者] 2021 年 10 月 9 日 上午 10:26 
Nyx (She/Her) 2021 年 10 月 9 日 上午 9:43 
yeah I found them last night ^^;
4d_Printr  [作者] 2021 年 10 月 9 日 上午 9:28 
I got all of them from the workshop, if you want, I can give you direct links!