Space Engineers

Space Engineers

31 vurderinger
OPC Valiant - Corvette
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21. juli 2020 kl. 11:42
21. apr. 2023 kl. 12:52
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OPC Valiant - Corvette

I 1 samling af Foltast
Outer Planets Consolidation
79 genstande

Due to recent pirate attacks on mining vessels in a distant regions multiple independent mining corporations were forced to combine their efforts to fight back. This is how OPC - Outer Planets Consolidation was born, first task of which was developing a solution for defense of the mining ships. As part of this solution was developed by the first ship OPC - Valiant. The ship carries strong armament for it's size to fight back small groups of pirates. It's heavy armor provides a good defense, while multiple fuel tanks allow to participate in a long mining operations. Due to need of a ship as soon as possible and reduced production costs the appearance of the ship leaves much to be desired, but this allows the ship to be more cost-efficient and faster to produce.

Despite many technical shortcomings and not the best appearance, Valiant remains one of the most beloved ships of the citizens of Consolidation after many years. Those ships that remained in service were eventually decommissioned and sent to the Pax Consolidation exhibition halls located throughout the OPC. However, several ships of this class became a platform for an experiment in deep modernization of old ships, which was actively supported by some representatives of the Consolidation Council.
As part of the experiment, OPC engineers redesigned so many parts of the ship that they began to call it the "Theseus Project" among themselves. A complete reworking of the internal components, starting from their number and ending with their location, the addition of new components (such as jump drive), complete re-equipment also forced the ship's hull itself to be redesigned to such an extent that no one was sure that this ship was still Valiant.
As a result of the work carried out, a small batch of ships was returned to the CDF, where the ships were assigned to combat patrols in the far corners of the former Unexplored Region. And as before, Valiant ships once again began to carry order and security.

Min crew - 1
Max crew - 3
Empty Programmable Block
2 Railguns
Front and Rear cameras
Jump Drive (up to 500km per jump)
Utilize WDP
Survival Ready

2.103 Large blocks
13.086 PCU
3 Cryopods
1 Min crew
3 Max crew
1 Dual H-69 Turbo Engine
2 Large cargo containers
2 Railguns
3 Gatling turrets
5 Assault Cannon Turrets

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