Settlements - Tips, Tricks, Strategies
โดย spiderik
This is a timelapsed playthrough video with some hints, tips and strategy explanations comments to help new players with getting into this great game faster. Maybe some experienced player may find some of the tips helpful, as well.

Please ignore the "lame" quality of video and captions. Its my first one and I am not really good at it. Just thought the video will be a bit easier to demonstrate this time, instead of written tutorial.
Episode 1 - basic setup
This first part is about my usual setup of the villages, markup strategy for my characters and some fighting tips. I play always on Challenging mode ( I like all games on hard ) so I had to adapt the playstyle to higher difficulty and I think that may help some new palyers to get the feeling of the gameflow and approach what could help them even on lower difficulties.

Video is captioned, I am not really pro with video making and editting. Actually this is first time I did something like that, so excuse a bit "lame" approach.

Youtube Video