Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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Residential buildings from the 50s
Buildings (by category): Residential
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Residential buildings from the 50s

I 1 samling av robs074
Buildings by robs074
298 artiklar

The pack includes 9 residential buildings from the 50s:
- two 4-storey oblong blocks of flats (75 workers),
- two 5-storey oblong blocks of flats (95 workers),
- one 4-storey corner (30 workers),
- two 5-storey corners (including a mirrored version of one of them) (40 workers),
- one 4-storey gate (10 workers).
Quality of flats in all buildings: 75%.

Paczka zawiera 9 budynków mieszkalnych z lat 50.:
- dwa 3-piętrowe podłużne bloki (75 robotników),
- dwa 4-piętrowe podłużne bloki (95 robotników),
- jeden 3-piętrowy narożnik (30 robotników),
- dwa 4-piętrowe narożniki (wraz z odbitą wersją jednego z nich) (40 robotników),
- jedna 3-piętrowa brama (10 robotników).
Jakość mieszkań we wszystkich budynkach: 75%.
47 kommentarer
charadev96 21 feb, 2024 @ 2:21 
awesome stuff! it would be great if your could make decorative corner sections for these (like the ones you made for your panel houses 1)
baronjutter 23 apr, 2023 @ 13:20 
Oh it's so easy! Thanks! I'll try this out.
robs074  [skapare] 23 apr, 2023 @ 11:40 
Hi, thanks for all your kind comments :) I'm personally not a supporter of buildings without collisions but you can easily make them such. Just open a folder named 2105098851 and in each subfolder of it in the building.ini files add a line
under the name for example.
baronjutter 23 apr, 2023 @ 11:19 
I'd kill for a version of these with no collision. Some subtle overlapping can really help with placement, specially getting some gentle curves.
robs074  [skapare] 28 okt, 2022 @ 6:42 
You probably can't build them perfectly straight, even with the snap tool, but you can get close enough :)
B O C C H I 28 okt, 2022 @ 0:56 
Really love your works man, was just wondering how do you line them up perfectly seamless? wondering they might be a way since i'm still new in the game and still figuring up how to build my cities seamlessly
Dr. Lopez 19 okt, 2022 @ 3:23 
Love all your work rob, I think I use the vast majority of your mods so I'm not going to comment on every one!
Terence Powderly 6 sep, 2021 @ 20:49 
I think these are great. Thanks for your mod.
LIGHTTECH2 17 jul, 2021 @ 0:13 
so lovely to have a variety of buildings
ZavodDeshovok 24 okt, 2020 @ 23:39 