Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

101 ratings
Wood Boards
Assets: Prop
File Size
1.724 MB
17 May, 2020 @ 3:09am
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Wood Boards

In 2 collections by Spence!
(Common) City Assets: Props
615 items
American City Props (Mid-Century)
474 items
A bunch of wooden boards (plywood, fiberboard, OSB, whatever) as props. Use them to board up windows and make any building 'abandoned', reinforce chain link fencing, or build ramshackle barricades.

They are variation props. You can keep plopping the 'variation' asset to get the model you want, or you can place the individual variations, it doesn't really matter. Each of the 6 variation props contains 3-5 variant props.

Use Find It and Move It mods to place and adjust props. Search for "plywood" to find them.

They are all low in tris, have custom LODs, and share textures when using Loading Screen Mod.

If you find my assets useful and want to show support you can donate with PayPal - thanks![]
LilSaidoo 2 Jul, 2020 @ 10:42am 
Cool idea. Thanks for sharing.

Too bad the abandoned buildings in the game don't become boarded up like this. Would have been too true to life, I guess....
Producer K 18 May, 2020 @ 6:51pm 
Yes!!!! Awesome!!!
sonnyblack2301 18 May, 2020 @ 5:45pm 