Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

33 人が評価
Dystopian Radio Public Announcements
7.731 MB
2020年5月7日 3時39分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Dystopian Radio Public Announcements

This mod adds more than 100 Public Radio messages for a future dystopian society that is run by SECURITY - a conglomerate of security, police, military, and emergency services that believe in full surveillance and control and division of the society to keep it secure. The Communal Security Authority - one of the main branches of the security state is responsible for assigning city districts to each designed communal group - judged by race, religion, or other identification. The CSA believes that by separating society and keeping its various members in once place, benefits the security. CSA imposes separation of the various districts, as well as the relocation of some members of the society who break the communal security. There are areas in the city where more nonindenterian rights such as leisure are allowed but under strict surveillance.

The single world State run by Security services emerged after decades of wars, plagues, environmental disasters, and extraterrestrial infestations. While CSA is important to a branch of the State, the messages on the radios that can’t be turned off are provided by the National Security Research and Information Center. There are many other security agencies within the State. The segregational State policies are based on idea of Divide and Conquer and the idea of global Panopticum. After years of insecurity, the general society has accepted the Security state while those who fail to do so are relocated or sent to prisons.

How to properly run this mod: have CSL music mod enabled, enable the mod in Content Manager. If you use CSL music mod feature that allows playing all your music in random the messages will pop up randomly. If you want to add them just to one specific radio station, you should copy-paste the audio files to that folder of either vanilla or moded radio station.

A note on emblem: The Fascia represents a tight grip on everyone and every stick is parallel to each other (no crossing/isolation), unification under real or perceived hazards.

Mod and its messages does not represent the authors personal views.
10 件のコメント
StayHungryStayFoolish 2023年7月4日 3時55分 

This mod is part of the ALL MUSIC MODS collection: 450+ channels without ads.
uerbera super cole 2023年1月5日 2時49分 
fascism logo?
B-4192 2021年1月25日 5時45分 
You know, listening to the radio, this doesn't sound like a terrible dystopia to live in compared with, say, 1984. Basically if you don't fit in society, they're more than happy to ship you off to a district that suits your needs (assuming that this isn't a euphemism for simply executing you).
Viceraptor Rex 2020年10月27日 20時39分 
If you want, I could also record the lines myself.
FRGWorks 2020年6月24日 5時52分 
text to speech software - that's a genius idea... the cold, kinda robotic voice reading really suits the style!
Professor Hardknocks 2020年5月13日 16時41分 
Zahav  [作成者] 2020年5月13日 3時34分 
I made myself with text to speech software
Professor Hardknocks 2020年5月12日 15時27分 
Where is the content from?
Zahav  [作成者] 2020年5月8日 1時30分 
It was said in the description it does
leftbehind 2020年5月7日 22時32分 
does it require csl music mod?