Rocket League

Rocket League

95 ratings
How to be a non-toxic Rocket League player!
By PrivateMayhan
Rocket League can be frustrating. enraging, even. But that's no reason to give your own teammates grief. Here are some things to take into account before busting your teammate's balls for missing that shot, or whiffing that vital save.
Setting the scene...
When the going gets tough in your solo queue ranked games, you’re down by three goals in the last few seconds of your ninth lost match in a row. you see your teammate fly past the ball as it sails gracefully into the top corner of your goal.

Everything goes into slow motion as your veins pop out of your forehead and your blood boils. Your hands hover over your keyboard, waiting for you to start firing off insult after insult at your “noob no skill garbage trash teammate” because he didn’t “stop whiffing” or “defend you noob” or follow your "helpful guidance".

Now, you could kick off, (not sorry) and start a tirade with him in chat, probably forgetting to keep it in the team chat, and therefore ripping apart your teammate's self worth (with limited success) in full view of the other team. But that would make you look like a clown, and nobody wants that.

Here's a few things to keep in mind before you brandish your keyboard, and fill your chatbox with meaningless profanity.
Was it really "helpful guidance"?
Before you jump at his/her throat, bear in mind that if you don’t know any better, (and let’s face it, most of us probably don’t) how can you tell the difference between good advice and bad advice? It’s not unusual for players at the beginning of a match to be free and open with their opinions as to what exactly the team should do and where they should go. They don’t always agree, and they can’t all be right. So how can you tell?

Well, if somebody suggests that you go somewhere and do something, and then you don’t, and then you lose horribly and pointlessly, it’s possible that they were giving you good advice. On the other hand, if you go somewhere and do something, and then lose horribly and pointlessly, it’s possible they were giving you very bad advice. Or maybe they weren’t. Maybe they were giving you very good advice, but you just did a poor job of executing it.

You see what I mean? It’s very difficult to know if somebody is giving you good or bad information if you don’t know any better yourself. Especially in the heat of the moment.

So when you tell somebody to do something or go somewhere, and they either don’t do it, or do it wrong, remember two things before you lash out at them.

1- They are under no obligation to listen, much less carry out your advice. For all they know, your advice is worthless.

2- Under stressful situations, advice can be misunderstood. They may have tried to execute your advice but failed under the pressure of circumstance.

If you fail to take these things into account before you open your potty mouth, I'm afraid that's just you being an asshat.
Why are you yelling, Mom?
Speaking of lashing out at your teammates, I always find myself asking: What exactly is the point? What do you gain from it? Is it helpful? Constructive? Is it TRUE?

Apart from making you feel smug and superior, what effect does it actually have for those on your team who have been forced out of position, made an honest mistake, or been foiled by circumstances they had no control over/awareness of? Are they going to suddenly come back on perfect form and start playing ten times better because you’ve called them idiots? I’m pretty sure the chances of that are slim.

But what about the rest of your team? What about the ones who are still trying to win, still attempting to apply pressure and create opportunities, still trying to pry victory from the very jaws of seemingly certain defeat? Well, it’s a pretty good chance that, with you introducing yourself to them by calling everybody idiots and losers, they’ve not only already reported you for verbal harassment and misbehaviour in chat but have also blocked/muted you, and prevented all further communication with you. Therefore, even if you are in fact a tactical genius and have the solution for winning the match in the palm of your hand, nobody is going to hear it.

So, the act of flapping your lips in chat and making your own teammates feel like crap doesn’t really achieve anything other than you having succeeded in stroking your own ego for a few seconds and adding to the list of people that consider you to be a self-obsessed narcissist. All you’ve really done is make a bad situation worse. Good job.
In conclusion...
I’m not saying you’re not allowed to get upset with your teammates if they behave like utter boneheads. Of course you’re going to get upset. But keep it to yourself. If you absolutely definitely must do something about it, report them for griefing the match, keep your mouth shut and try your best to salvage the situation without running your mouth and making yourself look silly. And believe me, you ARE making yourself look silly, even you're calling someone ELSE out.

There's a point where "making someone aware of their mistakes" stops being about their mistakes, and devolves to you trying to dismantle your teammates' humanity for reasons even YOU would struggle to fathom after giving it some thought.

Don't make yourself look stupid, just get on with the game, and let bygones be bygones. Besides, getting ragey won't make your NEXT match any better, either.
Eggy 21 May, 2020 @ 9:58pm 
Sumyunguy is a hacker.
The_Great_ElRoyal 19 May, 2020 @ 3:14pm 
its a mind game
waltuh 19 May, 2020 @ 1:58am 
@Widdy its a meme
waltuh 19 May, 2020 @ 1:53am 
@Mr. Tree13 too many words cant read
Lil' Tree 18 May, 2020 @ 8:34am 
yeah @cheems really wondering how you're going to make this about leftism XD

this post just basicly tells you not to be an awefull person for no reason and if that's leftist it seems to me that you say that to be right wing you need to be a dick. hence saying all right wing persons are dicks.

seems like a pretty bold claim to me ;)
MORESTER 18 May, 2020 @ 6:47am 
Close one!
Close one!
Close one!
Close one!
PrivateMayhan  [author] 18 May, 2020 @ 6:29am 
@cheems So non-toxic Rocket League players are Lefties?
MORESTER 17 May, 2020 @ 11:18am 
Don't be toxic cause you never know who the other person on the screen is. I was once really toxic to someone after they kept overdefending ( it was low tier so i should of knew ), they kept saying sorry and were never really toxic back. After the game, I asked him why he wasn't being toxic back. He said he was having a really bad day cause his dog recently died, and thats why he was playing back and wasn't in the mood. I felt really bad after that, and changed my mindset to only be toxic back to people who REALLY are assholes. Some toxic players could be tilted and just need to take a break, or have also been victims and its kind of like a bullying situation ( although its pretty rare ). I've also been trash talked and been told for my family to die from the you know what, but I say, at the end of the day, its just car soccer. I like to apologize after the game when I am toxic, and it usually goes well with them saying "Its alright" and we are cool.
waltuh 17 May, 2020 @ 11:14am 
Leftist post, too many words, cant' read
Master Shifu 16 May, 2020 @ 8:03pm 
too much reading is there a audible book? asking for a friend