Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

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1.382 MB
1 mai 2020 à 15h31
1 mai 2020 à 20h47
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Odie is now Garfield's buddie! in rivals of aether
5 commentaires
CWSKB  [créateur] 3 avr. 2022 à 21h32 
Sorry but this mod is old and will no longer be updated
BardelProto 3 avr. 2022 à 15h01 
can you fix odies sprites in game they are split in 2!
webking321 2 mai 2020 à 10h32 
CWSKB  [créateur] 2 mai 2020 à 9h54 
no i made this odie because garfield needed a buddie wich i made odie ok
webking321 2 mai 2020 à 9h50 
Is it possible to make odie a character as well?