Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

199 hodnocení
Retro gas station V.2
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Buildings (by category): Refueling, Tourism, Decoration
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Retro gas station V.2


АЗС из кинофильма Королева бензоколонки (3 версии)
17.01.2021 полностью обновленный мод, все машины могуть заежать на станцию

Gas station from the movie Gas Station Queen (3 versions)
17/01/2021 completely updated mod, all cars can enter the station

Другие мои работы/ More my mods:
Počet komentářů: 20
Benser  [autor] 15. čvn. 2021 v 11.15 
Если сделать сквозную, будет работать только одна станция, остальные будут блокироваться, пробовал уже
MaeStro[квартрира1] 15. čvn. 2021 v 4.29 
@Benser а можно ее сделать такой?
Куча бензоколонок которые с боку ставятся, а вот так чтобы прямо с дорогой нет не одного.
Benser  [autor] 14. čvn. 2021 v 20.49 
Дорога не сквозная. Удачного пользования!
MaeStro[квартрира1] 14. čvn. 2021 v 5.09 
Спасибо автору за мод.
А дорога сквозная? Чтобы дальше после бензоколонки можно было строить.
ctagger 14. led. 2021 v 8.59 
Thanks so much! In the meantime, I've used my poor beginner's Russian to try to understand the comments below. There's some 'ouch' and 'delete' and 'old version', and you wrote something about 'reinstall' but 'doesn't work'. So I guess this is an ongoing problem... (indeed the vehicles behave a little funny in this old version).

Shto kasayitsa minya, I go with the 'ouch'. I'd really miss this old version, because it's unique among all other gas station mods in combining pass-through traffic with being entirely on one side of the road, so you can treat the other, 'naked' side of the road just like a normal road, building things next to it etc. Ideal for inside densely built old-style cities, and your retro design is golden. It would be such a shame if the problems couldn't be fixed. Or maybe, if you're in a really good mood and have some spare time, you could think of more versions of this one-sided sort? But I don't want to wish too much, so thanks anyway and all the best for 2021!
Benser  [autor] 14. led. 2021 v 4.15 
Ctagger, I will check
ctagger 13. led. 2021 v 13.14 
Please allow me to ask here: whatever happenend to Retro gas station Nr. 1 (the original, narrow version with the whole structure on one side of the road, the design of the building is much the same, so I guess it's yours, too). I've used that one frequently, but a few days ago it suddenly got disfunctional, setting the building in the middle of the road instead of next to it, and the fuel pumps are out of place too. So I thought I'd unsubscribe it and subsribe it again, to see if anything has changed, but I can't even find it here anymore. Or was it part of a larger package?
Benser  [autor] 8. led. 2021 v 9.36 
Yes, one station works with one vehicle, use another stations from first picture, they work correctly.
Light-DelaBlue 6. led. 2021 v 8.49 
i dont know why but only one vehicles use it at the same time.
DrKirk 19. pro. 2020 v 3.31 
у тебя пол немного больше чем показана колизия...