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A basic overview of mechanized warfare.
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This guide will provide a basic overview to the history, implementation, and structure of modern mechanized warfare.
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To put it simply Mechanized Warfare is the implementation of mobile tactics that depend upon moving machines, more particularly upon vehicles powered by gasoline and diesel engines. Central to the waging of mechanized warfare are the tank and armored vehicle, with support and supply from motorized columns and aircraft. Automobiles were of great use in World War I. The tank was introduced in 1917 being implemented in the battle of flers-courcelette, and its use was enthusiastically endorsed by the British general J. F. C. Fuller. The need for air protection and support was emphasized by the American general William Mitchell. Although the basic essentials of mechanized warfare were thus established early, it was not until Germany attacked Poland at the start of World War II that its full potential was unveiled. German armored divisions supported by aircraft proved their worth in early campaigns in Poland and France and later won spectacular successes in the Balkans, the Soviet Union (although eventually pushed back due to attrition), and Africa. Outstanding among the German proponents of this type of warfare were Heinz Guderian and Erwin Rommel. The German triumphs brought recognition to other advocates of mechanized warfare, e.g., Liddell Hart and Charles de Gaulle. The British and American armies also created armored divisions, and they developed weapons for defense against mechanized attack, e.g., the anti tank gun and the tank destroyer. The Germans used their mechanized forces for deep penetrations into enemy territory but were ultimately beaten by superior use of artillery and aircraft as shown by the Allies in the battle of El Alamein and other engagements. The Allies themselves developed the use of mechanized warfare with brilliant success, as in the overrunning of Western Europe (1944–45) by Allied forces under such leaders as Gen. George S Patton of the United States. And a different strategy from the USSR emphasizing quantity over quality to trade casualties for time, a great example of this is the germans being overrun in prokhorovka. The Israeli desert offensives of 1956 and 1967 involved close coordination of motorized infantry units with air and parachute forces; in the Vietnam War helicopters helped to increase the mobility of troops and equipment. Mechanized warfare has been augmented by technological developments to such an extent that the concept has become largely superfluous.
Комментариев: 19
Camsk03 4 окт. 2020 г. в 11:04 
Instructions unclear, got my dick caught in my ceiling fan.
neaow 30 апр. 2020 г. в 14:34 
Instructions unclear, they are now in Berlin
Pomp 27 апр. 2020 г. в 11:38 
Instructions unclear, invaded france at lightning speed
jlkffdfdjj 27 апр. 2020 г. в 11:30 
helped me a lot
Disinterred 26 апр. 2020 г. в 14:25 
Captain Roman S'Jet 23 апр. 2020 г. в 16:40 
YANKEE WITH NO BRIM 22 апр. 2020 г. в 12:54 
Not enough Erwin Rommel and France, 3/10
Spartanreaper2 21 апр. 2020 г. в 11:54 
This really helped me out, thank you for your help
LeBrondra 20 апр. 2020 г. в 21:37 
Does that include Mossberg 590 Pump Action Shotguns?
Not just a Doctor... 19 апр. 2020 г. в 14:15 
slightly saddened that this didn't contain a Sabaton reference :c