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SS Battery Fuse
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16 mar 2020, ore 0:32
4 mag 2024, ore 0:40
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SS Battery Fuse

I have updated both this and fuse to coplapse into 1 item in power.
for a more clean rimworld! right click to see all sizes =)

[1.1] Just updated to 1.1 till Spdskatr come back.
Please see: https://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=832328837
For original mod
[1.0]A mod that adds additional fuses for the mod SS Bigger Batteries. Must be loaded after both RT Fuse and SS Bigger Batteries.
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3 set 2022, ore 5:20
Cross-reference error
26 commenti
Sylen 9 mag 2024, ore 10:54 
Thanks for the update!
gim354945 4 mag 2024, ore 3:52 
thank you!~
Kizzycocoa 13 apr 2024, ore 5:11 
Will you be updating this for 1.5?
Emilie Sackenball 1 dic 2023, ore 22:30 
@Thundercraft no, actually that's the idea of use extra fuses, it should protect the battery drain, but you need to build enough fuses to cover your battery packs.
@Kelsier - The Mistborn you lost that power because you need more fuses to cover these 12k lol
it's practical imo, that's why I use Rimmatomics to never worry about a drain on my batteries (I still use them but not that many)
Thundercraft 13 mar 2022, ore 1:46 
@Kelsier - The Mistborn
I believe you're mistaken about the purpose of the RT Fuse mod. I'm pretty sure that, even with a Fuse, batteries will still lose power or even get drained. Instead, the purpose of the fuse is to protect connected equipment in the case of a Zzzzt event, thus preventing explosions and the downtime and need to repair stuff.
Kelsier - The Mistborn 11 nov 2021, ore 10:04 
Isn't the fuse supposed to STOP the loss of saved electricity, when a Zzzzt.. happens?

My batteries keep getting drained and the switch still has to get flipped. I lost 12k power with a 192k circuit breaker installed. If it is supposed to stop the loss, then I need to debug and find out what's stopping it from... Well... Stopping it... lol
TwotoolusFLY_LSh.st 20 lug 2021, ore 23:44 
thank you 1.3
zyMex  [autore] 24 ago 2020, ore 1:28 
updated to 1.2 sorry been of RW last few weeks, so didnt see RT fuse updated yet
湊-阿库娅Official 23 ago 2020, ore 19:06 
1.2 plz!
Frying_Dutchman 18 ago 2020, ore 11:49 
please update to 1.2