Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

258 ratings
White tile Monorail station
File Size
9.494 MB
4 Mar, 2020 @ 7:22am
8 Mar, 2020 @ 5:20am
3 Change Notes ( view )
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White tile Monorail station

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모노레일은 매력적인 교통수단입니다. 선로가 일반 철도에 비해 얇기 때문에 도로 위에 설치해도 풍경을 많이 가리지 않고, 고무타이어로 굴러가기 때문에 조용하고 급경사도 쉽게 올라갈 수 있는 장점이 있습니다. 시티즈 스카이라인에서는 별로 인기가 없는 것 같은데 모노레일 관련 어셋이 별로 없다는 점도 그 이유 중 하나인 것 같습니다. 바닐라 도로 위 모노레일역은 4차선에서만 사용할 수 있거나 자동으로 횡단보도가 생기는 제약이 있지만, 이 역은 여러 도로에서 자유롭게 사용할 수 있습니다.

바닐라 모노레일 애비뉴와 이 역을 연결할 수 있습니다.
  1. 역을 놓기 위한 도로를 그어주신 뒤 역을 배치해주세요.
  2. 역을 놓기 위한 도로를 철거해주세요.
  3. 그 상태에서 역과 모노레일 애비뉴를 곧바로 연결할 수 있습니다.
  4. 그 후 모노레일 애비뉴와 일반 애비뉴를 모노레일 역 밑으로 연결해주세요.
대신 이 방법을 사용하시면 자동적으로 횡단보도가 만들어지고 횡단보도에 넓은 도로를 연결해서 교차로를 만드시면 역 어셋의 기둥이 방해가 될 수 있습니다.

Monorail is attractive transport system. Sky will not be covered if you lay rail even on the road because monorail is thinner than normal rail. And monorail car use rubber tires so it runs quietly and climb steep slope easily. But in Cities Skylines it seems that monorail is not popular. I think one of the reasons is that we have just few of assets for monorail. Vanila on-road monorail station can be used only on 4 lane road, and crosswalk is made automatically, but this station can be used on variety roads.

You can connect this station with vanilla monorail avenue.
  1. Drag the road vertically for the station and place the station
  2. Bulldoze the road
  3. Then you can connect with monorail avenue with station.
  4. And connect the avenue with monorail avenue under the station.
But if you use this way, crosswalk will be made automatically, and if you make big intersection on there, the pillar of station will disturb.


  1. 駅を配置するための道路を敷いて、駅を配置してください。
  2. 駅を配置するための道路を撤去してください。
  3. その状態から駅とモノレール4車線を繋ぐことができます。
  4. その後、モノレール4車線と一般4車線を駅の下で繋げてください。

Platform Length
  • 50m

  • 5*7

Main model
  • Tris: 2402+24(Sub-mesh)
  • Texture 2048*2048

LOD model
  • Tris: 150
  • Texture: 256*128
Jayms 19 Feb @ 10:50am 
Thank you for this, works great! Love the look of it much more than the vanilla stations. :)
Muska  [author] 13 Feb @ 8:12pm 
@Grosvenor This station is installed perpendicular to the road. First, build a road perpendicular to the track direction and then place the station. After that, construct an avenue under the station along the track direction. The Network Anarchy mod is essential.
Grosvenor 13 Feb @ 12:29pm 
@Muska that doesn't help really just having an image which I want to point out I did try to follow but couldn't figure it out
Muska  [author] 13 Feb @ 6:30am 
@Grosvenor Did you check the 8th picture of this page? It is so simple.
@kim182838 Network Anarchy 모드 구독하셔야 합니다.
kim182838 13 Feb @ 3:37am 
설치가 안되는데 어떻게 설치하나요?
Grosvenor 7 Feb @ 2:16pm 
This is stupidly hard to place make it easy please
Rabid1nsects 4 Feb, 2023 @ 8:49am 
Is there a video of how to use this station? It looks beautiful! But I'm still having difficulty placing it with the roads correctly.
eons Luna 13 Dec, 2022 @ 7:38am 
I intend to have a monorail loop line running around the downtown district of my city, and this will definitely be quite useful. Not the best-looking or most futuristic monorail station out there on the workshop (building a futuristic city here), but it will get the job done.
Chasel 24 Jun, 2021 @ 10:08am 
t1a2l 21 Mar, 2021 @ 3:29am 
@Muska - please add me as friend, I created an asset simillar to yours, and looking for some insights