Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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a deep explaination of the characters in tf2
By Bananana
Hai keds me nam iz todd howard i mede skyrim evrbudy faverit gayem n tudey i maek tem furry 2 gede on ell cancers in thiz gaem pleze liek and sebscreeb 2 me and pley red shudu lagandz a cul nu gaem on da ape stor
disclaimer: this guide may be offensive so if your butthurt ez turn bak
aereet diz iz da scot he iz muricen men with pew pew gun
uzen pew pew gun maeks hed poop off budyz and tu du dat is yu ned to prez meus 1 and maeks pew pew gun go pew pew and da cluzr u ar frem an enime maeks them go dye easir and scot alzo haz a smellr pew pew gun but not pew pew more liek pu pu becaz smellr gun iz poopoo and iz a no no scot alzzo haz a swatta and when a swatta hetz an enime dey getz hert scot cen alzo jamp 2 temz u wand tu go frem sid tu sid or stref tu maek sere yu dant get hurtz end scot can ren away liek a ♥♥♥♥♥ and scot haz sum other shetz like the pepsi pooper whech iz gud and letz u do jampz liek 5 temz in a rew and iz gud bet haz onlee 2 belleys and scot haz the threwin knef and iz butter den da poopoo gun becuz it maekz enime bled and huert elzo scot haz threwer semen thet hels hem whin enime getz het by semen ALZO scot haz fish and maeks him god mode
army gay
army gay iz muricen men and haz boom boom cannen dat herutz pepplez end cun hert army gay tu bet if army gay hert hemself he go fly butt army gay has a pew pew gun tu but it sukz ass end u ned shoe insted which maek you fly moar end army gay haz spoon and het wheth spoon but pocket spoon or minecraft thing iz better for movement or cretikalz nd army gay haz faztr boom boom canun iz gud
spyro da dregin
u cen pley ass spyro da dregin in tem furry 2 and spyro haz fire gun dat bern poople and spyro haz poop pew pew gun jest liek army gay and alezo haz ax dat sux ass spyro iz alzo a waman fun fect spyro alzo haz a backscrasher dat hert enime back nd spyro haz foam ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ on her fire gun nd spyro haz smellr fire gun dat stupz fire but moar dumaghe nd sumtemz lsd and cun see wranbewz
nd spyro haz a slappa dat cen slap poophole wethfoam ♥♥♥♥ cun stupp army gayz boom boom cennun aend maek it so u no no ded alzo haz hamr dat hert bad hart erecdon
drunk shrek
drunk shrek iz frem shrekland nd haz smellr boom boom cannenz wan uf dem cun shut aot eggz nd uthr wan cun ♥♥♥♥♥ ut spoky ballnaw spoky ballz iz bettrz becaz u cen cumtrol it be plessing m2 and drunk shrek alzo haz whisker buttle becauz he drunk ass nd drunk shrek alzo haz pirat weel dat maek him go fazt liek zonix nd haz bass canon so the lagend nevr dedz nd drunk shrek haz poop nd lock dat maekz eggz faztr nd haz iron pooper dat maek dem go boom imeditly butt onlee 4 egg spoky ballz maek drunk shrek go fly liek army gay
putin iz frem mutha ruzia nd becaz he iz he iz vryy fut nd chankey maek him gery frem springboob
butt putin haz beeg fut gun det ♥♥♥♥♥ ut vrry fuzt nd maekz hem verey gud fur mud men tu hel him nd maek mud men puuprcherge vry purwerfel nd putin haz vrry ♥♥♥♥ pew pew gun juzt liek army gay and spyro nd nevr uze it unnlez beeg fut gun ♥♥♥♥♥ ut ell belleyz den ♥♥♥♥ pew pew gun iz gud nd putin haz fiz jest liek mutha ruzia nd u wand zonix glevz no fiz nd instad uf ♥♥♥♥ pew pew gun you cun hev a beeg mac frem mcdonald nd beeg mac iz vrry gud nd maek you mor helthy boi putin haz quit stelh beeg gun daz vrry gud nd haz beeg gun dat maekz enime slew liek gery frem springboob jezt liek u fen fecktd slew fut gun iz nemed aftr putin x gf nd nevr uze fire choiken gun or geld gun thy sux ass
bob da buildr
bob da buildr iz muracin men nd haz ♥♥♥♥ pew pew gun nd poopoo gun tu so he sux butt ge can beld beeg fut gun mechinz nd telepurtrz nd mud men mechinz butt he haz wreens nd wreenz iz gud bob da buildr alzo haz a hel pew pew det helz mechinz nd iz vrry gud nd haz hend wreenz nd iz bettr nd haz cervd wreenz dit iz alzo gud butt bob iz bad cancer nevr pley bob
mud men
mud men iz jermen nazze dectr butt betr so he cen helb tem bey helng ether cancers wheth hiz magik hel gun nd cun maek u not dye eventualy weth da pooperchreg nd mud men alzo haz vacin gun butt it ♥♥♥♥ nd haz chensew dat ok mud men alzo haz crezboy daz vrry gud nd hel othr cancers iz buttr den da vacine gun nd mud men haz kreg frem bl2 nd doez critikelz 4 pooperchrege but no buttr den stuck magik hel gun nd haz pooprsew dat maekz pooper faztr nd iz vrry gud
kamngaroo man
kamngaroo man i zfrem kamngarro land nd haz awp frem cauntr strewk nd iz vrry nize nd cherged he do moar hert nd git hedshitz he alzo haz audo poopoo gun whetch iz werd fur a snepr nd haz knef butt kamngaroo man can haz orang belleyz awp whetch vrry nize nd can hav piss nd piss coulg be threw nd enime weth piss taek mor hert nd dey yello nd kamngaroo man alzo cun hav shel nd shel cun do differnd thong liek maek beggute men knef no hert or spyro fire gun no hert nd mor kamngaroo man alzo haz piss awp dat haz piss in it iz ok nd kamngaroo man can hav bled knef 2 jest liek scot nnd iz gud
beggute mon
beggute mon iz frem french fry nd haz beeg iron whetch iz ok bud he haz knef nmd cun baksteb wheth it nd iz 1 ♥♥♥♥ nd putin nd kamngarroo man iz ez vectemz mud men tu nd beggute mon haz steldh boi dat maek him dizzaper nd haz lightnen ipad dat rein bob dey nd beggute mon alzo haz clock nd deggr whecth maek him alwaz dizzaper nd haz co;ld knef det frez cancerz nd haz politician det can do heat shots seriously use this why wouldnt you? nd haz steldh boi beg iro maek him steldh mor butt beggute mon sux ass nd worzy cancer
best wowdutz
scot wowdutz
pepsi pooper
threk knef/semen
army gay wowdutz
stuk/faztr boom boom cannun
spyro wowdutz
smellr fire gun
drunk shrek wowdutrz
iro poopr
spoky ballz
bass canon
putin wowdutz
snek fut gun
beeg mac
zonix glev
bob wowdutz
hel pew pew
cervd wreenz
mud men wowdutz
kamngaroo man wowdutz
orang awp
bled knef
beggute mon wowdutz
cold knef
clock deggr
by by
helpfel no u knew how 2 pley all da cancers