Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Halo: The Master Chief Collection

142 betyg
Button Combos in Halo 2
This is a complete list of all known button glitches (works with Gamepad & M/KB)
Button Combos

A button combo is a sequence of buttons that, when pressed in order, results in the execution of an exploit. Typical button combos take advantage of unforeseen attributes of certain actions. Some actions, such as meleeing, can disrupt animations for firing and reloading weapons, performing melees, etc. By chaining these and other actions, players can perform special tricks, such as automatic Plasma Grenade sticks and instant close-range kills.

Button Combos only work in Halo 2 Classic and not in Halo 2 Anniversary

Also if you're trying to learn and master these inputs on M/KB, just keep in mind:
- X is now a mix between Reload and Action. Everything still works, but you might have 2 buttons for them, just press the button in context.
- Y is now whatever your Switch Weapons is.
- R is now whatever Shoot is.
- B is now whatever Melee is

Halo 2 Button Descriptions

X = The X button can cancel the timers of animations, such as melee or grenades (off-host), enabling you to fire or melee sooner than you would normally.

Y = The Y button can cancel reloading, cancel melee animations, and, when used in a quick double sequence, it can enable you to open fire again sooner after reloading.

B = The B button can cancel the reload timer by meleeing and pressing X afterward. The melee's lunge can also be used to swing at your opponent, after which you can snipe someone no-scoped or stick people with a plasma grenade.

L = The L button can be used to reload. After you have thrown a grenade, press X. You will automatically reload, but you can keep shooting while you reload (off-host).

Overheat mechanic:
Overheated plasma weapons have extra abilities. After a weapon overheats, it will reset the timers for shooting, meleeing and grenading; this can be used to get quick sessions of double grenades.

Button combo list / button sequence:

The BXR: Range Melee: you press these buttons in this order: B-X-R. As soon as your melee connects with the opponent in a meele situation, you want to hit X and then R as fast as you can. This will result in an instant kill.

The BXB: aka double melee. You want to hit B to melee your opponent, and as soon as the melee connects, you want to hit X and then B again. It will kill the opponent very quickly and is a good basic move.

RRX: Long Range. This is the Double Shot. If done effectively, you can out BR the enemy in half the time that it would take normally, and can virtually be unstoppable if well practiced. All you have to do is push the right trigger once, and as soon as the 3 bullets leave the BR, you press the righttrigger again, and then hit x right after. 6 bullets should leave the BR rapidly, and your gun should reload its ammo. What you want to do after you successfully complete a double shot, is hit Y twice. This will change your gun quickly back to the BR, while not reloading the gun. After that you can Double Shot again.

RRXYYRRX: Long Range. This is the Quad shot, its basically the doubleshot on steroids. Harder to pull of and needs years of practice to do constantly.

27 kommentarer
xferginatorx 16 aug, 2023 @ 11:08 
Trying to remember a button combo in Halo 2 that seems to be lost to the sands of time. A combo that I believe included B and Y, could be wrong, that allowed you to guardian melee. Basically you can kill teammates, even if friend fire was off. It was something like YYB or BYB or YBY or BBY or YBB or BYY
Emetann 28 sep, 2022 @ 0:55 
Humphred 27 sep, 2022 @ 19:54 
just go play a fighting game at this point lol
pink 26 sep, 2022 @ 17:28 
This is why I don't play Halo 2 multiplayer. (aside from anniversary)
/3udweiser /3andit 20 jul, 2022 @ 15:23 
both controllers and M+KB can use macros
the anticheat detects for Chronus devices and AHK running
but if you can script these onto the hardware itself, say for a programmable mouse, or for a scriptable controller, its a total non issue.
/3udweiser /3andit 20 jul, 2022 @ 14:59 
I just dropped the frame-correct timings for a consistently chainable DoubleShot, which, when using these timings, can achieve the mythically unheard of Duodecashot (12burst) magdump when looped.

Something no player and no macro could achieve before I came along.
/3udweiser /3andit 20 jul, 2022 @ 14:58 
for macoheads out there:

Mouse Click (in)
Mouse Click (release)

Wait 83 miliseconds

Mouse Click (in)

Wait 117 miliseconds

Mouse Click (release)
R (in)
R (release)

Wait 233 miliseconds

Q (in)
Q (release)

Wait 17 miliseconds


Wait 207 miliseconds

Blitz Ace 27 jun, 2022 @ 13:33 
I played a couple ranked H2C matches the other day. 2 back-to-back matches with the same people and then it died lmao. Was fun while it lasted!
Chest Rockwell 25 jun, 2022 @ 12:38 
great, now can some people get on and actually play h2 hardcore! Never can find a match
zippy 13 jun, 2022 @ 13:53 
Time to become a douchebag