Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

600 个评价
Decals - Pack (Markings etc.)
Assets: Prop
2.954 MB
2019 年 11 月 24 日 上午 2:09
2021 年 2 月 23 日 上午 6:32
3 项改动说明 ( 查看 )

Decals - Pack (Markings etc.)

在 clus 的 3 个合集中
LRT - Tram - Network
65 件物品
Clus´s networks
115 件物品
Clus´s Trolleybus Roads
11 件物品
Decals - Pack (Markings etc.)


Hello community !

Yes ... I definitely know, that a lot of those decals within the pack are already existing at the workshop.
But I wanted only one package, which includes all decals that I will use at my roads.
That´s the reason for the creation.

This pack currently consists of 40 Decals.

It will be updated from time to time....

You won`t need to use this package for any of my upcoming road assets.
But if you do, it will help you to save props and will also provide you with an already "pre -detailed" road.

Something about the models

I tried to create all these decals as efficent as possible.
That means the texture sizes are relatively small.
They vary between 32x32 till 256x256 px.


I used the pre-made mesh from Ronyx69 to speed up the creation process ! Thanks for that !
I also did use Boformer´s new script for decals, which provides some new possibilities.
(for example: the possibility to use different tilling values on the decal textures)
Thanks for that as well !


None ! Thanks to the new decals - script by Boformer !
Decal Prop Fix - Mod is not need. ;)

Forgotten thoughts

I´ll add them when they are back ... ;)


If you like this addition to the workshop... and you want more, you could give it a thumbs up. :)
That would be very much appreciated !!! :)

For further questions and comments use the comment function below the asset.

If you find issues, mistakes etc. feel free to comment them as well ...

And if you want to buy me a cup of coffee to keep me awake during the long night shifts
you can do that here ...cup of coffee...[] only if you want of course. ;)
All assets are for free and will stay for free. :)

Plus, suggestions for other decals or whatever, are always welcome ! :)

Wíth best regards ... :)
23 条留言
The Royal 2022 年 3 月 23 日 上午 1:26 
What is the RGB code for bike lanes?
clus  [作者] 2022 年 3 月 21 日 上午 5:27 
Idk whats going on at your end, but I have them all under decals in the find it.
Snacko 2022 年 3 月 19 日 下午 12:04 
I subscribed, but where are these?? I can't find them even with Find it.
quartomeruro 2021 年 3 月 30 日 下午 4:29 
would be great to have a pedestrian crossing decal, much like the blue bike one! amazing decals
ManuRamos 2021 年 2 月 4 日 上午 4:57 
Clus_BikePathOuterStripes32m.crp .and.
have the same Asset Name. Can you Fix it? Thanks
ManuRamos 2020 年 10 月 9 日 上午 9:51 
Same problem. Any solution?
LilBOY 2020 年 8 月 10 日 下午 6:40 
Same asset name (1919886860.Bus Tram Lane - Decal _Data) in all of these:
Bus Tram Lane - Decal
Bus Tram Lane - Decal:steamfacepalm:
LilBOY 2020 年 8 月 10 日 下午 6:40 
Same asset name (1919886860.Bike Path - Decal_Data) in all of these:
Bike Path - Decal
Bike Path - Decal
smsmurphy43 2020 年 4 月 5 日 下午 4:03 
Duplicate asset names
Same asset name (1919886860.Bike Path - Decal_Data) in all of these:
Bike Path - Decal
Bike Path - Decal
Bus Tram Lane - Decal
Bus Tram Lane - Decal
afu 2020 年 4 月 4 日 下午 5:37 
Custom Assets: 1919886860.Bike Path - Decal_Data: Duplicate prefab name
Custom Assets: 1919886860.Bus Tram Lane - Decal _Data: Duplicate prefab name