Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

32 beoordelingen
Metro Paramedic Services - Chevrolet Express Box Ambulance
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Assets: Vehicle
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9.377 MB
22 jul 2019 om 18:36
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Metro Paramedic Services - Chevrolet Express Box Ambulance

In 3 verzamelingen van CelsiuZ
C-TSC - North America Vehicles
254 items
Emergency Vehicles - By CelsiuZ
148 items
The Ontario/Canada Emergency Vehicle Collection
45 items
Metro Paramedic Services (Late Model) Critical Care Ambulance - Response Version

This is a Metro Paramedic Services Chevrolet Express (Late Production Model) Ambulance based off of the Toronto Paramedic services.

Metro Paramedic Services - Prop Pack

If you're interested in what I am currently working on, you can see it here. []

This was another very successful collaborative project on the behalf of me and Ninjanoobslayer, where the models were provided by him, and the textures were created by me. If you like our work, feel free to drop a comment to thank Ninjanoobslayer or me.
2 opmerkingen
CelsiuZ  [auteur] 11 feb 2020 om 15:30 
Of course! Shoot me a message when I'm on!
long boi 11 feb 2020 om 14:20 
Hi just added you for a quick chat about using this one, thanks!