Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

161 évaluations
Jennie house.Seabreeze
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6 juin 2019 à 21h56
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Jennie house.Seabreeze

Dans 1 collection faite par AliTarGz
New Zealand buildings
82 objets
Hello, dear subscribers and other game fans!
This is a Jennie house.Seabreeze.
It will be complex of 5-6 buildings.
Type of building: Growable - residential low, level 5.

Color varitions: no
Jennie house.Seabreeze
Model info:
Tris = 1194
Texture size = 512x512
Texture types = d, i, s

LOD info:
Tris = 76
Texture size = 256x256
Texture types = d, i, s

If you like my building, please subscribe, write a comment and put it like.
2 commentaires
hashimoto4life 2 aout 2019 à 0h38 
This is amazing. Your low residential creations are just wow.
CyberVibes 7 juin 2019 à 4h20 
Awesome, keep em coming, thanks as always.